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Day 22: Reactor Reboot

by @bishabosha

Puzzle description

Final Problem

Modelling The Domain

Basic Data Types

We model the input as a series of steps, where each step has a command (either "on" or "off"), and a cuboid area. Each cuboid is modelled by its dimensions in each of the x, y, and z dimensions. A dimension is modelled by two numbers - its start and end points, i.e. the minimum and maximum values on a single line in that dimension. Here are the data types modelling the above:

case class Dimension(min: Int, max: Int):
require(min <= max)

case class Cuboid(xs: Dimension, ys: Dimension, zs: Dimension)

enum Command:
case On, Off

case class Step(command: Command, cuboid: Cuboid)

Syntax Sugar for Dimensions

To make construction of dimensions easier to read, we define an extension method so that we may write e.g. n by m:

extension (x1: Int)
infix def by (x2: Int): Dimension = Dimension(x1, x2)

infix is a keyword in Scala that allows us to define a method that can be called infix.

Does a Dimension Fit in Some Boundary? (isSubset)

We can test if some dimension fits within another by checking that their minimum and maximum values conform to each other. We can model this for Dimension with a member method isSubset:

def isSubset(d: Dimension): Boolean =
min >= d.min && max <= d.max

Does one Dimension intersect with Another?

Lets also add another method to Dimension to get the part that intersects with another dimension, if it exists:

infix def insersect(d: Dimension): Option[Dimension] =
Option.when(max >= d.min && min <= d.max) {
(min max d.min) by (max min d.max)

You can think of intersecting dimensions as getting the part of two lines that overlap.

What size is a Dimension?

Lastly we add another method to Dimension to get its size:

def size: Int = max - min + 1

Does one Cuboid intersect with Another?

Now that we know how to get the intersection of two dimensions, we can extend this to the intersection of two cuboids, by asserting that there is an intersection in each dimension. Here we add a method to Cuboid:

infix def intersect(curr: Cuboid): Option[Cuboid] =
xs <- this.xs insersect curr.xs
ys <- this.ys insersect curr.ys
zs <- this.zs insersect curr.zs
Cuboid(xs, ys, zs)

What is the volume of a Cuboid?

With the size of each dimension determined, we can add a method to Cuboid to determine its volume, it is computed as a BigInt to avoid numeric overflow:

  def volume: BigInt = BigInt(1) * xs.size * ys.size * zs.size

Solving the Problem

Method Summary

The problem asks us to determine how many cubes are lit after all steps have been completed. We do this by modelling the current lit cubes as a set of cuboids. Each step may add or remove cuboids from this set. Aggregating cubes as cuboids means that we have the potential to save a lot of memory, as we only need 6 integer values to store all cubes within a specific set of coordinates.


Note that with sufficient churn, i.e. steps that cause already lit areas to be turned off, many cuboids will be required, enough that a more dense representation could be desirable to save memory. For my input, < 3500 cuboids exist after the final step.

Removing Cubes that are Turned Off

The tricky part is when one step turns off some cubes that are already lit, as this will leave a hole in at least one of cuboids in the set.

To simplify things, let's imagine that after the first step, a square of cubes is in our set. Then in the next step, an area is turned off in the middle of that square. We can update our set of lit cuboids by removing the square, and replacing it by four new cuboids, created by splitting the square where it intersects with the hole. Here we can see the set of lit cuboids for the first two steps:

  ┏━━━━━━━┓   ┏━┳━━━┳━┓
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣━━━┫ ┃
1.┃ ┃ 2.┃ ┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣━━━┫ ┃
┗━━━━━━━┛ ┗━┻━━━┻━┛

We provide a method subdivide which follows the model described above:

def subdivide(old: Cuboid, hole: Cuboid): Set[Cuboid] =
var on = Set.empty[Cuboid]
if old.xs.min != hole.xs.min then
on += Cuboid(xs = old.xs.min by hole.xs.min - 1, ys = old.ys, zs = old.zs)
if old.xs.max != hole.xs.max then
on += Cuboid(xs = hole.xs.max + 1 by old.xs.max, ys = old.ys, zs = old.zs)
if old.ys.min != hole.ys.min then
on += Cuboid(xs = hole.xs, ys = old.ys.min by hole.ys.min - 1, zs = old.zs)
if old.ys.max != hole.ys.max then
on += Cuboid(xs = hole.xs, ys = hole.ys.max + 1 by old.ys.max, zs = old.zs)
if old.zs.min != hole.zs.min then
on += Cuboid(xs = hole.xs, ys = hole.ys, zs = old.zs.min by hole.zs.min - 1)
if old.zs.max != hole.zs.max then
on += Cuboid(xs = hole.xs, ys = hole.ys, zs = hole.zs.max + 1 by old.zs.max)

