Day 1: Trebuchet?!
by @sjrd
Puzzle description
Solution Summary
- Iterate over each line of the input.
- Convert each line into coordinates, using the appropriate mechanism for
. - Sum the coordinates.
Part 1
Our main driver iterates over the lines, converts each line into coordinates, then sums them. It therefore looks like:
def part1(input: String): String =
// Convert one line into the appropriate coordinates
def lineToCoordinates(line: String): Int =
// Convert each line to its coordinates and sum all the coordinates
val result = input
end part1
In order to convert a line into coordinates, we find the first and last digits in the line. We then put them next to each other in a string to interpret them as coordinates, as asked.
// Convert one line into the appropriate coordinates
def lineToCoordinates(line: String): Int =
val firstDigit = line.find(_.isDigit).get
val lastDigit = line.findLast(_.isDigit).get
Part 2
The main driver is the same as for part 1. What changes is how we convert each line into coordinates.
We first build a hard-coded map of string representations to numeric values:
/** The textual representation of digits. */
val stringDigitReprs: Map[String, Int] = Map(
"one" -> 1,
"two" -> 2,
"three" -> 3,
"four" -> 4,
"five" -> 5,
"six" -> 6,
"seven" -> 7,
"eight" -> 8,
"nine" -> 9,
/** All the string representation of digits, including the digits themselves. */
val digitReprs: Map[String, Int] =
stringDigitReprs ++ (1 to 9).map(i => i.toString() -> i)
We will now have to find the first and last string representation in the line. Although not the most efficient solution, we do this by building a regular expression that matches any key of the above map.
// A regex that matches any of the keys of `digitReprs`
val digitReprRegex = digitReprs.keysIterator.mkString("|").r
Now, we find all matches of the regex in the line, convert them to their numeric values, and concatenate them as before:
def lineToCoordinates(line: String): Int =
// Find all the digit representations in the line.
val matches = digitReprRegex.findAllIn(line).toList
// Convert the string representations into actual digits and form the result
val firstDigit = digitReprs(matches.head)
val lastDigit = digitReprs(matches.last)
end lineToCoordinates
However, this does not seem to be correct. When we submit our answer with the above, the checker tells us that our answer is too low. What went wrong?
It turns out that the dataset contains lines where two textual representations overlap. For example, our data contained:
only finds non-overlapping matches in a string.
It therefore returns 2
, 9
, and one
, but misses the eight
that overlaps with one
There is no built-in function to handle overlapping matches, nor to find the last match of a regex in a string.
Instead, we manually iterate over all the indices to see if a match starts there.
This is equivalent to looking for prefix matches in all the suffixes of line.
Conveniently, line.tails
iterates over all such suffixes, and Regex.findPrefixOf
will look only for prefixes.
Our fixed computation for matches
is now:
val matchesIter =
lineTail <- line.tails
oneMatch <- digitReprRegex.findPrefixOf(lineTail)
val matches = matchesIter.toList
Final Code
def part1(input: String): String =
// Convert one line into the appropriate coordinates
def lineToCoordinates(line: String): Int =
val firstDigit = line.find(_.isDigit).get
val lastDigit = line.findLast(_.isDigit).get
// Convert each line to its coordinates and sum all the coordinates
val result = input
end part1
/** The textual representation of digits. */
val stringDigitReprs = Map(
"one" -> 1,
"two" -> 2,
"three" -> 3,
"four" -> 4,
"five" -> 5,
"six" -> 6,
"seven" -> 7,
"eight" -> 8,
"nine" -> 9,
/** All the string representation of digits, including the digits themselves. */
val digitReprs = stringDigitReprs ++ (1 to 9).map(i => i.toString() -> i)
def part2(input: String): String =
// A regex that matches any of the keys of `digitReprs`
val digitReprRegex = digitReprs.keysIterator.mkString("|").r
def lineToCoordinates(line: String): Int =
// Find all the digit representations in the line
val matchesIter =
lineTail <- line.tails
oneMatch <- digitReprRegex.findPrefixOf(lineTail)
val matches = matchesIter.toList
// Convert the string representations into actual digits and form the result
val firstDigit = digitReprs(matches.head)
val lastDigit = digitReprs(matches.last)
end lineToCoordinates
// Process lines as in part1
val result = input
end part2
Run it in the browser
Part 1
Part 2
Solutions from the community
- Solution of Karthick Pachiappan
- Solution of Jan Boerman.
- Solution by Alexandru Nedelcu
- Solution by Spamegg
- Solution by jnclt
- Solution by KristianAN
- Solution by CJ Smith
- Solution by Chidi Nweke
- Solution by YannMoisan
- Solution by Brian Xiang
- Solution by Jamie Thompson
- Solution by Seth Tisue
- Solution by Philippus Baalman
- Solution by Karl Bielefeldt
- Solution by Guillaume Vandecasteele
- Solution by Joel Edwards
- Solution by Will Billingsley
- Solution by Michael Pilquist
- Solution by g.berezin
- Solution by Marconi Lanna
- Solution by Rui Alves
- Solution by Paweł Cembaluk
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