Day 22: Monkey Market
by @merlinorg
Puzzle description
Solution summary
- Define some elegant supporting machinery.
- Define a generator for the part 1 monkey secrets.
- Sum the 2000th secrets for part 1.
- Define a generator for the part 2 monkey secrets.
- Calculate the value provided by every sequence of secret deltas and find the best.
While the Scala standard library provides many fine things, there are supporting functional libraries such as Cats and Scalaz that let us write more elegant solutions to puzzles; at least, for some definition of elegance.
Rather than importing such a library, we can easily build the bones of what we need with just a few lines of code. Most AoCers will use one of these libraries along with their own local libraries, and solve this in fewer lines of code.
A monoid is a specialisation of a
semigroup that,
for some type A
provides a zero
value of A
and some way
to combine two A
s into another A
. There are various laws that govern
monoids; for example, combining any value with zero results in the same value: .
However, we will not concern ourselves with the law. A typical example of
a monoid for numeric values, is zero () and addition (). This is
lawful; , and we can combine things insightfully; .
Monoids for a type are not necessarily unique, either. Another monoid for
numeric values is one () and multiplication ().
In Scala, we model monoids as a typeclass with implicit givens for types of
interest. Here, we define the Semigroup
and Monoid
typeclasses, and provide
a given monoid for numeric values using zero and addition.
trait Semigroup[A]:
def combine(a0: A, a1: A): A
trait Monoid[A] extends Semigroup[A]:
def zero: A
given NumericMonoid[A](using N: Numeric[A]): Monoid[A] with
def zero: A =
def combine(a0: A, a1: A): A =, a1)
A fold is
another useful functional programming pattern. A fold allows you to reduce
an F[A]
into a single A
, usually using some combining operation. You
will probably be familiar with the built-in sum
method provided by
Scala collections. This folds over numeric values, adding them: List(1, 1).sum = 2
Scala provides built-in generic folds, but we're interested in a very
specific one: Given an F[A]
and a function A => B
, we want to define
a foldMap
operation that reduces the F[A]
to a single B
That is, foldMap: F[A] => (A => B) => B
. For numeric values, this is
just map
followed by sum
but we want a more general solution. For this,
we will leverage the Monoid
we just defined
We will define foldMap
as an extension on an Iterator[A]
. We use a
given Monoid[B]
to provide a zero value and a combination function, then
just map the iterator and combine values using the built-in foldLeft
extension [A](self: Iterator[A])
def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(using M: Monoid[B]): B =
One final thing extension we will use is the ability to pluck a value from
an iterator by index. The Iterator
class represents an infinite sequence of
values that can be iterated through just once and, as such, does not
provide any indexed extraction operations. In this puzzle (and others) we are
only interested in the th value of a given sequence, and we can define
a useful nth
extension that combines drop
and next
extension [A](self: Iterator[A])
def nth(n: Int): A = self.drop(n).next()
Part 1
Given these elegant tools, it's now time to look at the first part of the puzzle.
Pseudorandom number generator
The puzzle starts by defining a pseudorandom number generator, which we can neatly
define as some extensions on Long
. We flag these as inline
to request that
the compiler not introduce any function call overhead into the math.
extension (self: Long)
inline def nextSecret: Long = step(_ * 64).step(_ / 32).step(_ * 2048)
inline def step(f: Long => Long): Long = mix(f(self)).prune
inline def mix(n: Long): Long = self ^ n
inline def prune: Long = self % 16777216
With these, we can define another extension method that generates the infinite series
of pseudorandom numbers from an initial seed. We use Iterator.iterate
which takes
an initial value and a function to generate the next value from the prior.
extension (self: Long)
def secretsIterator: Iterator[Long] = Iterator.iterate(self)(_.nextSecret)
With the generator defined, we can solve part one by parsing the input into
a sequence of longs, running the generator for each seed and summing the 2000th
values. We use linesIterator
to break the input string into individual lines,
we use foldMap
to map these lines into the individual answers and sum them,
and we use our secretsIterator
and nth
to pluck each answer.
def part1(input: String): Long =
input.linesIterator.foldMap: line =>
Without nice things
Imagine the horror of solving this using just the standard library!
def part1(input: String): Long =
.map: line =>
Part 2
Part two adds a couple of slight wrinkles. Only the last digit of each pseudorandom number is used, and we need to pick a sequence of four deltas (i.e. ) to maximize the value achieved if each monkey selects the last value in that group (i.e. ) for the first occurrence of that sequence in their numbers.
We will break this into two parts: For each monkey, we will generate a
Map[(Long, Long, Long, Long), Long]
which is the value generated by that
monkey for each sequence of four deltas in their input. We will then
combine these maps for all the monkeys and select the highest total value
Summing maps
Fortuitously, this concept of combining things is something we're very
familiar with... There's a monoid for that! The zero value for such a
map is simply Map.empty
. The combine operation for two such maps is
to simple merge the maps; if any key occurs in both maps then we will
combine both the values. And how will we combine the values? There's a
semigroup for that!
