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Day 11: Cosmic Expansion

by @natsukagami

Puzzle description

Puzzle Summary

We are given a grid of . and #. We would like to find the sum of distances between all pairs of # in the grid. The distance between two # is defined as the number of vertical and horizontal steps to go from one to the other. One caveat: each row and each column that has no # actually represents k empty rows/columns respectively.

  • In part 1, k = 2.
  • In part 2, k = 1_000_000.

Solution Summary

by @natsukagami

We start by parsing the input into a board structure (a Seq[String], with each string representing a row).

val board = readInput().linesIterator.toSeq

First, it is clear to us that the distance we are looking for is the Manhattan Distance between two # in the grid. We can simplify the distance formula by, given two coordinates of the #s, as

case class Coord(row: Int, col: Int)

def distance(a: Coord, b: Coord) = (a.row - b.row).abs + (a.col - b.col).abs

Note that the distance in the row and column coordinates are independent, we can calculate them separately and add them back together at the end. Furthermore, since the calculation for rows and columns are exactly the same, we can simply write code that deals with one coordinate and use .transpose on the board to flip the row/column coordinates of all points, to calculate the other coordinate.

With this fact, from now on we can only talk about calculating the distances in the row coordinate!

When calculating row distance, columns don't matter

Let's look at the formula for the row distance:

def rowDistance(a: Coord, b: Coord) = (a.row - b.row).abs

Note that col is never mentioned! This means, we can simply treat all #s with the same row coordinate exactly the same! If we have n points with row = x and m points with row = y, the total row distance of all these points can simply be calculated as n * m * (x - y).abs.

Since it is no longer important to keep the board as-is, we can collapse it to just the count of #s for each row.

val countByRow = board
.map(row => row.count('#'))
.toArray // get O(1) indexing

A cubic solution: calculate for each pair of rows!

Now, since the empty rows are expanded, we cannot use the old row distance formula (a.row - b.row).abs. Instead, we have to count the number of empty rows in between:

def rowDistance(xRow: Int, yRow: Int) =
// assuming xRow < yRow.
val distanceForOnePair = (xRow + 1 to yRow - 1)
.map(row =>
if countByRow(row) == 0
then k /* expanded */
else 1L /* not expanded */
// the total distance is counted for every pair
distanceForOnePair * countByRow(xRow) * countByRow(yRow)

We can simply go through every pair of rows to perform this calculation:

val result = {
for i <- 0 until countByRow.length
j <- 0 until i
yield rowDistance(j, i)

This has running time complexity O(rows^3), however it should suffice for the input in AoC (which gives you a grid of <150 rows and columns). However, we can do better! Read on to see how we optimize away the redundant calculations.

Reduce to quadratic: Memoize the calculations with prefix sums!

Let's look at the formula for distanceForOnePair again:

val distanceForOnePair = (xRow + 1 to yRow - 1)
.map(row =>
if countByRow(row) == 0
then k /* expanded */
else 1L /* not expanded */

Note that the map function actually is a pure function based on the row index, and therefore we can just pre-calculate it. Not yet a reduction in running time, but our code is clearer.

// outside of `rowDistance`...
val expandedSize: Array[Long] = _ == 0 then k else 1L)
// inside of `rowDistance`...
val distanceForOnePair = (xRow + 1 to yRow - 1).map(expandedSize(_)).sum

At this point we can leverage prefix sums to make getting a sum of a range of elements a constant operation...

// outside of `rowDistance`...
val expandedSize: Array[Long] = _ == 0 then k else 1L)
// expandedSizePrefix(i) = expandedSize(0) + ... + expandedSize(i-1)
val expandedSizePrefix = expandedSize.scan(0L)(_ + _)

// inside of `rowDistance`...
val distanceForOnePair =
expandedSizePrefix(yRow) - expandedSizePrefix(xRow)

And we have just lowered the running time of the solution to O(rows^2), by making rowDistance constant-time!

Here is the full code.

def solve(input: String, expand: Int) =
val board = input.linesIterator.toSeq

val countByRow = board
.map(row => row.count(_ == '#'))
.toArray // get O(1) indexing
val countByCol = board.transpose // rotate the board!
.map(col => col.count(_ == '#'))

allRowDistances(expand, countByRow)
+ allRowDistances(expand, countByCol)
end solve

def part1(input: String) = solve(input, expand = 2)
def part2(input: String) = solve(input, expand = 1_000_000)

def allRowDistances(k: Int, counts: Array[Int]): Long =
val expandedSize: Array[Long] = => if v == 0 then k else 1L)
// expandedSizePrefix(i) = expandedSize(0) + ... + expandedSize(i-1)
val expandedSizePrefix = expandedSize.scan(0L)(_ + _)
def rowDistance(xRow: Int, yRow: Int): Long =
val distanceForOnePair = expandedSizePrefix(yRow) - expandedSizePrefix(xRow)
distanceForOnePair * counts(xRow) * counts(yRow)

(for i <- 0 until counts.length
j <- 0 until i
yield rowDistance(j, i)).sum

Now, this is enough for the puzzle, as reading the input itself is O(rows * col). But ignoring that, can we do better? Hint: yes. Let's go on the optimization train.

