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Day 25: Snowverload

by @bishabosha

Puzzle description

Solution Summary

We are told that there are 3 connections that when removed will partition the components into two groups. We then have to multiply the sizes of the two partitions. This is equivalent to finding a minimum cut in an undirected, unweighted graph, which can be solved with the Stoer-Wagner minimum cut algorithm.

Naive Way

You may be tempted to brute force the solution by testing all combinations of three edges to remove, and checking if the result makes two partitions. This works in reasonable time with the sample input. The real input is much larger however, and with about 3400\sim 3400 connections, which means there are (34003)6,500,000,000{\sim 3400 \choose 3} \approx 6,500,000,000 combinations to test.

Minumum Cut Algorithm

The pseudo code for the Stoer-Wagner algorithm is as follows:

G := {V, E}

def MinimumCutPhase(G, w, a) =
A := {a}
while A != V do
A += MostTightlyConnected(G, w, A)
cut := CutOfThePhase(G, A)
Shrink(G, w, A)
return cut

def MinumumCut(G, w, a) =
min := EmptyCut // an empty cut (impossible)
while V.size > 1 do
cut := MinimumCutPhase(G, w, a)
if Weight(cut) < Weight(min) || IsEmpty(min) then
min = cut
return min

i.e. it is an iterative algorithm that begins with a graph (G) made of vertices (V) and undirected edges (E), with a weight function (w). It assumes that there is at most a single edge between any two vertices. The algorithm works by iteratively shrinking a graph by removing edges, and testing if the cut (i.e. the removed edges) is minimal.

Begin in the main minimum-cut loop. Initialise the min to an empty cut. While the graph has more than one vertex, run the minimum-cut-phase on the graph with an arbitrary vertex a. The phase returns a single cut-of-the-phase, stored in cut. If the cut has a smaller weight than min (or is non-empty), record it as the new minimum. At the end of iteration, return min which will be the minimum cut.

In each minimum-cut-phase, initialise A to a set containing a. Iteratively add new vertices to A until it equals V. In each iteration, the vertex added is always the current most-tightly-connected1. vertex from V to vertices of A. After iteration, store the cut-of-the-phase2. in cut; then shrink the graph by merging3. the two vertices added-last to A. Return cut.

  1. The most-tightly-connected vertex, z, is a vertex in V (and not in A) where the total weight of edges from A to z is maximum.
  2. The cut-of-the-phase is the cut formed by removing the vertex added-last to A.
  3. Call t the vertex added-last to A, and s the next added-last vertex. Remove t from V. From E, remove edges from t to all other vertices (this is the cut-of-the-phase). Update the weight function w such that the weight of an edge from t to some vertex v is added to the weight of any edge from s to the same v.

Solving in Scala


Scala comes standard with a rich collections library to help us, we will solve this problem with purely immutable collections. However we will need to augment with a few custom data structures:

  • the Graph to store the vertices, edges and weights
  • a MostConnected heap structure that will provide the next "most-tightly-connected" vertex.


To begin let's describe the Graph:

import scala.collection.immutable.BitSet

type Id = Int
type Vertices = BitSet
type Weight = Map[Id, Map[Id, Int]]

case class Graph(v: Vertices, nodes: Map[Id, Vertices], w: Weight)

In the problem statement, the vertices are strings. However, comparisons of strings are expensive, so to improve performance, we will represent each vertex as a unique integer.


Converting string keys to integer IDs is a lossy operation, so for debugging purposes, before you build the graph, it could be useful to store a reverse lookup from an integer ID to its original key, e.g. 0 -> "dpx", 1 -> "bkx", 2 -> "xzl", etc.

the graph has three fields:

  • v a bitset of vertex IDs,
  • nodes is particularly useful for the Stoer-Wagner algorithm. For any vertex y of v, it stores the set of vertices that have been merged with y (including y itself).
  • w is an adjacency matrix of vertices, and also stores the weight associated with each edge.

Now, consider the problem. We have to find a minimum cut, it should have weight 3, and we also need to find the resulting partition of the cut (so we can multiply the sizes of each partition).

so we can add the following to the code:

case class Graph(v: Vertices, nodes: Map[Id, Vertices], w: Weight):
def cutOfThePhase(t: Id) = Graph.Cut(t = t, edges = w(t)) // 1.

def partition(cut: Graph.Cut): (Vertices, Vertices) = // 2.
(nodes(cut.t), (v - cut.t).flatMap(nodes))

object Graph:
def emptyCut = Cut(t = -1, edges = Map.empty) // 3.

case class Cut(t: Id, edges: Map[Id, Int]): // 4.
lazy val weight: Int = edges.values.sum
  1. cutOfThePhase makes a cut from t, which is the final "most-tightly-connected" vertex in a phase.
  2. partition takes a cut, and returns two partitions: the nodes associated with t; and the rest.
  3. Graph.emptyCut is a default value for a cut, it is empty.
  4. Graph.Cut stores a vertex t, and the weights of edges of reachable vertices from t. a cut also has a weight property, which is the total weight of all the edges of the cut.

