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Day 20: Trench Map

Puzzle description

Modeling and parsing the input

The input is an image enhancement algorithm string, and an initial input image.

The image is a black and white rectangle. We model the pixels with an enumeration:

enum Pixel:
case Lit, Dark

A pixel can either be lit, or dark.

In the input text, lit pixels are represented by the character "#", whereas dark pixels are represented by the character "." (dot). We use pattern matching to parse them:

object Pixel:
def parse(char: Char): Pixel =
char match
case '#' => Pixel.Lit
case '.' => Pixel.Dark
end Pixel

In case the input is malformed (ie, it contains a character other than "#" or "."), the method parse raises an exception.

The enhancement algorithm string is provided as a line of 512 pixels. We parse it as follows:

class Enhancer(enhancementString: IndexedSeq[Pixel])

object Enhancer:
def parse(input: String): Enhancer =
end Enhancer

There is a subtlety regarding the input image to which we want to apply the enhancement algorithm: its size is infinite. Initially, its pixels are all dark except in the rectangle we are given as initial input. So, we model an image as a two-dimensional indexed sequence, and the color of all the pixels that are out of the bounds of that two-dimensional indexed sequence:

class Image(pixels: IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[Pixel]], outOfBoundsPixel: Pixel):
require( == 1, "All the rows must have the same length")

val height = pixels.length
val width = pixels(0).length

Since there is no direct way to model two-dimensional collections in the standard library, we model the table of pixels as a collection of rows, where each row is a collection of pixels. We add the call to require to make sure that all the lines have the same length.

We parse the input image by parsing every line of the provided rectangular area, and by setting the color of the out-of-bounds pixels to Dark:

object Image:
def parse(input: String): Image =
val pixels =
input =>
val outOfBoundsPixel = Pixel.Dark
Image(pixels, outOfBoundsPixel)
end Image

Last, we parse both sections of the input with the following method:

def parseEnhancerAndImage(input: String): (Enhancer, Image) =
val enhancerAndImage = input.split("\n\n")
val enhancer = Enhancer.parse(enhancerAndImage(0))
val image = Image.parse(enhancerAndImage(1))
(enhancer, image)

Image enhancement algorithm

The image enhancement algorithm needs to compute an integer value for every location of the input image. The integer value is made of 9 bits, whose value is taken from the state of the 9 pixels around the location (a lit pixel means 1, and a dark pixel means 0).

That 9-bit integer value is then used as an index in the enhancement algorithm string to find the state of the output pixel at that location.

We implement the algorithm as a method of the class Enhancer:

class Enhancer(enhancementString: IndexedSeq[Pixel]):

def enhance(image: Image): Image =
val pixels =
for y <- -1 until (image.height + 1)
for x <- -1 until (image.width + 1)
yield enhancementString(locationValue(image, x, y))

val outOfBoundsPixel =
val value = if image.outOfBoundsPixel == Pixel.Dark then 0 else 511

Image(pixels, outOfBoundsPixel)
end enhance

end Enhancer

Since we look at the 9 pixels around every location, we look at locations outside the image rectangle where some of these 9 pixels overlap with the rectangle (hence the bounds -1 and height + 1 for the y coordinates).

The 9-bit integer value of each location is computed by an auxiliary method, locationValue, which is shown below.

Last, we also compute the “enhancement” of the pixels that are out of the bounds of the image rectangle. Since these pixels are all the same, the 9 pixels around any location out of the bounds of the rectangle will always be either all lit or all dark. The binary value corresponding to all pixels dark is 000000000, which equals 0, and the binary value corresponding to all pixels lit is 111111111, which equals 511.

Here is the implementation of the auxiliary method locationValue:

def locationValue(image: Image, x: Int, y: Int): Int =
var result = 0
yy <- (y - 1) to (y + 1)
xx <- (x - 1) to (x + 1)
result = result << 1
if image.pixel(xx, yy) == Pixel.Lit then
result = result | 1
end if
end for
end locationValue

We read the 9 pixels around the provided location, starting from the top-left corner, and going to the right. If a pixel is lit, we interpret it as a 1. At every iteration, we shift the previously computed result one bit to the left before reading the new bit.