Approaching the linear summit: more prefix sums

Going further requires us to inline the definition of rowDistance. Let us apply some mathematical transformations and do some equational reasoning!

val result = {
for i <- 0 until counts.length
j <- 0 until i
counts(i) * counts(j) * (expandedSizePrefix(i) - expandedSizePrefix(j))

Let's regroup the for loop a bit:

val result = {
for i <- 0 until counts.length
yield counts(i) * {
(for j <- 0 until i yield counts(j) * expandedSizePrefix(i) - counts(j) * expandedSizePrefix(j)).sum
/* = */ expandedSizePrefix(i) * (for j <- 0 until i yield counts(j)).sum - (for j <- 0 until i yield counts(j) * expandedSizePrefix(j)).sum

We can see the for j <- 0 until i pattern here, which means a prefix sum can be utilized again!

val countsSum = counts.scan(0L)(_ + _)
val countsTimeExpandedSizePSum = counts
.map(_.toLong * _) // multiplied together
.scan(0L)(_ + _) // create a prefix sum

// and now we have
val result = {
for i <- 0 until counts.length
yield counts(i) * {
expandedSizePrefix(i) * countsSum(i) - countsTimeExpandedSizePSum(i)

Voila, linear time complexity!

Linear time with Recursions, or "Sweep Line"

Now, the previous approach requires some math and a lot of arrays. Can we do it in a more Scala-like way, with some (tail) recursion? Enter sweep line algorithm.

Same idea as before: we calculate the row distance and column distance separately. Let us rewrite the row distance from a point in row j to reach the (end of the expanded) row i as a recursive formula:

def distance(j, i) =
if j == i then 0 // same row
else if counts(i) == 0 then distance(j, i-1) + k // i was expanded
else distance(j, i-1) + 1 // i was not expanded

From a single point in row i, the distance to all points in rows before i would be

def totalDistance(i) =
(for j <- 0 until i yield counts(j) * distance(j, i)).sum

Let's write this in terms of recursion on i!

def totalDistance(i) =
if i == 0 then 0
(for j <- 0 to i yield counts(j) * distance(j, i)).sum
/* = */ (for j <- 0 to i-1 yield counts(j) * distance(j, i)).sum + counts(i) * distance(i, i) /* this part is always 0! */
/* = */ (for j <- 0 to i-1
yield count(j) *
if j == i then 0 /* never happens */
else if counts(i) == 0 then distance(j, i-1) + k // i was expanded
else distance(j, i-1) + 1 // i was not expanded
/* = */ (for j <- 0 to i-1
yield count(j) * distance(j, i-1) + count(j) * {
if counts(i) == 0 then k // i was expanded
else 1 // i was not expanded
/* = */ (for j <- 0 to i-1
yield count(j) * distance(j, i-1)
).sum + // this is just totalDistance(i-1)!
(for j <- 0 to i-1
yield count(j) * {
// this is independent of j!
if counts(i) == 0 then k // i was expanded
else 1 // i was not expanded
/* = */ totalDistance(i-1) + (for j <- 0 to i-1 yield count(j)).sum * (if counts(i) == 0 then k else 1)

Which is almost a fully linear recursive formula, except we also need to track the total number of points coming before i! This is fine, we shall do it in our recursive function...

To calculate the row distance, we sweep through the points top-down. Simulating totalDistance, we track totalDistance(i) and the sum counts(0) + ... + counts(i-1) as we go through the counts sequence (now a list!).

def loop(
countsSum: Long, // counts(0) + ... + counts(i-1)
totalDistance: Long, // totalDistance(i-1)
accum: Long, // the accumulated answer
counts: List[Int], // our count-by-row list
): Long = counts match
case Nil => accum // done!
case head :: tail => // head is counts(i), tail is counts(i+1 .. end)
val newCountsSum = countsSum + head // counts(0) + ... + counts(i)
val newTotalDist = totalDistance + countsSum * (if head == 0 then k else 1) // follow the formula!
val distanceToPointsHere = head * newTotalDist
loop(newCountsSum, newTotalDist, accum + distanceToPointsHere)(tail)

... and this is the solution presented in our repo!

Where to expand on the problem?

Here are some ideas that I think would be interesting to look into:

  • Bigger inputs: what if the space is an incredibly large grid, but the number of #s are sparse (for example, about 100000 points in a 10^9-sized grid)? Can we leverage the same technique to achieve an efficient counting algorithm?
  • Non-linear k: What if instead of expanding empty rows/columns by a constant k, we expand the topmost empty row by 1, the second empty row by 2 and so on... Same with columns. Can we still keep the counting linear?
  • (Squared) Euclidean distance: what if our distance is the square of the actual distance between the #s (i.e. (a.x - b.x)^2 + (a.y - b.y)^2)? We should be able to still keep the counting algorithm linear with some math!

Solutions from the community

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