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Day 20: Pulse Propagation

by @merlinorg

Puzzle description


Day 20 involves executing a machine that is operated by pushing a button to send pulses to various modules. These modules update their internal state according to their type and the pulse information, and then send further pulses through the machine.

It is tempting to implement the machine using mutable state, however a pure functional state machine gives us much more flexibility.



Pulses are the messages of our primary state machine. They combine a pulse level, either low (false) or high (true), and travel from a source to a destination module.

type ModuleName = String

final case class Pulse(
source: ModuleName,
destination: ModuleName,
level: Boolean,

object Pulse:
final val ButtonPress = Pulse("button", "broadcaster", false)


The modules include a pass-through (the broadcaster) which simply forwards pulses, flip flops which toggle state and emit when they receive a low pulse, and conjunctions which emit a low signal when all inputs are high.

sealed trait Module:
def name: ModuleName
def destinations: Vector[ModuleName]
// Generate pulses for all the destinations of this module
def pulses(level: Boolean): Vector[Pulse] =, _, level))
end Module

final case class PassThrough(
name: ModuleName,
destinations: Vector[ModuleName],
) extends Module

final case class FlipFlop(
name: ModuleName,
destinations: Vector[ModuleName],
state: Boolean,
) extends Module

final case class Conjunction(
name: ModuleName,
destinations: Vector[ModuleName],
// The source modules that most-recently sent a high pulse
state: Set[ModuleName],
) extends Module

The Machine

The machine itself comprises a collection of named modules and a map that gathers which modules serve as sources for each module in the machine. We need this source map because various parts of the algorithm require that we know which modules feed into other modules.

Here, we model the source map as Map[ModuleName, Set[ModuleName]]. In a less constrained environment we would use MultiDict that has the same shape but is more ergonomic.

final case class Machine(
modules: Map[ModuleName, Module],
sources: Map[ModuleName, Set[ModuleName]]

object Machine:
val Initial = Machine(Map.empty, Map.empty)

extension (self: Machine)
inline def +(module: Module): Machine =
import self.*
modules = modules.updated(, module),
sources = module.destinations.foldLeft(sources): (sources, destination) =>
case None => Some(Set(
case Some(values) => Some(values +


To parse the input we first parse all of the modules using fairly naïve string matching, and then fold these modules into a new machine.

def parse(input: String): Machine =
val modules =
case s"%$name -> $targets" =>
FlipFlop(name, targets.split(", ").toVector, false)
case s"&$name -> $targets" =>
Conjunction(name, targets.split(", ").toVector, Set.empty)
case s"$name -> $targets" =>
PassThrough(name, targets.split(", ").toVector)
modules.foldLeft(Machine.Initial)(_ + _)

The Elves' State Machine

The primary state machine executes the Elves' machine itself. It is a classical Moore Machine, a state machine whose next state is purely defined by its current state; there are no external inputs.


The state contained in the primary state machine is the machine definition, the number of button presses that have occurred, and a queue of pending pulses.

For a queue we use uses the immutable Queue class which has a method dequeueOption: Option[(A, Queue[A])] which returns the head element and the remainder of the queue, or None if the queue is empty.

import scala.collection.immutable.Queue

final case class MachineFSM(
machine: Machine,
presses: Long = 0,
queue: Queue[Pulse] = Queue.empty,


The next state is determined purely by the current state.

If the queue is empty, we increment the button press count and enqueue a button press pulse.

Otherwise, we pull the next pulse from the start of the queue, find the module it has been sent to and then return a new state accordingly. The new state will contain a new queue (with the head removed, and new pulses enqueued), along with a revised machine definition that contains the updated module state.

