Day 2: Red-Nosed Reports
Puzzle description
Solution summary
- First we parse each line of the input into a
case class:case class Report(levels: Seq[Long])
- In each
, we construct the sequence of consecutive pairs. - For part 1, we check if the pairs are all increasing or all decreasing, and if the difference is within the given limits (such a report is "safe").
- For part 2, we construct new
s obtained by dropping one entry in the original report, and check if there exists a safeReport
among these. - In both parts, we simply count the number of
s that are considered safe.
Each line of input is a string of numbers separated by a single space. Therefore parsing looks like this:
case class Report(levels: Seq[Long])
def parseLine(line: String): Report = Report(line.split(" ").map(_.toLong).toSeq)
def parse(input: String): Seq[Report] = input
Part 1: methods of the Report
case class
We need to check consecutive pairs of numbers in each report in 3 ways:
- to see if they are all increasing,
- to see if they are all decreasing,
- to see if their differences are within given bounds.
So let's construct them only once, save it as a val
, then reuse this value 3 times.
It's not the most efficient way (like traversing only once and keeping track of everything),
but it's very clean and simple:
case class Report(levels: Seq[Long]):
val pairs = // consecutive pairs
def allIncr: Boolean = pairs.forall(_ < _)
def allDecr: Boolean = pairs.forall(_ > _)
def within(lower: Long, upper: Long): Boolean = pairs.forall: pair =>
val diff = math.abs(pair._1 - pair._2)
lower <= diff && diff <= upper
def isSafe: Boolean = (allIncr || allDecr) && within(1L, 3L)
Part 1 solver simply counts safe reports, so it looks like this:
def part1(input: String): Int = parse(input).count(_.isSafe)
Part 2
Now we add new methods to Report
We check if there exists a Report
obtained by dropping one number, such that it's safe.
We do this by iterating over the index of each Report
Then, a Report
is safe, if it's safe as in Part 1, or one of the dampened reports is safe:
case class Report(levels: Seq[Long]):
// ... as before
def checkDampenedReports: Boolean = (0 until levels.size).exists: index =>
val newLevels = levels.take(index) ++ levels.drop(index + 1)
def isDampenedSafe: Boolean = isSafe || checkDampenedReports
Again this is not the most efficient way (we are creating many new Report
but our puzzle inputs are fairly short (there are at most 8 levels in each Report
so it's a simple approach that reuses the isSafe
method from Part 1.
Part 2 solver now counts the dampened safe reports:
def part2(input: String): Int = parse(input).count(_.isDampenedSafe)
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