The last property the graph needs is a way to "shrink" it. We are given s and t, where t will be removed from the graph and its edges merge with s.

// in case class Graph:
def shrink(s: Id, t: Id): Graph =
def fetch(x: Id) = // 1.
w(x).view.filterKeys(y => y != s && y != t) // 1.

val prunedW = (w - t).view.mapValues(_ - t).toMap // 2.

val fromS = fetch(s).toMap // 3.
val fromT = fetch(t).map: (y, w0) => // 3.
y -> (fromS.getOrElse(y, 0) + w0) // 3.
val mergedWeights = fromS ++ fromT // 3.

val reverseMerged = (y, w0) => // 4.
y -> (prunedW(y) + (s -> w0)) // 4.

val v1 = v - t // 5.
val w1 = prunedW + (s -> mergedWeights) ++ reverseMerged // 6.
val nodes1 = nodes - t + (s -> (nodes(s) ++ nodes(t))) // 7.
Graph(v1, nodes1, w1) // 8.
end shrink
  1. fetch finds the edges from vertex x to any vertex that is not s or t.
  2. remove the edges of t from w in both directions (from and to).
  3. merge the weights of edges from t into edges from s (ignoring edges from t to s). The result mergedWeights is an adjacency list from the merged s vertex.
  4. To preserve the property of undirected edges, reverse the direction of mergedWeights.
  5. remove t from v.
  6. update the edges of s in both directions.
  7. remove t from nodes, and add a new mapping from s to the combined nodes of s and t
  8. return a new graph with the merged vertices, nodes and edges.


according to the Stoer-Wagner algorithm the "most-tightly-connected" vertex z is defined as follows:

zAz \notin A such that w(A,z)=max{w(A,y)  yA}w(A, z) = max \{ w(A, y) ~|~ y \notin A\}

where w(A,y)w(A, y) is the sum of the weights of all the edges between AA and yy.

An efficient way to compute this is a heap structure, that stores the total weight of all edges from A to v. At each step of the minimumCutPhase we will remove the top of the heap to get z, and then grow the remaining heap by adding connections from the newly added z to the rest of v.

Here is the implementation:

import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet

class MostConnected(
totalWeights: Map[Id, Int], // 1.
queue: TreeSet[MostConnected.Entry] // 2.

def pop = // 3.
val id =
id -> MostConnected(totalWeights - id, queue.tail)

def expand(z: Id, explore: Vertices, w: Weight) = // 4.
val connectedEdges =
var totalWeights0 = totalWeights
var queue0 = queue
for (id, w) <- connectedEdges do
val w1 = totalWeights0.getOrElse(id, 0) + w
totalWeights0 += id -> w1
queue0 += MostConnected.Entry(id, w1)
MostConnected(totalWeights0, queue0)
end expand

end MostConnected

object MostConnected:
def empty = MostConnected(Map.empty, TreeSet.empty)
given Ordering[Entry] = (e1, e2) =>
val first = e2.weight.compareTo(e1.weight)
if first == 0 then else first
class Entry(val id: Id, val weight: Int):
override def hashCode: Int = id
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match
case that: Entry => id ==
case _ => false

The MostConnected structure is immutable, and stores a heap of entries. Each entry stores a vertex ID and the total weight of edges from A to that vertex.

We can describe the structure of MostConnected as a composition of two other collections:

  1. The totalWeights map, which is a fast lookup, storing a mapping from a vertex y to the total weights of edges from A to y.
  2. The queue, which is a TreeSet of entries. A tree set is useful to implement a heap structure because its entries are sorted (using an Ordering). Each entry stores the same information as a mapping in totalWeights, and will be sorted according to the ordering defined in the companion object of MostConnected. At any instant, the entry describing the "most-tightly-connected" vertex is first in the queue.

Next, pay attention to the signatures of pop and expand, which are used in the minimumCutPhase:

  1. pop is used to extract the mostly tightly connected vertex z. It returns a tuple of z, and the remaining heap (i.e. by removing z).
  2. After adding some z to A, then call expand to add the new edges from z to the vertices of explore (the vertices of v not in A), using the weights of the graph w.

Writing the Algorithm

We now have enough code to implement the Stoer-Wagner algorithm in Scala code, using immutable data structures and local mutability.

