Day 18: RAM Run
by Bulby
Puzzle description
Solution Summary
- Parse input into a
of points - For part 1, take the first 1024 points and path-find through them
- For part 2, find the tipping point where pathfinding can't be done anymore
Part 1
First, let's make the Vec2i
class for our points:
case class Vec2i(x: Int, y: Int):
def cardinalNeighbors: List[Vec2i] =
List(Vec2i(x - 1, y), Vec2i(x + 1, y), Vec2i(x, y - 1), Vec2i(x, y + 1))
def isContainedIn(w: Int, h: Int): Boolean =
x >= 0 && x < w && y >= 0 && y < h
Then let's parse all our points. (because the example is so different from the actual input, there is special casing for it.)
def parse(str: String): (Int, Int, List[Vec2i]) =
val ps =
case s"$x,$y" => Vec2i(x.toInt, y.toInt)
(if ps.length == 25 then 7 else 71, if ps.length == 25 then 12 else 1024, ps)
For both parts, we'll need a path finding function. While I would usually use a grid, because of part 2 it's easier to pathfind using a Set
Here's an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithim with sets:
extension (walls: Set[Vec2i])
def search(gridSize: Int): Option[List[Vec2i]] =
def reconstructPath(cameFrom: Map[Vec2i, Vec2i], p: Vec2i): List[Vec2i] = {
val totalPath = mut.ListBuffer[Vec2i](p)
var current = p
while (cameFrom.contains(current)) {
current = cameFrom(current)
val start = Vec2i(0, 0)
val goal = Vec2i(gridSize - 1, gridSize - 1)
val cameFrom = mut.HashMap[Vec2i, Vec2i]()
val dist = mut.HashMap(start -> 0d)
val q = mut.PriorityQueue(start -> 0d)(using[(Vec2i, Double), Double](_._2).reverse)
while q.nonEmpty && q.head._1 != goal do
val (current, score) = q.dequeue()
for neighbor <- current.cardinalNeighbors.filter(it => it.isContainedIn(gridSize, gridSize) && !walls.contains(it)) do
val alt = score + 1d
if alt < dist.getOrElse(neighbor, Double.PositiveInfinity) then
cameFrom(neighbor) = current
dist(neighbor) = alt
q.addOne(neighbor -> alt) => reconstructPath(cameFrom.toMap, it._1))
Now part 1 is just running this with the correct inputs:
def part1(str: String): Int =
val (size, take, walls) = parse(str)
walls.take(take) - 1
(We subtract 1 here to get the number of moves made, instead of the number of tiles.)
Part 2
Part 2 is finding the point where the path is impossible to reach. A naive approach would be a linear search, and with the input size it is perfectly acceptable (only taking 2 seconds), but a faster approach is a binary search.
Part 2 is just a short code block:
def part2(str: String): Vec2i =
val (size, take, walls) = parse(str)
Iterator.iterate(take -> walls.size): (i0, i1) =>
if walls.take((i0 + i1) / 2)
then i0 -> (i0 + i1) / 2 else (i0 + i1) / 2 + 1 -> i1
.flatMap: (i0, i1) =>
Option.when(i0 == i1)(walls(i0 - 1))
This code will need some explaining. The iterate function is iterating through a binary search: it picks the midpoint of its two endpoints
and searches the path with that amount of bytes fallen. If the result is None
, meaning there is no valid path, then it pins its higher end point
to that midpoint and repeats. If it's Some
, meaning there is a valid path, then it pins the lower endpoint to the midpoint + 1. Doing this means you can
invalidate large swathes of combinations from having to be tested. Before rewriting my code to use binary search, it took around 2 seconds. This code takes
around 50 milliseconds, so that's a 40x speedup just from using binary search.
The flatMap(...).next()
just finds the first point where i0 == i1
, or where the binary search has completed. Because we've been taking, and not indexing, we have
to subtract one to get the proper index.
Final code:
case class Vec2i(x: Int, y: Int):
def cardinalNeighbors: List[Vec2i] =
List(Vec2i(x - 1, y), Vec2i(x + 1, y), Vec2i(x, y - 1), Vec2i(x, y + 1))
def isContainedIn(w: Int, h: Int): Boolean =
x >= 0 && x < w && y >= 0 && y < h
def parse(str: String): (Int, Int, List[Vec2i]) =
val ps =
case s"$x,$y" => Vec2i(x.toInt, y.toInt)
(if ps.length == 25 then 7 else 71, if ps.length == 25 then 12 else 1024, ps)
extension (walls: Set[Vec2i])
def search(gridSize: Int): Option[List[Vec2i]] =
def reconstructPath(cameFrom: Map[Vec2i, Vec2i], p: Vec2i): List[Vec2i] = {
val totalPath = mut.ListBuffer[Vec2i](p)
var current = p
while (cameFrom.contains(current)) {
current = cameFrom(current)
val start = Vec2i(0, 0)
val goal = Vec2i(gridSize - 1, gridSize - 1)
val cameFrom = mut.HashMap[Vec2i, Vec2i]()
val dist = mut.HashMap(start -> 0d)
val q = mut.PriorityQueue(start -> 0d)(using[(Vec2i, Double), Double](_._2).reverse)
while q.nonEmpty && q.head._1 != goal do
val (current, score) = q.dequeue()
for neighbor <- current.cardinalNeighbors.filter(it => it.isContainedIn(gridSize, gridSize) && !walls.contains(it)) do
val alt = score + 1d
if alt < dist.getOrElse(neighbor, Double.PositiveInfinity) then
cameFrom(neighbor) = current
dist(neighbor) = alt
q.addOne(neighbor -> alt) => reconstructPath(cameFrom.toMap, it._1))
def part1(str: String): Int =
val (size, take, walls) = parse(str)
walls.take(take) - 1
def part2(str: String): Vec2i =
val (size, take, walls) = parse(str)
Iterator.iterate(take -> walls.size): (i0, i1) =>
if walls.take((i0 + i1) / 2)
then i0 -> (i0 + i1) / 2 else (i0 + i1) / 2 + 1 -> i1
.flatMap: (i0, i1) =>
Option.when(i0 == i1)(walls(i0 - 1))
Solutions from the community
- Solution by Artem Nikiforov
- Solution by Spamegg
- Solution by Raphaël Marbeck
- Solution by Alex Mc'key
- Solution by jnclt
- Solution by Antoine Amiguet
- Solution by Paweł Cembaluk
- Solution by Roland Tritsch
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