Day 21: Keypad Conundrum
by @mbovel
Puzzle description
Data structures
We begin by defining the data structures used to represent the keypads and positions on the grid. We start with a Pos
case class for 2D coordinates. Then, we define two keypads—numericKeypad
and directionalKeypad
—as Map[Char, Pos]
, with their corresponding sets of valid positions as Set[Pos]
case class Pos(x: Int, y: Int):
def +(other: Pos) = Pos(x + other.x, y + other.y)
def -(other: Pos) = Pos(x - other.x, y - other.y)
def projX = Pos(x, 0)
def projY = Pos(0, y)
val numericKeypad = Map(
'7' -> Pos(0, 0), '8' -> Pos(1, 0), '9' -> Pos(2, 0),
'4' -> Pos(0, 1), '5' -> Pos(1, 1), '6' -> Pos(2, 1),
'1' -> Pos(0, 2), '2' -> Pos(1, 2), '3' -> Pos(2, 2),
'0' -> Pos(1, 3), 'A' -> Pos(2, 3),
val numericKeypadPositions = numericKeypad.values.toSet
val directionalKeypad = Map(
'^' -> Pos(1, 0), 'A' -> Pos(2, 0),
'<' -> Pos(0, 1), 'v' -> Pos(1, 1), '>' -> Pos(2, 1),
val directionalKeypadPositions = directionalKeypad.values.toSet
Key insights
Interleaving directions doesn't help
Consider the numeric keypad. Suppose we want to go from 3
to 4
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
|[4]| 5 | 6 |
| 1 | 2 |[3]|
| 0 | A |
There are three possible shortest paths:
a) <<^A: 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 4
b) <^<A: 3 -> 2 -> 5 -> 4
c) ^<<A: 3 -> 6 -> 5 -> 4
A shortest path here is always a combination of moves in two directions: up (^
) and left (<
Our first key insight is that interleaving moves in different directions never reduces the cost for the next robot. Interleaving forces the robot to travel more, rather than staying in the same position and repeatedly pressing A
To confirm, we can compute the shortest paths for the next robot in these examples using a minPath
function (defined later):
// res0: String = "v<<AA>^A>A"
// res1: Int = 10
// res2: String = "v<<A>^Av<A>>^A"
// res3: Int = 14
// res4: String = "<Av<AA>>^A"
// res5: Int = 10
As you can see, interleaving doesn't help. In fact, in this example, it makes the result worse: the paths for a)
and c)
both have length 10, while path b)
has length 14.
Because this article is typeset using mdoc, the code snippets above are actually executed. The comments are automatically added by mdoc based on runtime output. See the source for more details!
Optimal directions order
Therefore, when computing directions between two keys, there are only two possibilities: move horizontally first or move vertically first.
Interestingly, from experiments, the chosen order only affects the second next robot in most cases. For instance, take "v>A"
and ">vA"
// res6: String = "<vA>A^A"
// res7: String = "v<<A>A^>AvA^A<A>A"
// res8: Int = 17
// res9: String = "vA<A^>A"
// res10: String = "<vA^>Av<<A>>^A<Av>A^A"
// res11: Int = 21
Here, going vertically first (v>A
) turns out to be optimal. However, there are also cases where horizontal-first is better:
// res12: String = "<vA<A>>^A"
// res13: String = "v<<A>A^>Av<<A>>^AvAA<^A>A"
// res14: Int = 25
// res15: String = "v<<A>A^>A"
// res16: String = "<vA<AA>>^AvA^A<Av>A^A"
// res17: Int = 21
We can systematically check all combinations of up/down with left/right:
for h <- List('>', '<') do
for v <- List('^', 'v') do
println(s"$v$h: ${minPath(minPath(s"$v$h")).size}")
println(s"$h$v: ${minPath(minPath(s"$h$v")).size}")
// ^>: 15
// >^: 15
// v>: 13
// >v: 14
// ^<: 17
// <^: 17
// v<: 17
// <v: 14
Our second key insight is that the optimal direction order is consistent for each pair of directions, though there’s no straightforward formal proof presented here. In practice, there’s exactly one case (v>
) that prefers vertical first. Everywhere else, horizontal-first either works better or doesn’t matter.
There are also situations where one direction sequence would cross the gap—which is not allowed—so the order is effectively forced:
In particular, if a robot arm is ever aimed at a gap where no button is present on the keypad, even for an instant, the robot will panic unrecoverably. So, don't do that. All robots will initially aim at the keypad's A key, wherever it is.
