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Day 9: Rope Bridge

code by Jamie Thompson

Puzzle description


Today's goal is to find the unique positions occupied by the final knot of a rope. For part 1 the rope has 2 knots, and for part 2, it has 3.

To model a position, you can use a case class to store x and y coordinates:

case class Position(x: Int, y: Int)

The front knot, or head of the rope can be translated in one of four directions U, D, L, R; modelled as an enum:

enum Direction:
case U, D, L, R

Reading the challenge description, we know that the head can translate in any direction by multiple steps. You can model a single step by the following method moveOne on Position:

import Direction.*

case class Position(x: Int, y: Int):
def moveOne(dir: Direction): Position = dir match
case U => Position(x, y + 1)
case D => Position(x, y - 1)
case L => Position(x - 1, y)
case R => Position(x + 1, y)

Then using the rules described in the challenge description, one knot follows another knot, by translating 1 position in the vector between it and the previous knot. This is modelled by another method, follow on Position:

case class Position(x: Int, y: Int):

def follow(head: Position): Position =
val dx = head.x - x
val dy = head.y - y
if dx.abs > 1 || dy.abs > 1 then Position(x + dx.sign, y + dy.sign) // follow the head
else this // stay put

Its important to note that while the head of the rope can move in only 1 of the four directions, a trailing knot can move in any 2D vector composed of those directions.

The sign method on Int gives -1 for a negative integer, 1 for a positive integer, or 0 for zero. This lets you move only 1 in distance in the direction towards the leading knot.

Given all the methods necessary to move knots, now you can model an entire rope of knots following the head after it has moved.

The idea here is to start with the head of the rope that has already been moved, then with each knot in the rope, follow the previous one, using each translated knot to build a new rope. This is modelled with followAll, like this:

def followAll(head: Position, knots: List[Position]): (Position, List[Position]) =
var prev = head // head was already moved with `moveOne`
val buf = List.newBuilder[Position]
for knot <- knots do
val next = knot.follow(prev)
buf += next
prev = next
(prev, buf.result())
end followAll

Note that followAll also returns the final knot, this is so we can track the position of the final knot after each step.

For the challenge, we also need to record the unique positions of the last knot in the list, as well as track the rope as it moves. This can be modelled in the following State class:

case class State(uniques: Set[Position], head: Position, knots: List[Position])

Then to iterate the whole state by 1 move in a direction, first move the head of the rope, then follow all the knots, adding the final knot to the set of unique positions:

def step(dir: Direction, state: State) =
val head1 = state.head.moveOne(dir)
val (last, knots1) = followAll(head1, state.knots)
State(state.uniques + last, head1, knots1)

then to model multiple steps in a direction, wrap step in Iterator.iterate:

def steps(state: State, dir: Direction): Iterator[State] =
Iterator.iterate(state)(state => step(dir, state))

This makes an infinite iterator that progresses the state by 1 step with each element.

Now you have all the pieces to read the challenge input. First create the initial state, which depends on the rope size, and as the rope starts at 0,0, record the position as seen:

def initialState(knots: Int) =
val zero = Position(0, 0)
State(Set(zero), zero, List.fill(knots - 1)(zero))

Then taking the input string, read through all the lines, and foldLeft on the initial state. Each line you can extract the direction and steps count with a pattern binding val (s"$dir $n") = line, then use Direction.valueOf to lookup the direction, and .toInt to convert n to the number of steps.

Then to run n steps, create the steps iterator, then drop n elements to advance the state n steps, then take the next() element:

def uniquePositions(input: String, knots: Int): Int =
val end = input.linesIterator.foldLeft(initialState(knots)) { case (state, line) =>
val (s"$dir $n") = line: @unchecked
steps(state, Direction.valueOf(dir)).drop(n.toInt).next()

Part 1 needs 2 knots, and part 2 needs 10 knots, they can be implemented as such:

def part1(input: String): Int =
uniquePositions(input, knots = 2)

def part2(input: String): Int =
uniquePositions(input, knots = 10)

Final Code

import Direction.*

def part1(input: String): Int =
uniquePositions(input, knots = 2)

def part2(input: String): Int =
uniquePositions(input, knots = 10)

case class Position(x: Int, y: Int):
def moveOne(dir: Direction): Position = dir match
case U => Position(x, y + 1)
case D => Position(x, y - 1)
case L => Position(x - 1, y)
case R => Position(x + 1, y)

def follow(head: Position): Position =
val dx = head.x - x
val dy = head.y - y
if dx.abs > 1 || dy.abs > 1 then Position(x + dx.sign, y + dy.sign) // follow the head
else this // stay put

case class State(uniques: Set[Position], head: Position, knots: List[Position])

enum Direction:
case U, D, L, R

def followAll(head: Position, knots: List[Position]) =
var prev = head // head was already moved with `moveOne`
val buf = List.newBuilder[Position]
for knot <- knots do
val next = knot.follow(prev)
buf += next
prev = next
(prev, buf.result())
end followAll

def step(dir: Direction, state: State) =
val head1 = state.head.moveOne(dir)
val (last, knots1) = followAll(head1, state.knots)
State(state.uniques + last, head1, knots1)

def steps(state: State, dir: Direction): Iterator[State] =
Iterator.iterate(state)(state => step(dir, state))

def initialState(knots: Int) =
val zero = Position(0, 0)
State(Set(zero), zero, List.fill(knots - 1)(zero))

def uniquePositions(input: String, knots: Int): Int =
val end = input.linesIterator.foldLeft(initialState(knots)) { case (state, line) =>
val (s"$dir $n") = line: @unchecked
steps(state, Direction.valueOf(dir)).drop(n.toInt).next()

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Part 1

Part 2

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