To read the pixel value in the image, we use a handy method pixel, defined in the class Image:

def pixel(x: Int, y: Int): Pixel =
if y < 0 || y >= height then outOfBoundsPixel
else if x < 0 || x >= width then outOfBoundsPixel
else pixels(y)(x)

This method implements the fact that the image has an infinite size. It checks the bounds of the location to access, and when the location is out of the bounds of the rectangle image, it returns the outOfBoundsPixel color of the image.

Solution of part 1

We were asked to apply two times in a row the enhancement algorithm on the input image, and to compute the number of lit pixels in the output image:

def part1(input: String): Int =
val (enhancer, image0) = parseEnhancerAndImage(input)
val image1 = enhancer.enhance(image0)
val image2 = enhancer.enhance(image1)

The method countLitPixels is defined as follows in the class Image:

class Image(pixels: IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[Pixel]], outOfBoundsPixel: Pixel):
def countLitPixels(): Int =
pixels.view.flatten.count(_ == Pixel.Lit)

We flatten the rows of pixels into a single collection of pixels, and we count the lit pixels on it. The call to view before flatten allows us to traverse the rows of pixels without constructing the flattened collection.

Full code for part 1

def part1(input: String): Int =
val (enhancer, image0) = parseEnhancerAndImage(input)
val image1 = enhancer.enhance(image0)
val image2 = enhancer.enhance(image1)

def parseEnhancerAndImage(input: String): (Enhancer, Image) =
val enhancerAndImage = input.split("\n\n")
val enhancer = Enhancer.parse(enhancerAndImage(0))
val image = Image.parse(enhancerAndImage(1))
(enhancer, image)

enum Pixel:
case Lit, Dark

object Pixel:

def parse(char: Char): Pixel =
char match
case '#' => Pixel.Lit
case '.' => Pixel.Dark

end Pixel

object Enhancer:

def parse(input: String): Enhancer =

end Enhancer

class Enhancer(enhancementString: IndexedSeq[Pixel]):

def enhance(image: Image): Image =
val pixels =
for y <- -1 until (image.height + 1)
for x <- -1 until (image.width + 1)
yield enhancementString(locationValue(image, x, y))

val outOfBoundsPixel =
val value = if image.outOfBoundsPixel == Pixel.Dark then 0 else 511

Image(pixels, outOfBoundsPixel)
end enhance

private def locationValue(image: Image, x: Int, y: Int): Int =
var result = 0
yy <- (y - 1) to (y + 1)
xx <- (x - 1) to (x + 1)
result = result << 1
if image.pixel(xx, yy) == Pixel.Lit then
result = result | 1
end if
end for
end locationValue

end Enhancer

class Image(pixels: IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[Pixel]], val outOfBoundsPixel: Pixel):

require( == 1, "All the rows must have the same length")

val height = pixels.length
val width = pixels(0).length

def pixel(x: Int, y: Int): Pixel =
if y < 0 || y >= height then outOfBoundsPixel
else if x < 0 || x >= width then outOfBoundsPixel
else pixels(y)(x)

def countLitPixels(): Int =
pixels.view.flatten.count(_ == Pixel.Lit)

end Image

object Image:
def parse(input: String): Image =
val pixels =
input =>
val outOfBoundsPixel = Pixel.Dark
Image(pixels, outOfBoundsPixel)

Solution for part 2

In part 2, we had to apply the “enhancement algorithm” 50 times instead of just twice:

def part2(input: String): Int =
val (enhancer, image) = parseEnhancerAndImage(input)

We parse the input with the same method as in part1, parseEnhancerAndImage.

To apply the enhancer 50 times, we use a LazyList. First, we create an infinite lazy list whose first element is the parsed input image, and whose n + 1 element is computed by calling enhancer.enhance on the element n. Then, we compute its 50th element by calling .apply(50). As a consequence, only the first 50 elements will be computed at all.

Finally, we call countLitPixels() on the output image to count its number of lit pixels.

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Part 1

Part 2

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You can get this solution locally by cloning the scalacenter/scala-advent-of-code repository.

$ git clone
$ cd scala-advent-of-code

You can run it with scala-cli.

$ scala-cli 2021 -M day20.part1
The solution is: 5301
$ scala-cli 2021 -M day20.part2
The solution is: 19492

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