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Day 8: Treetop Tree House

code and article by Quentin Bernet

Puzzle description


Part 1

As always, we have to start by parsing the puzzle input. We can convert the string into a list of lines by splitting at the /n character: input.split('\n').toList. If we now focus on a single line, String behaves like a list of Chars so we can use map on it! And then the individual Chars can be converted to Int with asDigit: => char.asDigit).toList.

Note: char.toInt would return the ascii value, so for example '0'.toInt == 48.

Putting this all together, we get:

def parse(input: String): HeightField = input.split('\n') => => char.asDigit).toList)

Oh what's HeightField ? We'll manipulate a lot of List[List[something]], so it's useful to create a type alias for it:

type Field[A] = List[List[A]]

And a HeightField is well; a field of heights! And we'll represent these heights as Ints.

type HeightField = Field[Int] // = List[List[Int]]

(It would have been more intuitive to call it HeightMap, but this could create some confusion with Scala's Maps which are the equivalent of dictionaries in other languages.)

Where were we? Oh right, parsing's done, but it's not clear how to tacle the problem ... We'll start with a very simplified view of the problem: What if we have only one line, and we only care about which trees are visible from the left? So we have that in 30373 only the first 3 and the first 7 are visible, that seems more doable.

A tree is visible if and only if it's bigger than the biggest one on its left, so let's start by computing the biggest tree on the left of each tree:

val rollingMax = line.scanLeft(-1){ case (max, curr) => Math.max(max, curr) }.init

scanLeft will return a list whose first element is -1 and last element the maximum of the whole line, but no tree has all trees on its left, so we actually do not want that last element, and that's what the init at the end of the line does.

We can now compare the height of a tree to the corresponding element of rollingMax, and if it's greater, we know the tree is visible:{ case (max, curr) => max < curr) }

Wait, since we're only looking at visibility from the left, the lines do not interact at all, so we only have to repeat what we did on each line:

def computeVisibility(ls: HeightField): VisibilityField ={ line =>
val rollingMax = line.scanLeft(-1){ case (max, curr) => Math.max(max, curr) }.init{ case (max, curr) => max < curr) }

This returns a VisibilityField, a field in which if a tree is visible, the Boolean at it's place is true, and vice-versa.

type VisibilityField = Field[Boolean]

So now, how do we check visibility from the right ? We could make a new function that uses scanRight instead of scanLeft, and a few adjustments, but there is a lazier solution: Just flip the line!

We can flip a line with reverse, so computeVisibility( gives us visibility from the right. The second reverse is there to "unflip" the result.

Note: if we did parsed.reverse, we would flip the order of the lines, and not the lines themselves.

Okay, we have visibility from the left and right, but from the top and bottom is going to be way harder, as we have to cross multiple lines, right? ... If only we could swap rows and collumns, we could solve our problem lazily like before ... Hmm, some faint memories of matrices comme to mind, there was an operation called transpose that did this kind of things, no? I'll look for it in the standard library just in case ... and of course there is a method transpose that does exactly what we want!

The signature is a bit scary with its [B](implicit asIterable: (A) => collection.Iterable[B]), but all that basically means is "You can use me without any parameters if I'm a List[List[something]]".

To recapitulate, we can check visibility from the top by doing computeVisibility(parsed.transpose).transpose. And from the bottom by combining both tricks: computeVisibility(

This is beginning to get hard to read, so let's move it all to a function that computes all four directions for us:

def computeInAllDirections[A, B](xss: Field[A], f: Field[A] => Field[B]): List[Field[B]] =
transpose <- List(false, true)
reverse <- List(false, true)
val t = if transpose then xss.transpose else xss
val in = if reverse then else t
val res = f(in)
val r = if reverse then else res
val out = if transpose then r.transpose else r

val visibilityFields: List[VisibilityField] = computeInAllDirections(parsed, computeVisibility)

But we get 4 fields, one for each direction, when we would like to get only one. A tree is visible if it is visible from the left or the right or the top or the bottom, so for each position we need to take the or (|) of the 4 fields at that position:

val visibilityField: VisibilityField = visibilityFields.reduce(combine(_ | _))

Where combine is defined as follows:

extension [A](xss: Field[A])
def megaZip[B](yss: Field[B]): Field[(A, B)] = (xss zip yss).map( (xs, ys) => xs zip ys )
def megaMap[B](f: A => B): Field[B] =
def megaReduce(f: (A,A) => A): A =

def combine[A](op: ((A,A)) => A)(f1: Field[A], f2: Field[A]): Field[A] = f1.megaZip(f2).megaMap(op)

And megaZip, megaMap and megaReduce are equivalents for Fields of the respective methods for Lists. For example where reduce transforms a list to a single element, megaReduce transforms a field to a single element.

