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Day 5: Hydrothermal Venture

by @tgodzik

Puzzle description

Solution of Part 1

Parsing the file

The first step as usual is to model the problem and to parse the input file.

In this puzzle we are dealing with cartesian coordinates, so it would be good to add a Point class for convenience.

case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)

Beside that we will also want to model a Vent which can have starting point and ending one:

case class Vent(start: Point, end: Point)

Let's try to convert the input to a sequence of vents.

val allVents =

As you can see above I actually decide to put the parsing of the lines into the apply method of Vent, which we can implement as:

object Vent:
def apply(str: String) =
str.split("->") match
case Array(start, end) =>
new Vent(Point(start), Point(end))
case _ =>
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(s"Wrong vent input $str")

In the above code we split the line into the part before -> and after it, which are the start and end of the vent. I delegate the parsing of positions further into the apply metohd of Position:

object Point:
def apply(str: String) =
str.split(",") match
case Array(start, end) => Point(start.trim.toInt, end.trim.toInt)
case _ =>
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(s"Wrong point input $str")

With all the above code we now have a really nicely modeled input.

Hydrothermal Venture: The Orthogonal Pleasures.

Let's use the input to find all the dangerous spots on the map in the first part of the puzzle. We can use a mutable map with default values for that:

val map = mutable.Map[Point, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)

This way we can easily update all the points that have a vent defined with as imple method:

  def update(p: Point) =
val current = map(p)
map.update(p, current + 1)

Last thing to consider is how to actually add those points. For that we need to define proper ranges:

def rangex =
val stepx = if vent.end.x > vent.start.x then 1 else -1, stepx)
def rangey =
val stepy = if vent.end.y > vent.start.y then 1 else -1, stepy)

We need to make sure that those range are increasing or decreasing based on the fact that the start might be located before the end.

With those ranges defined we can just iterate and add all the points:

// vent is horizontal
if vent.start.x == vent.end.x then
for py <- rangey do update(Point(vent.start.x, py))
// vent is vertical
else if vent.start.y == vent.end.y then
for px <- rangex do update(Point(px, vent.start.y))

and add the end just count them all up:

map.count { case (_, v) => v > 1 }

Altogether the solution looks like this:

def findDangerousPoints(vents: Seq[Vent]) =
val map = mutable.Map[Point, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
def update(p: Point) =
val current = map(p)
map.update(p, current + 1)

for vent <- vents do
def rangex =
val stepx = if vent.end.x > vent.start.x then 1 else -1, stepx)
def rangey =
val stepy = if vent.end.y > vent.start.y then 1 else -1, stepy)
// vent is horizontal
if vent.start.x == vent.end.x then
for py <- rangey do update(Point(vent.start.x, py))
// vent is vertical
else if vent.start.y == vent.end.y
for px <- rangex do update(Point(px, vent.start.y))
end for

map.count { case (_, v) => v > 1 }
end findDangerousPoints

Hydrothermal Venture 2: The Diagonal Menace

For the second part of the puzzle we need to take into account also the diagonal vents. Fortunately, they can only have an angle of 45 degrees, which means that both x and y positions increment by 1 at each step of the range. So we can add additional condition to our solution:

else for (px, py) <- do update(Point(px, py))

We can just use the 2 previously defined ranges for this. So the full method will look like this:

def findDangerousPoints(vents: Seq[Vent]) =
val map = mutable.Map[Point, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
def update(p: Point) =
val current = map(p)
map.update(p, current + 1)

for vent <- vents do
def rangex =
val stepx = if vent.end.x > vent.start.x then 1 else -1, stepx)
def rangey =
val stepy = if vent.end.y > vent.start.y then 1 else -1, stepy)
// vent is horizontal
if vent.start.x == vent.end.x then
for py <- rangey do update(Point(vent.start.x, py))
// vent is vertical
else if vent.start.y == vent.end.y then
for px <- rangex do update(Point(px, vent.start.y))
// vent is diagonal
else for (px, py) <- do update(Point(px, py))
end for

map.count { case (_, v) => v > 1 }
end findDangerousPoints

Run solution in the browser

Part 1

Part 2

Run it locally

You can get this solution locally by cloning the scalacenter/scala-advent-of-code repository.

$ git clone
$ cd scala-advent-of-code

You can run it with scala-cli.

$ scala-cli 2021 -M day5.part1
The answer is: 7674

$ scala-cli 2021 -M day5.part2
The answer is: 20898

You can replace the content of the input/day5 file with your own input from to get your own solution.

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