def nextState(fsm: MachineFSM): MachineFSM =
import fsm.*

queue.dequeueOption match
case None =>
copy(presses = presses + 1, queue = Queue(Pulse.ButtonPress))

case Some((Pulse(source, destination, level), tail)) =>
machine.modules.get(destination) match
case Some(passThrough: PassThrough) =>
copy(queue = tail ++ passThrough.pulses(level))

case Some(flipFlop: FlipFlop) if !level =>
val flipFlop2 = flipFlop.copy(state = !flipFlop.state)
machine = machine + flipFlop2,
queue = tail ++ flipFlop2.pulses(flipFlop2.state)

case Some(conjunction: Conjunction) =>
val conjunction2 = conjunction.copy(
state = if level then conjunction.state + source
else conjunction.state - source
val active = machine.sources( == conjunction2.state
machine = machine + conjunction2,
queue = tail ++ conjunction2.pulses(!active)

case _ =>
copy(queue = tail)
end nextState

Part 1 State Machine

The part 1 state machine is a Mealy Machine which contains an internal state that is updated by some input. In this case, the input to update the problem 1 state machine is the Elves' state machine itself. We will look at each state to observe the pulses that flow and terminate when 1000 button presses have occurred.


The part 1 state machine comprises the number of low and high pulses observed, and whether the problem is complete (after 1000 presses). The result of the state machine when complete is the product of low and high pulses observed.

final case class Problem1FSM(
lows: Long,
highs: Long,
complete: Boolean,

object Problem1FSM:
final val Initial = Problem1FSM(0, 0, false)

def solution(fsm: Problem1FSM): Option[Long] =
import fsm.*
Option.when(complete)(lows * highs)


If the head of the pulse queue is a low or high pulse then we update the low/high count. If the pulse queue is empty and the button has been pressed 1000 times then we update the state to complete.

extension (self: Problem1FSM)
inline def +(state: MachineFSM): Problem1FSM =
import self.*
state.queue.headOption match
case Some(Pulse(_, _, false)) => copy(lows = lows + 1)
case Some(Pulse(_, _, true)) => copy(highs = highs + 1)
case None if state.presses == 1000 => copy(complete = true)
case None => self

Part 1 Solution

Part 1 is solved by first constructing the primary state machine that executes the pulse machinery. Each state of this machine is then fed to the part 1 state machine. We then run the combined state machines to completion.

We can execute a Moore Machine using Iterator.iterate(a: A)(f: A => A) which takes an initial state and will then iterate through the machine's states.

We can execute a Mealy Machine using scanLeft(b: B)(f: (B, A) => B) which takes an initial state and will then provide each element of the iterator as an input to the state machine to compute its next state.

Finally, we can just iterate until we reach the complete state and get the result.

// An unruly and lawless find-map-get
extension [A](self: Iterator[A])
def findMap[B](f: A => Option[B]): B = self.flatMap(f).next()

def part1(input: String): Long =
val machine = parse(input)
.scanLeft(Problem1FSM.Initial)(_ + _)

Part 2

Part 2 asks how many button presses are required for a particular output module "rx" to receive a high pulse.

This can crudely be solved by just running the Elves' state machine until you find such a pulse:

.findMap: state =>
case Pulse(_, "rx", false) => state.presses

Knowing the Advent of Code, this will not complete in any reasonable time. Indeed, my machine can run 100,000 button presses per second and would take 70 years to solve the problem in this manner.

The state machine also does not obviously lend itself to a mathematical reduction, at least not within the available time constraints.

Instead, we have to look at the actual input text itself. Analyzing the structure of the machine, it turns out that the "rx" module is fed by a conjunction module which is itself fed by four completely independent subgraphs. This terminal conjunction will emit a high pulse when it receives a high pulse from each of the subgraphs.

Each subgraph emits a high pulse on a repeating cycle. This reminds us of day 8; the soonest point at which all the subgraphs will simultaneously emit a high pulse will be the least common multiple of the subgraph cycle times. It is not uncommon for AoC problems to reuse techniques from prior days and lend themselves to a quicker solution based on analyzing the puzzle input.

Part 2 Optimised: State Machine

We will solve part 2 using another Mealy Machine. We will watch the Elves' state machine until we have determined the cycle times of each of the terminal subgraphs, then compute the LCM.


