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Day 25: Full of Hot Air

Puzzle description

Final Code

def part1(input: String): String =

val digitToInt = Map(
'0' -> 0,
'1' -> 1,
'2' -> 2,
'-' -> -1,
'=' -> -2,
val intToDigit =

def showSnafu(value: Long): String =
val reverseDigits = Iterator.unfold(value)(v =>
Option.when(v != 0) {
val mod = math.floorMod(v, 5).toInt
val digit = if mod > 2 then mod - 5 else mod
intToDigit(digit) -> (v - digit) / 5
if reverseDigits.isEmpty then "0"
else reverseDigits.mkString.reverse

def readSnafu(line: String): Long =
line.foldLeft(0L)((acc, digit) =>
acc * 5 + digitToInt(digit)

def totalSnafu(input: String): String =
showSnafu(value =

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Part 1 (Only 1 part today)

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