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Day 9: Disk Fragmenter

by @dyvrl

Puzzle description

Solution Summary

  1. Convert the input to a disk representation:
  • part1: A sequence of optional file indices
  • part2: A sequence of indivisible file/free-space blocks
  1. Create a compact representation of this disk: Starting from the end of the disk,
  • part1: Move individual file indices to the leftmost free space
  • part2: Move file blocks to the to the leftmost free block, if any
  1. Compute the checksum of the resulting disk

Part 1

Each part will define its own Disk type. For part1, this will simply be a Seq[Option[Int]], where each charater has an assigned value:

  • Some(index) for file blocks, with their corresponding index
  • None for free blocks

Our main driver converts the input to a Disk, create a new compact Disk from it and finally computes its checksum

def part1(input: String): Long =

type Disk = Seq[Option[Int]]
extension(disk: Disk)
def checksum: Long = ???

def createDisk(input: String): Disk = ???

def compact(disk: Disk): Disk = ???

val disk = createDisk(input)

Let's first implement checksum: It is the sum of each file ID times its position in the disk

extension(disk: Disk)
def checksum: Long = disk
.map(_.getOrElse(0).toLong * _) // Free blocks are mapped to 0

To create our disk from the input, we need to:

  • Convert our input to a List[Int] ranging from 0 to 9
  • Group elements 2 by 2 to create pairs of (file, free) blocks count
  • Zip these groups with their indices
  • Unroll these pairs into an actual sequence with the correct number of elements
  • Concatenate these newly created sequences
def createDisk(input: String): Disk =
val intInput = - '0') // Convert characters to int [0, 9]
val fileFreeGroups = intInput.grouped(2).toVector // Last group will contain a single element
val zippedGroups = fileFreeGroups.zipWithIndex
case (List(fileN, freeN), i) =>
// File block followed by free block
List.fill(fileN)(Some(i)) ::: List.fill(freeN)(None)
case (List(fileN), i) =>
// Final file block
case _ => Nil

Finally, we need to compact the disk we obtain: Iterate over the disk elements, from the beginning (left)

  • If we encounter a free block: replace it with the last element in the disk and repeat the recursion
  • If we encounter a file block: Append it to the result and continue with the next element in the disk

All of this can be implemented using a tail-recursive function:

def compact(disk: Disk): Disk =
def compactRec(disk: Disk, acc: Disk): Disk =
if disk.isEmpty then
disk.head match
case None => compactRec(disk.last +: disk.tail.init, acc) // Take the last element, put it first and eliminate free block
case file@Some(_) => compactRec(disk.tail, acc :+ file) // Append the file block
compactRec(disk, Vector.empty)

Part 2

The code remains very similar to part1. However this time, the Disk structure can't consider characters individually anymore. Consecutive file blocks are indivisible, they form a single Block. Thus, we define a new Block enumeration. All Blocks have a size, but Free blocks do not have any index attached whereas File blocks do:

enum Block(val size: Int):
case Free(s: Int) extends Block(s)
case File(s: Int, i: Int) extends Block(s)

def index = this match
case Free(size) => None
case File(size, id) => Some(id)

The main driver for part2 has the same components as the one from part1:

  • checksum remains unchanged (except to convert our new Disk to the previous Disk)
  • createDisk produces a sequence of blocks instead of flattening every character into a single sequence
def part2(input: String): Long =

enum Block(val size: Int):
case Free(s: Int) extends Block(s)
case File(s: Int, i: Int) extends Block(s)

def index = this match
case Free(size) => None
case File(size, id) => Some(id)
// [...]

type Disk = Seq[Block]
extension(disk: Disk)
def checksum: Long = disk
.flatMap(b => Vector.fill(b.size)(b.index.getOrElse(0))) // Convert to previous `Disk`
.map(_.toLong * _)

def createDisk(input: String): Disk =
val intInput = - '0') // Convert characters to int [0, 9]
val fileFreeGroups = intInput.grouped(2).toVector // Last group will contain a single element
val zippedGroups = fileFreeGroups.zipWithIndex
case (List(fileN, freeN), id) =>
Vector(Block.File(fileN, id), Block.Free(freeN))
case (List(fileN), id) =>
Vector(Block.File(fileN, id))
case _ => Nil

def compact(disk: Disk): Disk = ???

val disk = createDisk(input)

This time, the compact method needs to keep contiguous file blocks in one piece. Iterate over the blocks of the disk, starting from the right:

  • If we encounter a free block, we prepend it to the result
  • If we encounter a file block, we find the leftmost free block large enough to insert file block:
    • If we couldn't find any such free block, prepend the file block to the result
    • Otherwise, insert the file block inside the found free block. This creates a new view of our disk that we will use for subsequent iterations. Prepend a free block of the same size as the file block to the result.