The terminal module is a module that doesn't serve as an input to any other module. We could hardcode "rx", but this is more general. The output modules of the independent subgraphs are then all the inputs to the sole input to this terminal conjunction: ("a", "b", "c", "d") -> "penultimate" -> "rx".

def subgraphs(machine: Machine): Set[ModuleName] =
val terminal = (machine.sources.keySet -- machine.modules.keySet).head


The state is just a map that records the cycle time of each subgraph. We initialise it with 0 values for each module of interest and then execute until they are all non-zero.

import scala.annotation.tailrec

final case class Problem2FSM(
cycles: Map[ModuleName, Long],

object Problem2FSM:

def from(machine: Machine): Problem2FSM =
Problem2FSM(subgraphs(machine).map(_ -> 0L).toMap)

private def lcm(list: Iterable[Long]): Long =
list.foldLeft(1L)((a, b) => b * a / gcd(a, b))

private def gcd(x: Long, y: Long): Long =
if y == 0 then x else gcd(y, x % y)

def solution(fsm: Problem2FSM): Option[Long] =
import fsm.cycles
Option.when(cycles.values.forall(_ > 0))(lcm(cycles.values))


Our update step just watches the Elves' state machine, looking for a high pulse from the output module of a subgraph, and records the button press count at that point.

extension (self: Problem2FSM)
inline def +(state: MachineFSM): Problem2FSM =
import self.*
state.queue.headOption match
case Some(Pulse(src, _, true)) if cycles.get(src).contains(0L) =>
copy(cycles = cycles + (src -> state.presses))
case _ => self

Part 2 Solution

Part 2 is solved identically to part 1, combining the state machines and iterating until we reach a solution.

def part2(input: String): Long =
val machine = parse(input)
.scanLeft(Problem2FSM.from(machine))(_ + _)

Final Code

The complete, rather lengthy solution follows:

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue

type ModuleName = String

// Pulses are the messages of our primary state machine. They are either low
// (false) or high (true) and travel from a source to a destination module
final case class Pulse(
source: ModuleName,
destination: ModuleName,
level: Boolean,

object Pulse:
final val ButtonPress = Pulse("button", "broadcaster", false)

// The modules include pass-throughs which simply forward pulses, flip flips
// which toggle state and emit when they receive a low pulse, and conjunctions
// which emit a low signal when all inputs are high.

sealed trait Module:
def name: ModuleName
def destinations: Vector[ModuleName]
// Generate pulses for all the destinations of this module
def pulses(level: Boolean): Vector[Pulse] =, _, level))
end Module

final case class PassThrough(
name: ModuleName,
destinations: Vector[ModuleName],
) extends Module

final case class FlipFlop(
name: ModuleName,
destinations: Vector[ModuleName],
state: Boolean,
) extends Module

final case class Conjunction(
name: ModuleName,
destinations: Vector[ModuleName],
// The source modules that most-recently sent a high pulse
state: Set[ModuleName],
) extends Module

// The machine comprises a collection of named modules and a map that gathers
// which modules serve as sources for each module in the machine.

final case class Machine(
modules: Map[ModuleName, Module],
sources: Map[ModuleName, Set[ModuleName]]

object Machine:
val Initial = Machine(Map.empty, Map.empty)

extension (self: Machine)
inline def +(module: Module): Machine =
import self.*
modules = modules.updated(, module),
sources = module.destinations.foldLeft(sources): (sources, destination) =>
case None => Some(Set(
case Some(values) => Some(values +

val Initial = Machine(Map.empty, Map.empty)

// To parse the input we first parse all of the modules and then fold them
// into a new machine
def parse(input: String): Machine =
val modules =
case s"%$name -> $targets" =>
FlipFlop(name, targets.split(", ").toVector, false)
case s"&$name -> $targets" =>
Conjunction(name, targets.split(", ").toVector, Set.empty)
case s"$name -> $targets" =>
PassThrough(name, targets.split(", ").toVector)
modules.foldLeft(Machine.Initial)(_ + _)

// The primary state machine state comprises the machine itself, the number of
// button presses and a queue of outstanding pulses.