@bishabosha: Hopefully you can see that the code is very similar to the pseudocode presented above. I hope that this demonstrates that functional programming principles can be used to create concise and expressive code in Scala.

def minimumCutPhase(g: Graph) =
val a = g.v.head // 1.
var A = a :: Nil // 2.
var explore = g.v - a // 3.
var mostConnected =
MostConnected.empty.expand(a, explore, g.w) // 4.
while explore.nonEmpty do // 5.
val (z, rest) = mostConnected.pop // 6.
A ::= z // 7.
explore -= z // 7.
mostConnected = rest.expand(z, explore, g.w) // 8.
val t :: s :: _ = A: @unchecked // 9.
(g.shrink(s, t), g.cutOfThePhase(t)) // 10.

def minimumCut(g: Graph) =
var g0 = g // 11.
var min = (g, Graph.emptyCut) // 12.
while g0.v.size > 1 do
val (g1, cutOfThePhase) = minimumCutPhase(g0) // 13.
if cutOfThePhase.weight < min(1).weight
|| min(1).weight == 0
min = (g0, cutOfThePhase)
g0 = g1 // 14.

Here are some footnotes to explain the differences with the pseudocode:


  1. The initial a vertex of minimumCutPhase can be arbitrary, so use the first vertex of v (from graph g).
  2. Instead of a set, use a list to store A, this is so we can later remember the final two nodes added. Due to the invariants of the algorithm, all the elements will be unique anyway.
  3. For efficient lookup, we define explore as a bitset of vertices in v that have not yet been added to A.
  4. Initialise the mostConnected heap with the weights of edges from a to the vertices in explore.
  5. when explore is empty, then A will equal v.
  6. pop from the mostConnected heap, returning a tuple of z (the "most-tightly-connected" node), and the remaining heap.
  7. update the graph partitions, i.e. add z to A, and remove z from explore.
  8. update the rest of the heap by adding the weights of edges from z to explore (i.e. this saves computation time because the weights of the edges from other vertices of A are already stored).
  9. extract t and s, the two "added-last" nodes of A.
  10. return a tuple of a shrunk graph, by merging t and s, and the cut of the phase made by removing t from g.


  1. Graph is an immutable data structure, but each iteration demands that we shrink the graph (i.e produce a new data structure containing the updated vertices, edges and weights), so g0 stores the "current" graph being inspected.
  2. For our specific problem, we also need to find the partition caused by the minimum cut, so as well as storing the minimum cut, store the graph of the phase that produced the cut. At the end of all iterations we can compute the partition using the minimum cut.
  3. The minimumCutPhase returns both the shrunk graph, and the cut of the phase.
  4. Update g0 to the newly shrunk graph.


We now need to construct our graph from the input.

Reading the input

First, parse the input to an adjacency list as follows:

def parse(input: String): Map[String, Set[String]] =
case s"$key: $values" => key -> values.split(" ").toSet

here a single line of the input, such as:

bvb: xhk hfx

will parse to the following:

"bvb" -> Set("xhk", "hfx")

Then the final .toMap will put all the lines together as follows:

"bvb" -> Set("xhk", "hfx"),
"qnr" -> Set("nvd"),

Building the graph

The adjacency list we just parsed is not suitable for the Stoer-Wagner algorithm, as its edges are directed. We will have to do the following processing steps to build a suitable graph representation:

  • identify all the vertices, and generate a unique integer ID for each one,
  • generate an undirected adjacency matrix of weights. We must duplicate each edge from the original input to make an efficient lookup table. We will initialise each weight to 1 (remember that even though each edge is equal initially, when edges are merged, their weights must be combined).

Here is the code:

def readGraph(alist: Map[String, Set[String]]): Graph =
val all = alist.flatMap((k, vs) => vs + k).toSet

val (_, lookup) =
// perfect hashing
val initial = (0, Map.empty[String, Id])
all.foldLeft(initial): (acc, s) =>
val (id, seen) = acc
(id + 1, seen + (s -> id))

def asEdges(k: String, v: String) =
val t = (lookup(k), lookup(v))
t :: t.swap :: Nil

val v =
val nodes = => id -> BitSet(id)).toMap
val edges =
(k, vs) <- alist.toSet
v <- vs
e <- asEdges(k, v) // (k -> v) + (v -> k)

val w = edges
.groupBy((v, _) => v)
.mapValues: m =>
.groupBy((_, v) => v)
.mapValues(_ => 1)
Graph(v, nodes, w)

The Solution

Putting everything together, we can now solve the problem!

def part1(input: String): Int =
val alist = parse(input) // 1.
val g = readGraph(alist) // 2.
val (graph, cut) = minimumCut(g) // 3.
val (out, in) = graph.partition(cut) // 4.
in.size * out.size // 5.
  1. Parse the input into an adjacency list (note. the edges are directed)
  2. Convert the adjacency list to the Graph structure.
  3. Call the minimumCut function on the graph, storing the minimum cut, and the state of the graph when the cut was made.
  4. use the cut on the graph to get the partition of vertices.
  5. multiply the sizes of the partitions to get the final answer.