So now we have a field that tells us which trees are visible, so the last step is to count them:

visibilityField.megaMap(if _ then 1 else 0).megaReduce(_ + _)

Where if _ then 1 else 0 converts true to 1 and false to 0, as sadly the standard library doesn't include a .toInt method on Booleans.

Part 2

The idea to check the visibility for one line in one go is to keep a list (lengths) of how many trees can be seen by trees of a certain height. For example trees of height 3 can see lengths(3) trees. And we update this list with each new tree we see, if it's x big, all trees at least x small will only see that tree, and all other trees will see one more: at index i of value v: if i <= x then 1 else v+1.

We can then use this in a similar way to what we did with max and rollingMax before:

val rollingLengths = line.scanRight( List.fill(10)(0) ){
case (curr, lengths) =>{ case (v, i) => if i <= curr then 1 else v+1 }

We then get the score by reading lengths at the appropriate point, again as was done with rollingMax:{ case (lengths, curr) => lengths(curr) }

By combining everything, noticing once again our calculation is the same for each line, we get:

def computeScore(ls: HeightField): ScoreField ={ line =>
val rollingLengths = line.scanRight( List.fill(10)(0) ){
case (curr, lengths) =>{ case (v, i) => if i <= curr then 1 else v+1 }
}.init{ case (lengths, curr) => lengths(curr) }

Where ScoreField is identical to HeightField, but serves to make the code more readable:

type ScoreField = Field[Int]

We can use the same trick as before to get all the other directions for free:

val scoreFields: List[ScoreField] = computeInAllDirections(parsed, computeScore)

This time instead of or-ing, we need to multiply "A tree's scenic score is found by multiplying together its viewing distance in each of the four directions.":

val scoreField: ScoreField = scoreFields.reduce(combine(_ * _))

And this time the last step is to get the heighest value instead of the sum:

scoreField.megaReduce(_ max _)

Final Code

def part1(input: String): Int =
val parsed = parse(input)
val visibilityFields: List[VisibilityField] = computeInAllDirections(parsed, computeVisibility)
val visibilityField: VisibilityField = visibilityFields.reduce(combine(_ | _))
visibilityField.megaMap(if _ then 1 else 0).megaReduce(_ + _)

def part2(input: String): Int =
val parsed = parse(input)
val scoreFields: List[ScoreField] = computeInAllDirections(parsed, computeScore)
val scoreField: ScoreField = scoreFields.reduce(combine(_ * _))
scoreField.megaReduce(_ max _)

type Field[A] = List[List[A]]

extension [A](xss: Field[A])
def megaZip[B](yss: Field[B]): Field[(A, B)] = (xss zip yss).map( (xs, ys) => xs zip ys )
def megaMap[B](f: A => B): Field[B] =
def megaReduce(f: (A,A) => A): A =

def combine[A](op: ((A,A)) => A)(f1: Field[A], f2: Field[A]): Field[A] = f1.megaZip(f2).megaMap(op)

def computeInAllDirections[A, B](xss: Field[A], f: Field[A] => Field[B]): List[Field[B]] =
transpose <- List(false, true)
reverse <- List(false, true)
val t = if transpose then xss.transpose else xss
val in = if reverse then else t
val res = f(in)
val r = if reverse then else res
val out = if transpose then r.transpose else r

type HeightField = Field[Int]
type ScoreField = Field[Int]

type VisibilityField = Field[Boolean]

def parse(input: String): HeightField = input.split('\n') => => char.asDigit).toList)

def computeVisibility(ls: HeightField): VisibilityField ={ line =>
val rollingMax = line.scanLeft(-1){ case (max, curr) => Math.max(max, curr) }.init{ case (max, curr) => max < curr) }

def computeScore(ls: HeightField): ScoreField ={ line =>
val rollingLengths = line.scanRight( List.fill(10)(0) ){
case (curr, lengths) =>{ case (v, i) => if i <= curr then 1 else v+1 }
}.init{ case (lengths, curr) => lengths(curr) }

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Part 1

Part 2

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