Again, this can be implemented using a tail-recursive function:

def compact(disk: Disk): Disk =
def compactRec(disk: Disk, acc: Disk): Disk =
disk.lastOption match
case None =>
case Some(last@Block.Free(_)) =>
// Free blocks are not moved
compactRec(disk.init, last +: acc)
case Some(last@Block.File(size, _)) =>
// Find first block which can fit the file block
val fitter = disk
.find((block, _) => block.canInsert(last))

fitter match
case None =>
// If it doesn't fit anywhere, don't move it
compactRec(disk.init, last +: acc)
case Some(free@Block.Free(_), id) =>
// If it fits somewhere, insert inside this free block
val newDisk = disk.take(id) ++ free.insert(last) ++ disk.drop(id+1).init
compactRec(newDisk, Block.Free(last.size) +: acc)
case _ => throw new MatchError("Unexpected block type")
compactRec(disk, Vector.empty)

Where we defined some auxiliary methods on Blocks to simplify the code:

enum Block(val size: Int):
// [...]
def canInsert(block: Block) = this match
case Free(size) => size >= block.size
case _ => false

extension (free: Block.Free)
def insert(b: Block): Seq[Block] =
if b.size < free.size then
Seq(b, Block.Free(free.size-b.size))

Final code

def part1(input: String): Long =

type Disk = Seq[Option[Int]]
extension(disk: Disk)
def checksum: Long = disk
.map(_.getOrElse(0).toLong * _) // Free blocks are mapped to 0

def createDisk(input: String): Disk =
val intInput = - '0') // Convert characters to int [0, 9]
val fileFreeGroups = intInput.grouped(2).toVector // Last group will contain a single element
val zippedGroups = fileFreeGroups.zipWithIndex
val disk = zippedGroups.flatMap:
case (List(fileN, freeN), i) =>
// File block followed by free block
List.fill(fileN)(Some(i)) ::: List.fill(freeN)(None)
case (List(fileN), i) =>
// Final file block
case _ => Nil
return disk

def compact(disk: Disk): Disk =
def compactRec(disk: Disk, acc: Disk): Disk =
if disk.isEmpty then
disk.head match
case None => compactRec(disk.last +: disk.tail.init, acc) // Take the last element, put it first and eliminate free block
case file@Some(_) => compactRec(disk.tail, acc :+ file) // Append the file block
compactRec(disk, Vector.empty)

val disk = createDisk(input)

def part2(input: String): Long =

enum Block(val size: Int):
case Free(s: Int) extends Block(s)
case File(s: Int, i: Int) extends Block(s)

def index = this match
case Free(size) => None
case File(size, id) => Some(id)

def canInsert(block: Block) = this match
case Free(size) => size >= block.size
case _ => false

extension (free: Block.Free)
def insert(b: Block): Seq[Block] =
if b.size < free.size then
Seq(b, Block.Free(free.size-b.size))

type Disk = Seq[Block]
extension(disk: Disk)
def checksum: Long = disk
.flatMap(b => Vector.fill(b.size)(b.index.getOrElse(0))) // Convert to previous `Disk`
.map(_.toLong * _)

def createDisk(input: String): Disk =
val intInput = - '0') // Convert characters to int [0, 9]
val fileFreeGroups = intInput.grouped(2).toVector // Last group will contain a single element
val zippedGroups = fileFreeGroups.zipWithIndex
val disk = zippedGroups.flatMap:
case (List(fileN, freeN), id) =>
Vector(Block.File(fileN, id), Block.Free(freeN))
case (List(fileN), id) =>
Vector(Block.File(fileN, id))
case _ => Nil
return disk

def compact(disk: Disk): Disk =
def compactRec(disk: Disk, acc: Disk): Disk = disk.lastOption match
case None =>
case Some(last@Block.Free(_)) =>
// Free blocks are not moved
compactRec(disk.init, last +: acc)
case Some(last@Block.File(size, _)) =>
// Find first block in which we can insert the file block
val fitter = disk
.find((block, _) => block.canInsert(last))

fitter match
case None =>
// If it doesn't fit anywhere, don't move it
compactRec(disk.init, last +: acc)
case Some(free@Block.Free(_), id) =>
// If it fits somewhere, insert inside this free block
val newDisk = disk.take(id) ++ free.insert(last) ++ disk.drop(id+1).init
compactRec(newDisk, Block.Free(last.size) +: acc)
case _ => throw new MatchError("Unexpected block type")
compactRec(disk, Vector.empty)

val disk = createDisk(input)

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Part 1

Part 2

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