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Day 23: Amphipod

by @adpi2

Puzzle description

Modeling and parsing the input

We model Position as a case class containing two integer fields: x and y.

Room is a enumeration of 4 cases from A to D and it is parameterized by the coordinate x of the room in the diagram.

Likewise, Amphipod is an enumeration of 4 cases from A to D and it is parameterized by its energy cost and destination room.

case class Position(x: Int, y: Int)

enum Room(val x: Int):
case A extends Room(3)
case B extends Room(5)
case C extends Room(7)
case D extends Room(9)

type Energy = Int

enum Amphipod(val energy: Energy, val destination: Room):
case A extends Amphipod(1, Room.A)
case B extends Amphipod(10, Room.B)
case C extends Amphipod(100, Room.C)
case D extends Amphipod(1000, Room.D)

We model a situation as a case class of all the occupied positions and the size of the room (this will be needed for part 2).

case class Situation(positions: Map[Position, Amphipod], roomSize: Int)

We can parse the input file into the initial Situation with:

object Situation:
def parse(input: String, roomSize: Int): Situation =
val positions =
(line, y) <- input.linesIterator.zipWithIndex
(char, x) <- line.zipWithIndex
amphipod <- Amphipod.tryParse(char)
yield Position(x, y) -> amphipod
Situation(positions.toMap, roomSize)

where Amphipod.tryParse is:

object Amphipod:
def tryParse(input: Char): Option[Amphipod] =
input match
case 'A' => Some(Amphipod.A)
case 'B' => Some(Amphipod.B)
case 'C' => Some(Amphipod.C)
case 'D' => Some(Amphipod.D)
case _ => None

Using Dijkstra's algorithm to solve the puzzle

Dijkstra's algorithm is used for finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph. Our intuition here is that the puzzle can be modeled as a graph and solved using Dijkstra's algorithm.

A graph of situations

We can think of the puzzle as a graph of situations, where a node is an instance of Situation and an edge is an amphipod's move whose weight is the energy cost of the move.

In such a graph, two situations are connected if there is an amphipod move that transform the first situation into the second.

Implementing the Dijkstra's solver

We want to find the minimal energy cost to go from the initial situation to the final situation, where all amphipods are located in their destination room. This is the energy cost of the shortest path between the two situations in the graph described above. We can use Dijkstra's algorithm to find it.

Here is our implementation:

class DijkstraSolver(initialSituation: Situation):
private val bestSituations = mutable.Map(initialSituation -> 0)
private val situationsToExplore =
mutable.PriorityQueue((initialSituation, 0))(, energy) => -energy))

final def solve(): Energy =
val (situation, energy) = situationsToExplore.dequeue
if situation.isFinal then energy
else if bestSituations(situation) < energy then solve()
(nextSituation, consumedEnergy) <- situation.moveAllAmphipodsOnce
nextEnergy = energy + consumedEnergy
knownEnergy = bestSituations.getOrElse(nextSituation, Int.MaxValue)
if nextEnergy < knownEnergy
bestSituations.update(nextSituation, nextEnergy)
situationsToExplore.enqueue((nextSituation, nextEnergy))

At the beginning we only know the cost of the initial situation which is 0.

The solve method is recursive:

  1. First we dequeue the best known situation in the situationToExplore queue.
  2. If it is the final situation, we return the associated energy cost.
  3. If it is not:
  • We compute all the situations connected to it by moving all amphipods once.
  • For each of these new situations, we check if the energy cost is better than before and if so we add it into the queue.
  • We recurse by calling solve again.

Final solution

// using scala 3.1.0

package day23

import scala.util.Using
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable

@main def part1(): Unit =
val answer = part1(readInput())
println(s"The answer is: $answer")

