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Day 21: Monkey Math

Puzzle description

Final Code

import annotation.tailrec
import Operation.*

def part1(input: String): Long =

def part2(input: String): Long =

enum Operator(val eval: BinOp, val invRight: BinOp, val invLeft: BinOp):
case `+` extends Operator(_ + _, _ - _, _ - _)
case `-` extends Operator(_ - _, _ + _, (x, y) => y - x)
case `*` extends Operator(_ * _, _ / _, _ / _)
case `/` extends Operator(_ / _, _ * _, (x, y) => y / x)

enum Operation:
case Binary(op: Operator, depA: String, depB: String)
case Constant(value: Long)

type BinOp = (Long, Long) => Long
type Resolved = Map[String, Long]
type Source = Map[String, Operation]
type Substitutions = List[(String, PartialFunction[Operation, Operation])]

def readAll(input: String): Map[String, Operation] =
for case s"$name: $action" <- input.linesIterator yield
name -> action.match
case s"$x $binop $y" =>
Binary(Operator.valueOf(binop), x, y)
case n =>

def reachable(names: List[String], source: Source, resolved: Resolved): Resolved = names match
case name :: rest =>
source.get(name) match
case None => resolved // return as name is not reachable
case Some(operation) => operation match
case Binary(op, x, y) =>
(resolved.get(x), resolved.get(y)) match
case (Some(a), Some(b)) =>
reachable(rest, source, resolved + (name -> op.eval(a, b)))
case _ =>
reachable(x :: y :: name :: rest, source, resolved)
case Constant(value) =>
reachable(rest, source, resolved + (name -> value))
case Nil =>
end reachable

def resolveRoot(input: String): Long =
val values = reachable("root" :: Nil, readAll(input), Map.empty)

def whichValue(input: String): Long =
val source = readAll(input) - "humn"

def binarySearch(name: String, goal: Option[Long], resolved: Resolved): Long =

def resolve(name: String) =
val values = reachable(name :: Nil, source, resolved)
values.get(name).map(_ -> values)

def nextGoal(inv: BinOp, value: Long): Long = goal match
case Some(prev) => inv(prev, value)
case None => value

(source.get(name): @unchecked) match
case Some(Operation.Binary(op, x, y)) =>
((resolve(x), resolve(y)): @unchecked) match
case (Some(xValue -> resolvedX), _) => // x is known, y has a hole
binarySearch(y, Some(nextGoal(op.invLeft, xValue)), resolvedX)
case (_, Some(yValue -> resolvedY)) => // y is known, x has a hole
binarySearch(x, Some(nextGoal(op.invRight, yValue)), resolvedY)
case None =>
goal.get // hole found
end binarySearch

binarySearch(goal = None, name = "root", resolved = Map.empty)
end whichValue

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Part 1

Part 2

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