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Day 8: Haunted Wasteland

by @prinsniels

Puzzle description

Initial setup

In its most basic form, we are required to count the number of instructions to follow on a network to reach a desired state. In the example given, we start at AAA and are required to reach ZZZ. To model this problem I have done the following;

/** Describes the Node we are at */
type State = String

* Describes how to get from a Starting State
* to a New State, given an instruction
type Transition = (State, Instr) => State

/** The possible instructions given */
enum Instr:
case GoLeft, GoRight

* The puzzle describes that the input instructions are infinite,
* meaning that if there a no instructions left, we start with
* the first instruction again. To model this I have used
* a `LazyList[Instr]`. This allows for an infinite stream
* of instructions.
object Instr:
def parse(inp: String): LazyList[Instr] =
.map {
case 'L' => Instr.GoLeft
case 'R' => Instr.GoRight
.to(LazyList) #::: Instr.parse(inp)

* convert a List of strings (e.g. `"AAA = (BBB, CCC)"`)
* to a map of entries, (e.g. `"AAA" -> Vector("BBB", "CCC")`)
def parseNetwork(inp: List[String]): Map[String, Vector[String]] = {
case s"$a = ($b, $c)" => (a -> Vector(b, c))

* Count function.
* Check if the predicate is met.
* If true, return the number of steps taken,
* if false transition into the next state from the current state,
* given the first instruction.
def countStepsUntil(
state: State, instrs: LazyList[Instr], trans: Transition,
count: Int, pred: State => Boolean): Int =
if pred(state) then count
trans(state, instrs.head), instrs.tail, trans, count + 1, pred)

Part one solution

Part one simply asks to count the number of steps taken to reach a desired state. To model this we need to define the predicate and transition function. The transition function needs to know the network it is operating on. To be a bit more flexible I decided to create a function that returns the transition function based on a given network.

def transitions(network: Map[String, Vector[String]]): Transition =
(n, d) =>
d match
case Instr.GoLeft => network(n)(0)
case Instr.GoRight => network(n)(1)

For the predicate tell the function to stop when STATE == "ZZZ"

def part1(input: String): Int =
val inpL = input.split("\n\n")
val instructions = Instr.parse(inpL.head)
val network = parseNetwork(inpL.tail.head.split("\n").toList)
val trans = transitions(network)

countStepsUntil("AAA", instructions, trans, 0, _ == "ZZZ")

Part two solution

The second part is a bit trickier. We are required to find the number of steps to take, until all nodes in the state end with a Z. One can try to brute force this, by changing the transition function to (Set[String], Instr) => Set[String] but this takes way to much processing time. Key insight comes from the realization that all states in the starting Set[Sate] move on their own independent path and keep repeating themselves. By knowing this we can use an LCM to get to the correct answer.

def part2(input: String): Long =
// ... reuse parsing from part 1
def lcm(a: Long, b: Long): Long =
a * b / gcd(a, b)

def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long =
if b == 0 then a else gcd(b, a % b)

// get all the starting states
val starts: Set[State] = network.keySet.filter(_.endsWith("A"))

.map(state =>
// for each state find the cycle time
state, instructions, trans, 0, _.endsWith("Z")).toLong)

final code

import scala.annotation.tailrec

type State = String

type Transition = (State, Instr) => State

enum Instr:
case GoLeft, GoRight

object Instr:
def parse(inp: String): LazyList[Instr] =
.map {
case 'L' => Instr.GoLeft
case 'R' => Instr.GoRight
.to(LazyList) #::: Instr.parse(inp)

def parseNetwork(inp: List[String]): Map[String, Vector[String]] = {
case s"$a = ($b, $c)" => (a -> Vector(b, c))

def transitions(network: Map[String, Vector[String]]): Transition =
(n, d) =>
d match
case Instr.GoLeft => network(n)(0)
case Instr.GoRight => network(n)(1)

def countStepsUntil(
state: State, instrs: LazyList[Instr], trans: Transition,
count: Int, pred: State => Boolean): Int =
if pred(state) then count
trans(state, instrs.head), instrs.tail, trans, count + 1, pred)

def part1(input: String): Int =
val inpL = input.split("\n\n")
val instructions = Instr.parse(inpL.head)
val network = parseNetwork(inpL.tail.head.split("\n").toList)
val trans = transitions(network)

countStepsUntil("AAA", instructions, trans, 0, _ == "ZZZ")

def part2(input: String): Long =
val inpL = input.split("\n\n")
val instructions = Instr.parse(inpL.head)
val network = parseNetwork(inpL.tail.head.split("\n").toList)
val trans = transitions(network)

val starts: Set[State] = network.keySet.filter(_.endsWith("A"))

def lcm(a: Long, b: Long): Long =
a * b / gcd(a, b)

def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long =
if b == 0 then a else gcd(b, a % b)

.map(state =>
state, instructions, trans, 0, _.endsWith("Z")).toLong)

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