Day 6: Wait For It
by Spamegg
Puzzle description
Solution summary
We are given a time value, t
, and a distance record, d
Say, we hold down the button for x
milliseconds. This determines our speed.
Then our boat travels for t-x
So our total distance traveled is: x * (t-x)
We need this to beat the current record d
So we need to solve the inequality x * (t-x) > d
for integer solutions.
Solving the quadratic
Doing some algebra we obtain . This is a familiar U-shaped parabola. It is negative for all the values between its two roots. The roots are given by . We can find the roots as follows:
val disc = math.sqrt(t * t - 4 * d)
val root1 = t / 2 - disc / 2
val root2 = t / 2 + disc / 2
Counting the integers between the roots
The idea is to take the ceiling of the smaller root, the floor of the larger root, then count the integers in this closed interval:
root2.floor - root1.ceil + 1
Edge cases
In one of the given test cases with t = 30
and d = 200
both roots happen to be integers themselves: x1 = 10
and x2 = 20
In this case, the valid solutions are the integers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19, excluding the roots themselves.
So we have to check if either root is an integer itself, and if so, exclude it. Because the roots give us equality x * (t-x) = d
For the lower endpoint of the interval, we'd have to increase it by 1, and for the upper endpoint we'd have to decrease it by 1.
// are the roots integers themselves?
val int1 = root1.ceil.toLong
val endPt1 = if int1 == root1 then int1 + 1L else int1
val int2 = root2.floor.toLong
val endPt2 = if int2 == root2 then int2 - 1L else int2
Parsing the input
Part 2 deals with large numbers, so we'll have to use Long
For part 1, we can parse both lines (times and distances) to sequences of Long
, then zip them.
// input looks like: Time: 61 67 75 71
// we want: 61, 67, 75, 71
def parse1(line: String) = line match
case s"Time: $x" => x.split(" ").filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.toLong)
case s"Distance: $x" => x.split(" ").filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.toLong)
For part 2, we can filter out the space characters to obtain one Long
value from each line.
// input looks like: Time: 61 67 75 71
// we want: 61677571
def parse2(line: String) = line match
case s"Time: $x" => x.filterNot(_.isSpaceChar).toLong
case s"Distance: $x" => x.filterNot(_.isSpaceChar).toLong
The input is given in two lines, one for times and one for distances. We can split them with .split("\n")
Final code
Remember that for part 1, we need to multiply the individual results!
def parse1(line: String) = line match
case s"Time: $x" => x.split(" ").filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.toLong)
case s"Distance: $x" => x.split(" ").filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.toLong)
def parse2(line: String) = line match
case s"Time: $x" => x.filterNot(_.isSpaceChar).toLong
case s"Distance: $x" => x.filterNot(_.isSpaceChar).toLong
def solve(time: Long, distance: Long): Long =
val (t, d) = (time.toDouble, distance.toDouble)
val disc = math.sqrt(t * t - 4 * d)
val (root1, root2) = (t / 2 - disc / 2, t / 2 + disc / 2)
val int1 = root1.ceil.toLong
val endPt1 = if int1 == root1 then int1 + 1L else int1
val int2 = root2.floor.toLong
val endPt2 = if int2 == root2 then int2 - 1L else int2
endPt2 - endPt1 + 1L
def part1(input: String): Long =
val lines = input.split("\n")
val (times, distances) = (parse1(lines(0)), parse1(lines(1)))
val solutions =, d) => solve(t, d))
end part1
def part2(input: String): Long =
val lines = input.split("\n")
val (time, distance) = (parse2(lines(0)), parse2(lines(1)))
solve(time, distance)
end part2
Solutions from the community
- Solution by Spamegg
- Solution by g.berezin
- Solution by Philippus Baalman
- Solution by Thanh Le
- Solution by Rui Alves
- Solution by Michael Pilquist
- Solution (brute-force) by Alexandru Nedelcu
- Solution (using math) by Radu Andrei
- Solution by jnclt
- Solution by Niels Prins
- Solution by Marconi Lanna
- Solution by Guillaume Vandecasteele
- Solution of Jan Boerman.
- Solution by Jamie Thompson
- Solution by Paweł Cembaluk
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