Day 13: Claw Contraption
by @scarf005
Puzzle description
Solution Summary
This problem requires you to work with equations and numbers.
Both parts of the problem ask you to calculate the smallest number of tokens needed to win as many prizes as possible, which means to calculate the optimal number of A and B button presses.
- For part 1, the question assures you that buttons are pressed no more than 100 times, so it can simply be brute forced for all possible combinations.
- For part 2, the position of prize is higher by 10000000000000, which means a brute-force approach is not feasible. We need to use the power of math to calculate the optimal solution.
- First, describe the relation between button presses and prize position as a multivariable equation.
- Then, use algebraic properties to simplify the equation.
- This way, we reduce the complexity of the problem to
The input data is quite complex to parse. First, let's create a case class to store the amount of claw movements and the prize position:
case class Claw(ax: Long, ay: Long, bx: Long, by: Long, x: Long, y: Long)
Since a lot of numbers need to be parsed, Extractor Objects come in handy. this L
object with an unapply
method will parse a string to Long
object L:
def unapply(s: String): Option[Long] = s.toLongOption
Then the inputs can be pattern-matched, like this:
object Claw:
def parse(xs: Seq[String]): Option[Claw] = xs match
case Seq(
s"Button A: X+${L(ax)}, Y+${L(ay)}",
s"Button B: X+${L(bx)}, Y+${L(by)}",
s"Prize: X=${L(x)}, Y=${L(y)}",
) =>
Some(Claw(ax, ay, bx, by, x, y))
case _ => None
To use Claw.parse
, we need to pass 3 lines at a time. We can use .split
and .grouped
def parse(input: String): Seq[Claw] =
Part 1
Brute forcing part 1 is trivial; as the upper bound of button press is 100, we can just try all 10,000
def part1(input: String): Long =
def solve(c: Claw) =
a <- 0 to 100
b <- 0 to 100
if a * + b * c.bx == c.x
if a * c.ay + b * == c.y
yield (a * 3L + b)
Part 2
However, we need to completely ditch our part 1 solution, because now our targets are suddenly farther by 10 trillion. We won't be able to run it till the heat death of the universe! (probably)
We need another approach. Let's look at the condition carefully...
Turns out we can express it using system of equations! For number of button presses A
and B
, our target x
and y
can be described as following equation:
Which can be solved for A
in terms of B
Then A
can be equated in both expressions:
Now ax
and ay
can be cross-multiplied to eliminate denominators:
...Expand and rearrange:
Group terms involving B
Then solve for B
Using B
, A
can also be solved:
There's two more important requirement for A
and B
should both be an natural number.- denominator musn't be
(divide by zero!)
Let's write a safeDiv
function to address them:
extension (a: Long)
infix def safeDiv(b: Long): Option[Long] =
Option.when(b != 0 && a % b == 0)(a / b)
we check that denominator is not zero and that numerator is divisible by denominator.
With the help of safeDiv
, the solution can be cleanly expressed as:
case class Claw(ax: Long, ay: Long, bx: Long, by: Long, x: Long, y: Long):
def solve: Option[Long] = for
b <- (x * ay - y * ax) safeDiv (bx * ay - by * ax)
a <- (x - b * bx) safeDiv ax
yield a * 3 + b
also don't forget to add 10000000000000 to the prize position:
def part2(input: String): Long =
val diff = 10_000_000_000_000L
.map(c => c.copy(x = c.x + diff, y = c.y + diff))
Final Code
case class Claw(ax: Long, ay: Long, bx: Long, by: Long, x: Long, y: Long):
def solve: Option[Long] = for
b <- (x * ay - y * ax) safeDiv (bx * ay - by * ax)
a <- (x - b * bx) safeDiv ax
yield a * 3 + b
object Claw:
def parse(xs: Seq[String]): Option[Claw] = xs match
case Seq(
s"Button A: X+${L(ax)}, Y+${L(ay)}",
s"Button B: X+${L(bx)}, Y+${L(by)}",
s"Prize: X=${L(x)}, Y=${L(y)}",
) =>
Some(Claw(ax, ay, bx, by, x, y))
case _ => None
def parse(input: String): Seq[Claw] =
extension (a: Long)
infix def safeDiv(b: Long): Option[Long] =
Option.when(b != 0 && a % b == 0)(a / b)
object L:
def unapply(s: String): Option[Long] = s.toLongOption
def part1(input: String): Long =
def part2(input: String): Long =
val diff = 10_000_000_000_000L
.map(c => c.copy(x = c.x + diff, y = c.y + diff))
Run it in the browser
Part 1
Part 2
Solutions from the community
- Solution by Raphaël Marbeck
- Solution by Spamegg
- Solution by Antoine Amiguet
- Solution by scarf
- Solution by merlinorg
- Solution by mbovel
- Solution by Philippus Baalman
- Solution by jnclt
- Solution by Bulby
- Solution by Joshua Portway
- Solution by Paweł Cembaluk
- Solution by Roland Tritsch
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