Final Code

import scala.collection.immutable.BitSet
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet

def part1(input: String): Int =
val alist = parse(input)
val g = readGraph(alist)
val (graph, cut) = minimumCut(g)
val (out, in) = graph.partition(cut)
in.size * out.size

type Id = Int
type Vertices = BitSet
type Weight = Map[Id, Map[Id, Int]]

def parse(input: String): Map[String, Set[String]] =
case s"$key: $values" => key -> values.split(" ").toSet

def readGraph(alist: Map[String, Set[String]]): Graph =
val all = alist.flatMap((k, vs) => vs + k).toSet

val (_, lookup) =
// perfect hashing
val initial = (0, Map.empty[String, Id])
all.foldLeft(initial): (acc, s) =>
val (id, seen) = acc
(id + 1, seen + (s -> id))

def asEdges(k: String, v: String) =
val t = (lookup(k), lookup(v))
t :: t.swap :: Nil

val v =
val nodes = => id -> BitSet(id)).toMap
val edges =
(k, vs) <- alist.toSet
v <- vs
e <- asEdges(k, v)

val w = edges
.groupBy((v, _) => v)
.mapValues: m =>
.groupBy((_, v) => v)
.mapValues(_ => 1)
Graph(v, nodes, w)

class MostConnected(
totalWeights: Map[Id, Int],
queue: TreeSet[MostConnected.Entry]

def pop =
val id =
id -> MostConnected(totalWeights - id, queue.tail)

def expand(z: Id, explore: Vertices, w: Weight) =
val connectedEdges =
var totalWeights0 = totalWeights
var queue0 = queue
for (id, w) <- connectedEdges do
val w1 = totalWeights0.getOrElse(id, 0) + w
totalWeights0 += id -> w1
queue0 += MostConnected.Entry(id, w1)
MostConnected(totalWeights0, queue0)
end expand

end MostConnected

object MostConnected:
def empty = MostConnected(Map.empty, TreeSet.empty)
given Ordering[Entry] = (e1, e2) =>
val first = e2.weight.compareTo(e1.weight)
if first == 0 then else first
class Entry(val id: Id, val weight: Int):
override def hashCode: Int = id
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match
case that: Entry => id ==
case _ => false

case class Graph(v: Vertices, nodes: Map[Id, Vertices], w: Weight):
def cutOfThePhase(t: Id) = Graph.Cut(t = t, edges = w(t))

def partition(cut: Graph.Cut): (Vertices, Vertices) =
(nodes(cut.t), (v - cut.t).flatMap(nodes))

def shrink(s: Id, t: Id): Graph =
def fetch(x: Id) =
w(x).view.filterKeys(y => y != s && y != t)

val prunedW = (w - t).view.mapValues(_ - t).toMap

val fromS = fetch(s).toMap
val fromT = fetch(t).map: (y, w0) =>
y -> (fromS.getOrElse(y, 0) + w0)
val mergedWeights = fromS ++ fromT

val reverseMerged = (y, w0) =>
y -> (prunedW(y) + (s -> w0))

val v1 = v - t // 5.
val w1 = prunedW + (s -> mergedWeights) ++ reverseMerged
val nodes1 = nodes - t + (s -> (nodes(s) ++ nodes(t)))
Graph(v1, nodes1, w1)
end shrink

object Graph:
def emptyCut = Cut(t = -1, edges = Map.empty)

case class Cut(t: Id, edges: Map[Id, Int]):
lazy val weight: Int = edges.values.sum

def minimumCutPhase(g: Graph) =
val a = g.v.head
var A = a :: Nil
var explore = g.v - a
var mostConnected =
MostConnected.empty.expand(a, explore, g.w)
while explore.nonEmpty do
val (z, rest) = mostConnected.pop
A ::= z
explore -= z
mostConnected = rest.expand(z, explore, g.w)
val t :: s :: _ = A: @unchecked
(g.shrink(s, t), g.cutOfThePhase(t))

/** See Stoer-Wagner min cut algorithm
def minimumCut(g: Graph) =
var g0 = g
var min = (g, Graph.emptyCut)
while g0.v.size > 1 do
val (g1, cutOfThePhase) = minimumCutPhase(g0)
if cutOfThePhase.weight < min(1).weight
|| min(1).weight == 0 // initial case
min = (g0, cutOfThePhase)
g0 = g1

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