For example, to go from 0
to 1
, the only valid sequence is ^<
, since <^
would pass through a gap (X
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
|[1]| 2 |[3]|
X |[0]| A |
Part 1
Using these insights, we define the minPath
function to compute the optimal path for a given input
, using the numeric keypad if isNumeric
is true
, or the directional keypad otherwise. It relies on minPathStep
Our two insights are captured by the reverse
condition inside minPathStep
: we switch to writing vertical moves first if horizontal-first would cross a gap, or if vertical-first is safe and the horizontal move is to the right.
def minPathStep(from: Pos, to: Pos, positions: Set[Pos]): String =
val shift = to - from
val h = (if shift.x > 0 then ">" else "<") * shift.x.abs
val v = (if shift.y > 0 then "v" else "^") * shift.y.abs
val reverse = !positions(from + shift.projX) || (positions(from + shift.projY) && shift.x > 0)
if reverse then v + h + 'A' else h + v + 'A'
def minPath(input: String, isNumeric: Boolean = false): String =
val keypad = if isNumeric then numericKeypad else directionalKeypad
val positions = if isNumeric then numericKeypadPositions else directionalKeypadPositions
(s"A$input").map(keypad).sliding(2).map(p => minPathStep(p(0), p(1), positions)).mkString
def part1(input: String): Long =
.map: line => // 029A
val path1 = minPath(line, isNumeric = true) // <A^A^^>AvvvA
val path2 = minPath(path1) // v<<A>>^A<A>A<AAv>A^A<vAAA^>A
val path3 = minPath(path2) // <vA<AA>>^AvAA<^A>Av<<A>>^AvA^Av<<A>>^AA<vA>A^A<A>Av<<A>A^>AAA<Av>A^A
val num = line.init.toLong // 29
val len = path3.length() // 68
len * num // 211930
The comments in part1
demonstrate intermediate results for the sample input 029A
Part 2
Although the above approach works for three consecutive robots, it does not scale to 25 robots because path size grows exponentially. Instead, we refactor the code to compute only the cost of each path, not the path itself. This leads to two new functions, minPathStepCost
and minPathCost
, which incorporate a level
parameter for the current robot (with 0 indicating the numeric keypad) and a maxLevel
parameter for the last robot. We also use memoization to cache results for performance, since these functions are called repeatedly with the same arguments.
val cache = collection.mutable.Map.empty[(Pos, Pos, Int, Int), Long]
def minPathStepCost(from: Pos, to: Pos, level: Int, maxLevel: Int): Long =
cache.getOrElseUpdate((from, to, level, maxLevel), {
val positions = if level == 0 then numericKeypadPositions else directionalKeypadPositions
val shift = to - from
val h = (if shift.x > 0 then ">" else "<") * shift.x.abs
val v = (if shift.y > 0 then "v" else "^") * shift.y.abs
val reverse = !positions(from + shift.projX) || (positions(from + shift.projY) && shift.x > 0)
val res = if reverse then v + h + 'A' else h + v + 'A'
if level == maxLevel then res.length() else minPathCost(res, level + 1, maxLevel)
def minPathCost(input: String, level: Int, maxLevel: Int): Long =
val keypad = if level == 0 then numericKeypad else directionalKeypad
(s"A$input").map(keypad).sliding(2).map(p => minPathStepCost(p(0), p(1), level, maxLevel)).sum
def part2(input: String): Long =
.map(line => minPathCost(line, 0, 25) * line.init.toLong)
On my example puzzle input, the solution completes in about 55 ms on the JVM and 3 ms on Scala Native when measured naively and with no warm-up:
@main def part2time: Unit =
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
println(s"The solution is ${part2(loadInput())}")
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
println(s"Execution time: ${end - start} ms")
➜ ~/scala-advent-of-code/solutions/2024 git:(4fc4c4251) ✗ scala . -M day21.part2
The solution is 263492840501566
Execution time: 55 ms
➜ ~/scala-advent-of-code/solutions/2024 git:(4fc4c4251) ✗ scala --native . -M day21.part2
The solution is 263492840501566
Execution time: 3 ms
JMH benchmark
The JVM time above is higher because we measured a cold runtime with no warm-up. To measure hot performance, we can use JMH as shown below:
// 2024/src/day21.bench.scala
// Run with `scala 2024 --power --jmh`
package day21
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Mode, OutputTimeUnit, Warmup}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
@Warmup(iterations = 50)
class Day21Bench:
@Benchmark def bench() =
@Benchmark def benchComputeOnly() =
object Day21Bench:
val input = day21.loadInput()
You can run this benchmark directly with Scala CLI’s experimental --power
and --jmh
options (Scala CLI is the default scala runner since Scala 3.5.0, see the announcement for more details). Another option is to use sbt-jmh within an SBT project.
After 50 warm-up iterations, the runtime is about 1.5 ms including input loading, or 1.3 ms when only computing the result:
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Day21Bench.bench ss 5 1.548 ± 0.470 ms/op
Day21Bench.benchComputeOnly ss 5 1.268 ± 0.596 ms/op
After 500 warm-up iterations, the timings drop to 0.3 ms and 0.2 ms, respectively:
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Day21Bench.bench ss 5 0.300 ± 0.052 ms/op
Day21Bench.benchComputeOnly ss 5 0.238 ± 0.006 ms/op
And with 5000 warm-up iterations, we see similar results:
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Day21Bench.bench ss 5 0.273 ± 0.028 ms/op
Day21Bench.benchComputeOnly ss 5 0.239 ± 0.061 ms/op
These results come from running five forks of five iterations each on a MacBook Pro (2019) with a 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 processor.
Final code
See the complete code on GitHub.
Run it in the browser
Thanks to the Scala.js build, you can also experiment with this code directly in the browser.
Part 1
Part 2
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