Day 19: Aplenty
by @mbovel
Puzzle description
Data structures
We define the following data structures for today's puzzle:
enum Channel:
case X, M, A, S
enum Operator:
case LessThan, GreaterThan
enum Result:
case Reject, Accept
enum Instruction:
case IfThenElse(
channel: Channel,
operator: Operator,
value: Int,
thenBranch: GoTo | Return,
elseBranch: Instruction
case Return(result: Result)
case GoTo(target: String)
import Instruction.*
type Workflow = Map[String, Instruction]
case class Part(x: Int, m: Int, a: Int, s: Int)
Then, we write the associated parsing methods, using String
's split
method and regular expression patterns
object Channel:
def parse(input: String): Channel =
input match
case "x" => Channel.X
case "m" => Channel.M
case "a" => Channel.A
case "s" => Channel.S
case _ => throw Exception(s"Invalid channel: $input")
object Operator:
def parse(input: String): Operator =
input match
case "<" => Operator.LessThan
case ">" => Operator.GreaterThan
case _ => throw Exception(s"Invalid operator: $input")
object Result:
def parse(input: String): Result =
input match
case "R" => Result.Reject
case "A" => Result.Accept
case _ => throw Exception(s"Invalid result: $input")
object Instruction:
private val IfThenElseRegex = """([xmas])([<>])(\d+):(\w+),(.*)""".r
private val ReturnRegex = """([RA])""".r
private val GoToRegex = """(\w+)""".r
def parse(input: String): Instruction =
input match
case IfThenElseRegex(channel, operator, value, thenBranch, elseBranch) =>
Instruction.parse(thenBranch) match
case thenBranch: (GoTo | Return) =>
case _ => throw Exception(s"Invalid then branch: $thenBranch")
case ReturnRegex(result) => Return(Result.parse(result))
case GoToRegex(target) => GoTo(target)
case _ => throw Exception(s"Invalid instruction: $input")
object Workflow:
def parse(input: String): Workflow =
private val BlockRegex = """(\w+)\{(.*?)\}""".r
private def parseBlock(input: String): (String, Instruction) =
input match
case BlockRegex(label, body) =>
(label, Instruction.parse(body))
object Part:
val PartRegex = """\{x=(\d+),m=(\d+),a=(\d+),s=(\d+)\}""".r
def parse(input: String): Part =
input match
case PartRegex(x, m, a, s) => Part(x.toInt, m.toInt, a.toInt, s.toInt)
case _ => throw Exception(s"Invalid part: $input")
Part 1 – Evaluation
These helpers allow us to implement the core logic succinctly:
def part1(input: String): Int =
val Array(workflowLines, partLines) = input.split("\n\n")
val workflow = Workflow.parse(workflowLines.trim())
val parts = partLines.trim().split("\n").map(Part.parse)
def eval(part: Part, instruction: Instruction): Result =
instruction match
case IfThenElse(channel, operator, value, thenBranch, elseBranch) =>
val channelValue = channel match
case Channel.X => part.x
case Channel.M => part.m
case Channel.A => part.a
case Channel.S => part.s
val result = operator match
case Operator.LessThan => channelValue < value
case Operator.GreaterThan => channelValue > value
if result then eval(part, thenBranch) else eval(part, elseBranch)
case Return(result) => result
case GoTo(target) => eval(part, workflow(target))
.collect: part =>
eval(part, workflow("in")) match
case Result.Reject => 0
case Result.Accept => part.x + part.m + part.a + part.s
Part 2 – Symbolic execution
To solve the second part efficiently, we use symbolic execution to count the number of executions of the workflow that lead to an Accept
We represent symbolic values with the AbstractPart
structure, where the value associated to each channel is not a number, but a range of possible values:
case class Range(from: Long, until: Long):
assert(from < until)
def count() = until - from
object Range:
def safe(from: Long, until: Long): Option[Range] =
if from < until then Some(Range(from, until)) else None
case class AbstractPart(x: Range, m: Range, a: Range, s: Range):
def count() = x.count() * m.count() * a.count() * s.count()
def withChannel(channel: Channel, newRange: Range) =
channel match
case Channel.X => copy(x = newRange)
case Channel.M => copy(m = newRange)
case Channel.A => copy(a = newRange)
case Channel.S => copy(s = newRange)
def getChannel(channel: Channel) =
channel match
case Channel.X => x
case Channel.M => m
case Channel.A => a
case Channel.S => s
We will start the evaluation with abstract parts that contain all possible values for each channel: four ranges from 1 until 4001.
When we evaluate an IfThenElse
instruction, we split the argument AbstractPart
into two parts, one that contains only the values that satisfy the condition, and one that contains only the values that do not satisfy the condition.
This is achieved with the split
method of AbstractPart
def split(
channel: Channel,
value: Int
): (Option[AbstractPart], Option[AbstractPart]) =
val currentRange = getChannel(channel)
(, value).map(withChannel(channel, _)),, currentRange.until).map(withChannel(channel, _))
Using these helpers, we can implement the abstract evaluator as follows:
def part2(input: String): Long = combinations(input, 4001)
def combinations(input: String, until: Long): Long =
val Array(workflowLines, _) = input.split("\n\n")
val workflow = Workflow.parse(workflowLines.trim())
def count(part: AbstractPart, instruction: Instruction): Long =
instruction match
case IfThenElse(channel, operator, value, thenBranch, elseBranch) =>
val (trueValues, falseValues) =
operator match
case Operator.LessThan => part.split(channel, value)
case Operator.GreaterThan => part.split(channel, value + 1).swap, thenBranch)).getOrElse(0L)
+, elseBranch)).getOrElse(0L)
case Return(Result.Accept) => part.count()
case Return(Result.Reject) => 0L
case GoTo(target) => count(part, workflow(target))
Range(1, until),
Range(1, until),
Range(1, until),
Range(1, until)
Solutions from the community
- Solution by merlin
- Solution by jnclt
- Solution by Raymond Dodge
- Solution by Spamegg
- Solution by Rui Alves
- Solution by g.berezin
- Solution by Jamie Thompson
- Solution by Paweł Cembaluk
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