final case class MachineFSM(
machine: Machine,
presses: Long = 0,
queue: Queue[Pulse] = Queue.empty,

def nextState(fsm: MachineFSM): MachineFSM =
import fsm.*

queue.dequeueOption match
case None =>
copy(presses = presses + 1, queue = Queue(Pulse.ButtonPress))

case Some((Pulse(source, destination, level), tail)) =>
machine.modules.get(destination) match
case Some(passThrough: PassThrough) =>
copy(queue = tail ++ passThrough.pulses(level))

case Some(flipFlop: FlipFlop) if !level =>
val flipFlop2 = flipFlop.copy(state = !flipFlop.state)
machine = machine + flipFlop2,
queue = tail ++ flipFlop2.pulses(flipFlop2.state)

case Some(conjunction: Conjunction) =>
val conjunction2 = conjunction.copy(
state = if level then conjunction.state + source
else conjunction.state - source
val active = machine.sources( == conjunction2.state
machine = machine + conjunction2,
queue = tail ++ conjunction2.pulses(!active)

case _ =>
copy(queue = tail)
end nextState

// An unruly and lawless find-map-get
extension [A](self: Iterator[A])
def findMap[B](f: A => Option[B]): B = self.flatMap(f).next()

// The problem 1 state machine comprises the number of low and high pulses
// processed, and whether the problem is complete (after 1000 presses). This
// state machine gets updated by each state of the primary state machine.

final case class Problem1FSM(
lows: Long,
highs: Long,
complete: Boolean,

object Problem1FSM:
final val Initial = Problem1FSM(0, 0, false)

// The result is the product of lows and highs
def solution(fsm: Problem1FSM): Option[Long] =
import fsm.*
Option.when(complete)(lows * highs)

// If the head of the pulse queue is a low or high pulse then update the
// low/high count. If the pulse queue is empty and the button has been pressed
// 1000 times then complete.

extension (self: Problem1FSM)
inline def +(state: MachineFSM): Problem1FSM =
import self.*
state.queue.headOption match
case Some(Pulse(_, _, false)) => copy(lows = lows + 1)
case Some(Pulse(_, _, true)) => copy(highs = highs + 1)
case None if state.presses == 1000 => copy(complete = true)
case None => self

// Part 1 is solved by first constructing the primary state machine that
// executes the pulse machinery. Each state of this machine is then fed to a
// second problem 1 state machine. We then run the combined state machines to
// completion.

def part1(input: String): Long =
val machine = parse(input)
.scanLeft(Problem1FSM.Initial)(_ + _)

// The problem is characterized by a terminal module ("rx") that is fed by
// several subgraphs so we look to see which are the sources of the terminal
// module; these are the subgraphs whose cycle lengths we need to count.
def subgraphs(machine: Machine): Set[ModuleName] =
val terminal = (machine.sources.keySet -- machine.modules.keySet).head

// The problem 2 state machine is looking for the least common multiple of the
// cycle lengths of the subgraphs that feed into the output "rx" module. When it
// observes a high pulse from the final module of one these subgraphs, it
// records the number of button presses to reach this state.

final case class Problem2FSM(
cycles: Map[ModuleName, Long],

object Problem2FSM:

def from(machine: Machine): Problem2FSM =
Problem2FSM(subgraphs(machine).map(_ -> 0L).toMap)

private def lcm(list: Iterable[Long]): Long =
list.foldLeft(1L)((a, b) => b * a / gcd(a, b))

private def gcd(x: Long, y: Long): Long =
if y == 0 then x else gcd(y, x % y)

def solution(fsm: Problem2FSM): Option[Long] =
import fsm.cycles
Option.when(cycles.values.forall(_ > 0))(lcm(cycles.values))

extension (self: Problem2FSM)
inline def +(state: MachineFSM): Problem2FSM =
import self.*
state.queue.headOption match
case Some(Pulse(src, _, true)) if cycles.get(src).contains(0L) =>
copy(cycles = cycles + (src -> state.presses))
case _ => self

// Part 2 is solved by first constructing the primary state machine that
// executes the pulse machinery. Each state of this machine is then fed to a
// second problem 2 state machine. We then run the combined state machines to
// completion.

def part2(input: String): Long =
val machine = parse(input)
.scanLeft(Problem2FSM.from(machine))(_ + _)

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