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Day 11: Monkey in the Middle

Puzzle description

Final Code

import scala.collection.immutable.Queue

def part1(input: String): Long =
run(initial = parseInput(input), times = 20, adjust = _ / 3)

def part2(input: String): Long =
run(initial = parseInput(input), times = 10_000, adjust = identity)

type Worry = Long
type Op = Worry => Worry
type Monkeys = IndexedSeq[Monkey]

case class Monkey(
items: Queue[Worry],
divisibleBy: Int,
ifTrue: Int,
ifFalse: Int,
op: Op,
inspected: Int

def iterate[Z](times: Int)(op: Z => Z)(z: Z): Z =
(0 until times).foldLeft(z) { (z, _) => op(z) }

def run(initial: Monkeys, times: Int, adjust: Op): Long =
val lcm =
val monkeys = iterate(times)(round(adjust, lcm))(initial)

def round(adjust: Op, lcm: Worry)(monkeys: Monkeys): Monkeys =
monkeys.indices.foldLeft(monkeys) { (monkeys, index) =>
turn(index, monkeys, adjust, lcm)

def turn(index: Int, monkeys: Monkeys, adjust: Op, lcm: Worry): Monkeys =
val monkey = monkeys(index)
val Monkey(items, divisibleBy, ifTrue, ifFalse, op, inspected) = monkey

val monkeys1 = items.foldLeft(monkeys) { (monkeys, item) =>
val inspected = op(item)
val nextWorry = adjust(inspected) % lcm
val thrownTo =
if nextWorry % divisibleBy == 0 then ifTrue
else ifFalse
val thrownToMonkey =
val m = monkeys(thrownTo)
m.copy(items = m.items :+ nextWorry)
monkeys.updated(thrownTo, thrownToMonkey)
val monkey1 = monkey.copy(
items = Queue.empty,
inspected = inspected + items.size
monkeys1.updated(index, monkey1)
end turn

def parseInput(input: String): Monkeys =

def eval(by: String): Op =
if by == "old" then identity
else Function.const(by.toInt)

def parseOperator(op: String, left: Op, right: Op): Op =
op match
case "+" => old => left(old) + right(old)
case "*" => old => left(old) * right(old)

case Seq(
s"Monkey $n:",
s" Starting items: $items",
s" Operation: new = $left $operator $right",
s" Test: divisible by $div",
s" If true: throw to monkey $ifTrue",
s" If false: throw to monkey $ifFalse",
) <- input.linesIterator.grouped(7)
val op = parseOperator(operator, eval(left), eval(right))
val itemsQueue = items.split(", ").map(_.toLong).to(Queue)
Monkey(itemsQueue, div.toInt, ifTrue.toInt, ifFalse.toInt, op, inspected = 0)
end parseInput

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Part 1

Part 2

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