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Day 5: Supply Stacks

by @bishabosha

Puzzle description

Final Code

def part1(input: String): String =
moveAllCrates(input, _ reverse_::: _) // concat in reverse order

def part2(input: String): String =
moveAllCrates(input, _ ::: _) // concat in normal order

/** each column is 4 chars wide (or 3 if terminal) */
def parseRow(row: String) =
for i <- 0 to row.length by 4 yield
if row(i) == '[' then
row(i + 1) // the crate id
'#' // empty slot

def parseColumns(header: IndexedSeq[String]): IndexedSeq[List[Char]] =
val crates :+ colsStr = header: @unchecked
val columns = colsStr.split(" ").filter(_.nonEmpty).length

val rows =, '#')) // pad empty slots at the end

// transpose the rows to get the columns, then remove the terminal empty slots from each column == '#'))
end parseColumns

def moveAllCrates(input: String, moveCrates: (List[Char], List[Char]) => List[Char]): String =
val (headerLines, rest0) = input.linesIterator.span(_.nonEmpty)
val instructions = rest0.drop(1) // drop the empty line after the header

def move(cols: IndexedSeq[List[Char]], n: Int, idxA: Int, idxB: Int) =
val (toMove, aRest) = cols(idxA).splitAt(n)
val b2 = moveCrates(toMove, cols(idxB))
cols.updated(idxA, aRest).updated(idxB, b2)

val columns = parseColumns(

val columns1 = instructions.foldLeft(columns) { case (columns, s"move $n from $a to $b") =>
move(columns, n.toInt, a.toInt - 1, b.toInt - 1)
end moveAllCrates

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Part 1

Part 2

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