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Day 18: RAM Run

by Bulby

Puzzle description

Solution Summary

  1. Parse input into a List of points
  2. For part 1, take the first 1024 points and path-find through them
  3. For part 2, find the tipping point where pathfinding can't be done anymore

Part 1

First, let's make the Vec2i class for our points:

case class Vec2i(x: Int, y: Int):
def cardinalNeighbors: List[Vec2i] =
List(Vec2i(x - 1, y), Vec2i(x + 1, y), Vec2i(x, y - 1), Vec2i(x, y + 1))

def isContainedIn(w: Int, h: Int): Boolean =
x >= 0 && x < w && y >= 0 && y < h

Then let's parse all our points. (because the example is so different from the actual input, there is special casing for it.)

def parse(str: String): (Int, Int, List[Vec2i]) =
val ps =
case s"$x,$y" => Vec2i(x.toInt, y.toInt)
(if ps.length == 25 then 7 else 71, if ps.length == 25 then 12 else 1024, ps)

For both parts, we'll need a path finding function. While I would usually use a grid, because of part 2 it's easier to pathfind using a Set. Here's an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithim with sets:

extension (walls: Set[Vec2i])
def search(gridSize: Int): Option[List[Vec2i]] =
def reconstructPath(cameFrom: Map[Vec2i, Vec2i], p: Vec2i): List[Vec2i] = {
val totalPath = mut.ListBuffer[Vec2i](p)
var current = p
while (cameFrom.contains(current)) {
current = cameFrom(current)

val start = Vec2i(0, 0)
val goal = Vec2i(gridSize - 1, gridSize - 1)
val cameFrom = mut.HashMap[Vec2i, Vec2i]()

val dist = mut.HashMap(start -> 0d)

val q = mut.PriorityQueue(start -> 0d)(using[(Vec2i, Double), Double](_._2).reverse)

while q.nonEmpty && q.head._1 != goal do
val (current, score) = q.dequeue()

for neighbor <- current.cardinalNeighbors.filter(it => it.isContainedIn(gridSize, gridSize) && !walls.contains(it)) do
val alt = score + 1d
if alt < dist.getOrElse(neighbor, Double.PositiveInfinity) then
cameFrom(neighbor) = current
dist(neighbor) = alt
q.addOne(neighbor -> alt) => reconstructPath(cameFrom.toMap, it._1))

Now part 1 is just running this with the correct inputs:

def part1(str: String): Int =
val (size, take, walls) = parse(str)
walls.take(take) - 1

(We subtract 1 here to get the number of moves made, instead of the number of tiles.)

Part 2

Part 2 is finding the point where the path is impossible to reach. A naive approach would be a linear search, and with the input size it is perfectly acceptable (only taking 2 seconds), but a faster approach is a binary search.

Part 2 is just a short code block:

def part2(str: String): Vec2i =
val (size, take, walls) = parse(str)
Iterator.iterate(take -> walls.size): (i0, i1) =>
if walls.take((i0 + i1) / 2)
then i0 -> (i0 + i1) / 2 else (i0 + i1) / 2 + 1 -> i1
.flatMap: (i0, i1) =>
Option.when(i0 == i1)(walls(i0 - 1))

This code will need some explaining. The iterate function is iterating through a binary search: it picks the midpoint of its two endpoints and searches the path with that amount of bytes fallen. If the result is None, meaning there is no valid path, then it pins its higher end point to that midpoint and repeats. If it's Some, meaning there is a valid path, then it pins the lower endpoint to the midpoint + 1. Doing this means you can invalidate large swathes of combinations from having to be tested. Before rewriting my code to use binary search, it took around 2 seconds. This code takes around 50 milliseconds, so that's a 40x speedup just from using binary search.

The flatMap(...).next() just finds the first point where i0 == i1, or where the binary search has completed. Because we've been taking, and not indexing, we have to subtract one to get the proper index.

Final code:

case class Vec2i(x: Int, y: Int):
def cardinalNeighbors: List[Vec2i] =
List(Vec2i(x - 1, y), Vec2i(x + 1, y), Vec2i(x, y - 1), Vec2i(x, y + 1))

def isContainedIn(w: Int, h: Int): Boolean =
x >= 0 && x < w && y >= 0 && y < h

def parse(str: String): (Int, Int, List[Vec2i]) =
val ps =
case s"$x,$y" => Vec2i(x.toInt, y.toInt)
(if ps.length == 25 then 7 else 71, if ps.length == 25 then 12 else 1024, ps)

extension (walls: Set[Vec2i])
def search(gridSize: Int): Option[List[Vec2i]] =
def reconstructPath(cameFrom: Map[Vec2i, Vec2i], p: Vec2i): List[Vec2i] = {
val totalPath = mut.ListBuffer[Vec2i](p)
var current = p
while (cameFrom.contains(current)) {
current = cameFrom(current)

val start = Vec2i(0, 0)
val goal = Vec2i(gridSize - 1, gridSize - 1)
val cameFrom = mut.HashMap[Vec2i, Vec2i]()

val dist = mut.HashMap(start -> 0d)

val q = mut.PriorityQueue(start -> 0d)(using[(Vec2i, Double), Double](_._2).reverse)

while q.nonEmpty && q.head._1 != goal do
val (current, score) = q.dequeue()

for neighbor <- current.cardinalNeighbors.filter(it => it.isContainedIn(gridSize, gridSize) && !walls.contains(it)) do
val alt = score + 1d
if alt < dist.getOrElse(neighbor, Double.PositiveInfinity) then
cameFrom(neighbor) = current
dist(neighbor) = alt
q.addOne(neighbor -> alt) => reconstructPath(cameFrom.toMap, it._1))

def part1(str: String): Int =
val (size, take, walls) = parse(str)
walls.take(take) - 1

def part2(str: String): Vec2i =
val (size, take, walls) = parse(str)
Iterator.iterate(take -> walls.size): (i0, i1) =>
if walls.take((i0 + i1) / 2)
then i0 -> (i0 + i1) / 2 else (i0 + i1) / 2 + 1 -> i1
.flatMap: (i0, i1) =>
Option.when(i0 == i1)(walls(i0 - 1))

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