Running the Steps

We iterate through all the input steps once to accumulate a set of cuboids, where each cuboid is a bounding box for lit cubes.

On each step, we create a new set of cuboids by subtracting the volume of the current cuboid from any cuboids created in the previous step (using our subdivide method). We also include the cuboid of the current step if the command is "on". See the code here:

def run(steps: Iterator[Step]): Set[Cuboid] =

def subtract(cuboid: Cuboid)(on: Set[Cuboid], previouslyOn: Cuboid): Set[Cuboid] =
previouslyOn intersect cuboid match
case Some(hole) =>
on | subdivide(previouslyOn, hole)
case _ =>
on + previouslyOn

def turnOnCubes(on: Set[Cuboid], step: Step): Set[Cuboid] =
val Step(command, cuboid) = step
val newOn = if command == On then Set(cuboid) else Set.empty


Calculate the Total Cubes Lit

To calculate the total number of cubes lit from the set of cuboids, we convert from a set to a sequence (to allow duplicates) then take the sum of cuboid volumes:

def summary(on: Set[Cuboid]): BigInt =

Parsing The Input

The input is made of a number of lines, typically like the following:

on x=-29..15,y=-4..46,z=-21..23

We parse each line into our Step data type.

Parser Type

First define a type Parser[A] which we will use as a pattern match extractor:

type Parser[A] = PartialFunction[String, A]

Parsing a Command

To make a Step we need both a Command and a a Cuboid. We define a parser for Command as such:

val CommandOf: Parser[Command] =
case "on" => On
case "off" => Off

Parsing a Cuboid

We parse a Cuboid from three Dimension, which we parse as such:

val CuboidOf: Parser[Cuboid] =
case s"x=${DimensionOf(xs)},y=${DimensionOf(ys)},z=${DimensionOf(zs)}" => Cuboid(xs, ys, zs)
val DimensionOf: Parser[Dimension] =
case s"${NumOf(begin)}..${NumOf(end)}" => begin by end
val NumOf: Parser[Int] =
case s if s.matches(raw"-?\d+") => s.toInt

Parsing a Step

Finally we can parse a single Step:

val StepOf: Parser[Step] =
case s"${CommandOf(command)} ${CuboidOf(cuboid)}" => Step(command, cuboid)

To parse all lines, we can use linesIterator:

val steps =

Note that the above call to .map will call StepOf.apply for each line, this may throw a MatchError if the line is formatted incorrectly.

Solution of Part 1

For part one, we only run the steps that are in the initialisation sequence, i.e. running all the first steps while they fit within the area x=-50..50,y=-50..50,z=-50..50.

We check that a cuboid is in the initialisation sequence with the following:

def isInit(cuboid: Cuboid): Boolean =
Seq(cuboid.xs, cuboid.ys, cuboid.zs).forall(_.isSubset(-50 by 50))

The final code for part 1 is then to run the steps only while they fit the initialisation sequence, and then summarise the set of cuboids:

def part1(input: String): BigInt =
val steps =
summary(run(steps.takeWhile(s => isInit(s.cuboid))))

Solution of Part 2

Part 2 is identical to part 1, except that we run all steps, not just the initialisation sequence:

def part2(input: String): BigInt =

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Part 1

Part 2

Run it locally

You can get this solution locally by cloning the scalacenter/scala-advent-of-code repository.

$ git clone
$ cd scala-advent-of-code

You can run it with scala-cli.

$ scala-cli 2021 -M day22.part1
The answer is: 647062

$ scala-cli 2021 -M day22.part2
The answer is: 1319618626668022

You can replace the content of the input/day22 file with your own input from to get your own solution.

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