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Day 12: Hill Climbing Algorithm

Puzzle description


Today's challenge is to simulate the breadth-first search over a graph. First, let's create a standard Point class and define addition on it:

case class Point(x: Int, y: Int):
def move(dx: Int, dy: Int):
Point = Point(x + dx, y + dy)
override def toString: String =
s"($x, $y)"
end Point

Now we need a representation that will serve as a substitute for moves:

val up    = (0, 1)
val down = (0, -1)
val left = (-1, 0)
val right = (1, 0)
val possibleMoves = List(up, down, left, right)

Let's make a path function that will help us to calculate the length of our path to the point, based on our moves, that we defined before:

def path(point: Point, net: Map[Point, Char]): Seq[Point] =

A function that fulfills our need to match an entry with the point we are searching for:

def matching(point: Point, net: Map[Point, Char]): Char =
net(point) match
case 'S' => 'a'
case 'E' => 'z'
case other => other

Now we just need to put the program together. First of all, let's map out our indices to the source, so we can create a queue for path representation. After that we need to create a map, to keep track the length of our path. For that we will need to map E entry to zero. The last part is the implementation of bfs on a Queue.

def solution(source: IndexedSeq[String], srchChar: Char): Int =
// create a sequence of Point objects and their corresponding character in source
val points =
y <- source.indices
x <- source.head.indices
Point(x, y) -> source(y)(x)
val p = points.toMap
val initial ='E')
val queue = collection.mutable.Queue(initial)
val length = collection.mutable.Map(initial -> 0)
while queue.nonEmpty do
val visited = queue.dequeue()
if p(visited) == srchChar then
return length(visited)
for visited1 <- path(visited, p) do
val shouldAdd =
&& matching(visited, p) - matching(visited1, p) <= 1
if shouldAdd then
length(visited1) = length(visited) + 1
end for
end while
throw IllegalStateException("unexpected end of search area")
end solution

In part one srchChar is 'S', but since our method in non-exhaustive, we may apply the same function for 'a'

def part1(data: String): Int =
solution(IndexedSeq.from(data.linesIterator), 'S')
def part2(data: String): Int =
solution(IndexedSeq.from(data.linesIterator), 'a')

And that's it!

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Part 1

Part 2

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