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Day 17: Trick Shot

by @bishabosha

Puzzle description

Solution of Part 1

Modelling The Domain

A Moving Probe

The problem asks us to consider the trajectory of a projectile probe which has both a position and a velocity. Both positions and velocities have two directions, x and y, with integer values. We model them with case classes:

case class Position(x: Int, y: Int)
case class Velocity(x: Int, y: Int)

and then the probe is as follows:

case class Probe(position: Position, velocity: Velocity)

We also find out that a probe always has an initial position of 0,0, so we model that also:

val initial = Position(x = 0, y = 0)

We are also told about the projectile motion of the probe - it moves in discrete steps, which we implement as follows:

  • on each step we create a new probe with a new position and a new velocity,
  • the x of the new position is the sum of x of the old position and x of the old velocity,
  • the y of the new position is the sum of y of the old position and y of the old velocity,
  • the x of the new velocity is given by subtracting the sign (-1, 0 or 1) of the x of the old velocity from itself (drag slows down the projectile),
  • the y of the new velocity is given by subtracting 1 from the y of the old velocity (due to gravity).

The code is written as such:

def step(probe: Probe): Probe =
val Probe(pos, vel) = probe
Position(x = pos.x + vel.x, y = pos.y + vel.y),
Velocity(x = vel.x - vel.x.sign, y = vel.y - 1)

A Target Area

Next we are told that a successful launch trajectory causes the probe to be within a target area after at least one of its steps. The area is defined by the points within a given range in the x and y directions. We can model a target area by a case class with two ranges:

case class Target(xs: Range, ys: Range)

Reasoning about the Problem

We are told to first identify the initial velocity of trajectories that will hit the target area exactly, meaning that after a given step, the probe will be exactly within the target area; and that we must disregard trajectories that "overshoot", i.e., that pass through the entire target area in a single step.

We are also told to find the maximum height (y position) reached out of all valid trajectories.

Simulating a trajectory

For this problem we simulate a probe moving along a trajectory, i.e., iterate every step of the trajectory until the probe either collides with the target or has moved beyond it. And at each step we record if the current height of the probe is higher than before.

Checking Collisions

To identify if the probe collides with the target, we check that its x position is within the xs range of the target and also that its y position is within the ys range of the target:

def collides(probe: Probe, target: Target): Boolean =
val Probe(pos, _) = probe
val Target(xs, ys) = target
xs.contains(pos.x) && ys.contains(pos.y)
Has the Probe Moved Beyond the Target?

We can check that the probe has moved beyond the target by considering situations for each direction:

  • for the x direction:
    • the x velocity is 0 and the x position of the probe is less than the minimum x position of the target,
    • the x position of the probe is greater than the maximum x position of the target.
  • for the y direction:
    • the y velocity is less than 0 and the y position of the probe is less than the minimum y position of the target.

The code to compute this is given as such:

def beyond(probe: Probe, target: Target): Boolean =
val Probe(pos, vel) = probe
val Target(xs, ys) = target
val beyondX = (vel.x == 0 && pos.x < xs.min) || pos.x > xs.max
val beyondY = vel.y < 0 && pos.y < ys.min
beyondX || beyondY

The above conditions make the assumptions that the x velocity is never negative, and that the target is always in the positive x direction. They are also informed by the fact that the probe eventually always has negative velocity (due to gravity).

Running the Simulation

We can use our two conditions to now simulate the trajectory of a probe:

  • We begin with an initial probe, and an initial maximum height maxY of 0,
  • We then iterate these values - on each iteration, we apply step to the probe, and replace maxY by the maximum of maxY and the y position of the current probe,
  • we ignore any iteration step where the probe does not collide with, or go beyond the target, i.e., the probe is still on a valid trajectory,
  • we then find the first iteration that is not ignored, meaning that at that step the probe must have either collided with the target, or gone beyond it.
  • we then extract the maxY of that iteration, provided that the probe collided with the target.