@main def part2(): Unit =
val answer = part2(readInput())
println(s"The answer is: $answer")

def readInput(): String =

case class Position(x: Int, y: Int)

enum Room(val x: Int):
case A extends Room(3)
case B extends Room(5)
case C extends Room(7)
case D extends Room(9)

type Energy = Int

enum Amphipod(val energy: Energy, val destination: Room):
case A extends Amphipod(1, Room.A)
case B extends Amphipod(10, Room.B)
case C extends Amphipod(100, Room.C)
case D extends Amphipod(1000, Room.D)

object Amphipod:
def tryParse(input: Char): Option[Amphipod] =
input match
case 'A' => Some(Amphipod.A)
case 'B' => Some(Amphipod.B)
case 'C' => Some(Amphipod.C)
case 'D' => Some(Amphipod.D)
case _ => None

val hallwayStops: Seq[Position] = Seq(
Position(1, 1),
Position(2, 1),
Position(4, 1),
Position(6, 1),
Position(8, 1),
Position(10, 1),
Position(11, 1)

case class Situation(positions: Map[Position, Amphipod], roomSize: Int):
def moveAllAmphipodsOnce: Seq[(Situation, Energy)] =
(start, amphipod) <- positions.toSeq
stop <- nextStops(amphipod, start)
path = getPath(start, stop)
if path.forall(isEmpty)
val newPositions = positions - start + (stop -> amphipod)
val energy = path.size *
(copy(positions = newPositions), energy)

def isFinal =
positions.forall((position, amphipod) => position.x == amphipod.destination.x)

* Return a list of positions to which an amphipod at position `from` can go:
* - If the amphipod is in its destination room and the room is free it must not go anywhere.
* - If the amphipod is in its destination room and the room is not free it can go to the hallway.
* - If the amphipod is in the hallway it can only go to its destination.
* - Otherwise it can go to the hallway.
private def nextStops(amphipod: Amphipod, from: Position): Seq[Position] =
from match
case Position(x, y) if x == amphipod.destination.x =>
if isDestinationFree(amphipod) then Seq.empty
else hallwayStops
case Position(_, 1) =>
if isDestinationFree(amphipod) then
(roomSize + 1).to(2, step = -1)
.map(y => Position(amphipod.destination.x, y))
else Seq.empty
case _ => hallwayStops

private def isDestinationFree(amphipod: Amphipod): Boolean = + 1)
.flatMap(y => positions.get(Position(amphipod.destination.x, y)))
.forall(_ == amphipod)

// Build the path to go from `start` to `stop`
private def getPath(start: Position, stop: Position): Seq[Position] =
val hallway =
if start.x < stop.x
then (start.x + 1).to(stop.x).map(Position(_, 1))
else (start.x - 1).to(stop.x, step = -1).map(Position(_, 1))
val startRoom = (start.y - 1).to(1, step = -1).map(Position(start.x, _))
val stopRoom =, _))
startRoom ++ hallway ++ stopRoom

private def isEmpty(position: Position) =

object Situation:
def parse(input: String, roomSize: Int): Situation =
val positions =
(line, y) <- input.linesIterator.zipWithIndex
(char, x) <- line.zipWithIndex
amphipod <- Amphipod.tryParse(char)
yield Position(x, y) -> amphipod
Situation(positions.toMap, roomSize)

class DijkstraSolver(initialSituation: Situation):
private val bestSituations = mutable.Map(initialSituation -> 0)
private val situationsToExplore =
mutable.PriorityQueue((initialSituation, 0))(, energy) => -energy))

final def solve(): Energy =
val (situation, energy) = situationsToExplore.dequeue
if situation.isFinal then energy
else if bestSituations(situation) < energy then solve()
(nextSituation, consumedEnergy) <- situation.moveAllAmphipodsOnce
nextEnergy = energy + consumedEnergy
knownEnergy = bestSituations.getOrElse(nextSituation, Int.MaxValue)
if nextEnergy < knownEnergy
bestSituations.update(nextSituation, nextEnergy)
situationsToExplore.enqueue((nextSituation, nextEnergy))

def part1(input: String): Energy =
val initialSituation = Situation.parse(input, roomSize = 2)

def part2(input: String): Energy =
val lines = input.linesIterator
val unfoldedInput = (lines.take(3) ++ Seq(" #D#C#B#A#", " #D#B#A#C#") ++ lines.take(2)).mkString("\n")
val initialSituation = Situation.parse(unfoldedInput, roomSize = 4)

Run it in the browser

Part 1

Part 2

Run it locally

You can get this solution locally by cloning the scalacenter/scala-advent-of-code repository.

$ git clone
$ cd scala-advent-of-code

You can run it with scala-cli.

$ scala-cli 2021 -M day21.part1
The answer is: 855624

$ scala-cli 2021 -M day21.part2
The answer is: 187451244607486

You can replace the content of the input/day21 file with your own input from to get your own solution.

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