That is to say, we will build a map monoid that relies on a semigroup for
the value type: Given a monoid for B
we can supply a monoid for
Map[A, B]
that provides both zero and combination. The combination
just fold-merges the two maps, using Semigroup[B]
to combine the values.
In most cases, the semigroup comes from a monoid (e.g. our numeric monoid).
given MapMonoid[A, B](using S: Semigroup[B]): Monoid[Map[A, B]] with
def zero: Map[A, B] = Map.empty
def combine(ab0: Map[A, B], ab1: Map[A, B]): Map[A, B] =
case (ab, (a1, b1)) =>
case Some(b0) => Some(S.combine(b0, b1))
case None => Some(b1)
Delta value maps
A delta value map is a map from the first occurrence of each four-digit
delta sequence to the final value in that sequence. We can use the
method to generate a sequence of five-digit windows over
the random numbers. Each such window yields a map key (the four
digit changes) and value (the last digit).
We want to combine all of these windows into a single map. Luckily we're
now pros at combining things. The difficulty here is that our current
mechanism for combining map-like things will duplicate values using
addition, where we only want to keep the first value that we encounter.
There are many ways to skin this particular cat. However, we have raved
long enough, and so will go with a blunt knife. Recall that our MapMonoid
combines values using Semigroup[B]
, and that we provided a semigroup
for numeric values under addition.
Imagine we were instead to define a semigroup for values that, rather than adding them, prefers always the left-hand value (the first one that we encounter in a left fold).
def leftBiasedSemigroup[A]: Semigroup[A] = (a0: A, _: A) => a0
A monoid under this semigroup would be utterly lawless, for would be equal to . However, the outlaw's life is not our destiny, as don't need a monoid. We are satisfied with just a semigroup, and our left-bias is lawfully associative.
With this in place we can now generate each monkey map using foldMap
and MapMonoid
! We generate the secrets iterator, extract just the
last digits using % 10
, take the first 2000, generate the five-digit
sliding windows and fold-map each quintuple. At each step we return
a Map[(Long, Long, Long, Long), Long]
which the monoid combines by
discarding any duplicate keys that occur.
It might seem that generating a map at each step would be expensive,
but map is specialised at small sizes, so a single-entry map has no more
overhead than a tuple.
def deltaMap(line: String): Map[(Long, Long, Long, Long), Long] =
given Semigroup[Long] = leftBiasedSemigroup % 10).take(2000).sliding(5).foldMap: quintuple =>
Map(deltaQuartuple(quintuple) -> quintuple(4))
def deltaQuartuple(q: Seq[Long]): (Long, Long, Long, Long) =
(q(1) - q(0), q(2) - q(1), q(3) - q(2), q(4) - q(3))
Our solution then elegantly combines all these tools. We iterate over
each line of the input, calculating the delta value map for the line,
and combining these with foldMap
and the MapMonoid
. The
solution is then just the maximum value in the map.
def part2(input: String): Long =
val deltaTotals = input.linesIterator.foldMap: line =>
Wow! Such functional! So elegance! Much reuse!
Final code
def part1(input: String): Long =
input.linesIterator.foldMap: line =>
def part2(input: String): Long =
val deltaTotals = input.linesIterator.foldMap: line =>
def deltaMap(line: String): Map[(Long, Long, Long, Long), Long] =
given Semigroup[Long] = leftBiasedSemigroup % 10).take(2000).sliding(5).foldMap: quintuple =>
Map(deltaQuartuple(quintuple) -> quintuple(4))
def deltaQuartuple(q: Seq[Long]): (Long, Long, Long, Long) =
(q(1) - q(0), q(2) - q(1), q(3) - q(2), q(4) - q(3))
extension (self: Long)
private inline def step(f: Long => Long): Long = mix(f(self)).prune
private inline def mix(n: Long): Long = self ^ n
private inline def prune: Long = self % 16777216
private inline def nextSecret: Long = step(_ * 64).step(_ / 32).step(_ * 2048)
def secretsIterator: Iterator[Long] =
trait Semigroup[A]:
def combine(a0: A, a1: A): A
trait Monoid[A] extends Semigroup[A]:
def zero: A
given NumericMonoid[A](using N: Numeric[A]): Monoid[A] with
def zero: A =
def combine(a0: A, a1: A): A =, a1)
given MapMonoid[A, B](using S: Semigroup[B]): Monoid[Map[A, B]] with
def zero: Map[A, B] = Map.empty
def combine(ab0: Map[A, B], ab1: Map[A, B]): Map[A, B] =
case (ab, (a1, b1)) =>
case Some(b0) => Some(S.combine(b0, b1))
case None => Some(b1)
def leftBiasedSemigroup[A]: Semigroup[A] = (a0: A, _: A) => a0
extension [A](self: Iterator[A])
def nth(n: Int): A =
def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(using M: Monoid[B]): B =
Run it in the browser
Part 1
Part 2
Solutions from the community
- Solution by Raphaël Marbeck
- Solution by Philippus Baalman
- Solution by Artem Nikiforov
- Solution by merlinorg
- Solution by Antoine Amiguet
- Writeup by Bulby
- Solution by Paweł Cembaluk
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