The function simulate implements the rules above, taking parameters probe and target, and returning an optional value - Some(maxY) if the trajectory reaches the target, and None if it went beyond:

def simulate(probe: Probe, target: Target): Option[Int] =
.iterate((probe, 0))((probe, maxY) => (step(probe), maxY `max` probe.position.y))
.dropWhile((probe, _) => !collides(probe, target) && !beyond(probe, target))
.collect { case (probe, maxY) if collides(probe, target) => maxY }

The above code uses LazyList.iterate: it creates an infinite sequence of steps, applied in sequence to an initial value, where each step is evaluated on-demand. Next we call dropWhile, acting like a condition of a while loop - it limits the size of our sequence because we know that eventually one of the conditions will be broken. We then call headOption to get an Option wrapping the first element we are interested in. Finally collect allows us to inspect probe and maxY, and keep maxY when probe matches the condition we want, otherwise if the condition is not met None will be returned.

Checking all Possible Trajectories

So far we have seen how to simulate the trajectory of a single probe. We need to find the best possible height reached by all trajectories - meaning that we need to generate some initial velocities for the probe.

We can use some knowledge to help us reduce the search space for possible velocities.

Lower x Bound

First, we assume that the target will always be in a positive direction from the probe's initial direction, and that the probe's x velocity will only get closer to 0, so we do not need to consider negative x velocities.

Lower y Bound

Second, we know that the problem requires us to find the highest positive height reached by the probe, and that the probe's y velocity can only fall once in motion. So we do not need to consider negative y velocities.

That gives us a lower bound of 0 for both of the x and y velocities, what about the upper bounds for these velocities?

Upper x Bound

We know that a trajectory is invalid if it goes beyond the target in a single step, so the largest single step that the probe can move in the x direction (from its initial position) is the distance of the furthest edge of the target, giving our upper x velocity bound:

val upperBoundX = target.xs.max
Upper y Bound

For the y direction, we know that when a probe launches with an initial positive y velocity, e.g. y0, after some steps its y velocity will eventually fall below zero and the probe will cross the x axis (i.e. the probe's y position is 0). At this point the probe's y velocity will be equal to (y0 + 1) * -1. If we assume that the target will always be below the x axis, and that at the point of crossing the x axis, the y velocity upper bound should reach the furthest edge of the target in one step, then we get the following:

val upperBoundY = -target.ys.min - 1
Generating all Maximum Heights

To proceed we create a function allMaxHeights to return a sequence of possible maximum heights, one for each valid initial velocity. It runs the simulation on each possible velocity within the bounds we defined:

def allMaxHeights(target: Target): Seq[Int] =
val Target(xs, ys) = target
val upperBoundX = xs.max
val upperBoundY = -ys.min - 1
vx <- 0 to upperBoundX
vy <- 0 to upperBoundY
maxy <- simulate(Probe(initial, Velocity(vx, vy)), target)

Computing the Solution

Parsing the Input

The input for this problem is a single line, possibly ending in a new line char. e.g.

"target area: x=20..30, y=-10..-5\n"

From this input we extract two Range values by pattern matching.

Values of type PartialFunction[A, B] can be used as extractors in pattern matching, and as we are parsing strings, let's make a type alias Parser[A] to communicate our intent:

type Parser[A] = PartialFunction[String, A]

First, let us make a parser for Int values. We use a regex to check for a numeric string, and then call toInt on the string if it matches:

val IntOf: Parser[Int] =
case s if s.matches(raw"-?\d+") => s.toInt

the raw string interpolator allows us to use regex strings without escaping backslash '\'

We can then use our IntOf parser to parse a single range value. We use the s interpolator to pattern match on strings and extract parts from them. E.g. in the following code we extract before and after .. in a string and then assert that they match IntOf:

val RangeOf: Parser[Range] =
case s"${IntOf(begin)}..${IntOf(end)}" => begin to end

We can finally use our RangeOf parser to parse the input:

val Input: Parser[Target] =
case s"target area: x=${RangeOf(xs)}, y=${RangeOf(ys)}" => Target(xs, ys)

Running the Solution

Finally we can compute the solution. First we trim our input (to remove unnecessary whitespace from either end). Next, we apply Input on our trimmed input string, (which may throw MatchError if our input was invalid) and pass the resulting target to allMaxHeights, returning the sequence of possible maximum heights. We then call max on the sequence to get the highest:

def part1(input: String) =

Solution of Part 2

Updating Our Search Space

The problem for part 2 instead asks us to count the number of all possible paths that reach the target area. In this case we proceed as before, but must also consider the possible initial negative y velocities. These have an upper bound equal to the furthest y edge of the target (to travel to the furthest edge in one step).

We adapt allMaxHeights with this new rule:

def allMaxHeights(target: Target)(positiveOnly: Boolean): Seq[Int] =
val Target(xs, ys) = target
val upperBoundX = xs.max
val upperBoundY = -ys.min -1
val lowerBoundY = if positiveOnly then 0 else ys.min
vx <- 0 to upperBoundX
vy <- lowerBoundY to upperBoundY
maxy <- simulate(Probe(initial, Velocity(vx, vy)), target)

Computing the Solution

As our input has not changed, we can update part 1 and give the code for part 2 as follows:

def part1(input: String) =
allMaxHeights(Input(input.trim))(positiveOnly = true).max

def part2(input: String) =
allMaxHeights(Input(input.trim))(positiveOnly = false).size

Notice that in part 2 we only need the number of possible max heights, rather than find the highest.

Final Code

case class Target(xs: Range, ys: Range)

case class Velocity(x: Int, y: Int)

case class Position(x: Int, y: Int)

val initial = Position(x = 0, y = 0)

case class Probe(position: Position, velocity: Velocity)

def step(probe: Probe): Probe =
val Probe(Position(px, py), Velocity(vx, vy)) = probe
Probe(Position(px + vx, py + vy), Velocity(vx - vx.sign, vy - 1))

def collides(probe: Probe, target: Target): Boolean =
val Probe(Position(px, py), _) = probe
val Target(xs, ys) = target
xs.contains(px) && ys.contains(py)

def beyond(probe: Probe, target: Target): Boolean =
val Probe(Position(px, py), Velocity(vx, vy)) = probe
val Target(xs, ys) = target
val beyondX = (vx == 0 && px < xs.min) || px > xs.max
val beyondY = vy < 0 && py < ys.min
beyondX || beyondY

def simulate(probe: Probe, target: Target): Option[Int] =
.iterate((probe, 0))((probe, maxY) => (step(probe), maxY `max` probe.position.y))
.dropWhile((probe, _) => !collides(probe, target) && !beyond(probe, target))
.collect { case (probe, maxY) if collides(probe, target) => maxY }

def allMaxHeights(target: Target)(positiveOnly: Boolean): Seq[Int] =
val upperBoundX = target.xs.max
val upperBoundY = target.ys.min.abs
val lowerBoundY = if positiveOnly then 0 else -upperBoundY
vx <- 0 to upperBoundX
vy <- lowerBoundY to upperBoundY
maxy <- simulate(Probe(initial, Velocity(vx, vy)), target)

type Parser[A] = PartialFunction[String, A]

val IntOf: Parser[Int] =
case s if s.matches(raw"-?\d+") => s.toInt

val RangeOf: Parser[Range] =
case s"${IntOf(begin)}..${IntOf(end)}" => begin to end

val Input: Parser[Target] =
case s"target area: x=${RangeOf(xs)}, y=${RangeOf(ys)}" => Target(xs, ys)

def part1(input: String) =
allMaxHeights(Input(input.trim))(positiveOnly = true).max

def part2(input: String) =
allMaxHeights(Input(input.trim))(positiveOnly = false).size

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Part 1

Part 2

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You can get this solution locally by cloning the scalacenter/scala-advent-of-code repository.

$ git clone
$ cd advent-of-code

You can run it with scala-cli.

$ scala-cli 2021 -M day17.part1
The answer is: 4851

$ scala-cli 2021 -M day17.part2
The answer is: 1739

You can replace the content of the input/day14 file with your own input from to get your own solution.

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