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Day 13: Distress Signal

by Jamie Thompson

Puzzle description

Final Code

import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import scala.math.Ordered.given
import Packet.*

def part1(input: String): Int =

def part2(input: String): Int =

def findOrderedIndices(input: String): Int =
val indices = (
case (Seq(a, b, _*), i) <- input.linesIterator.grouped(3).zipWithIndex
if readPacket(a) <= readPacket(b)
i + 1

def findDividerIndices(input: String): Int =
val dividers = List("[[2]]", "[[6]]").map(readPacket)
val lookup = dividers.toSet
val packets = input
val indices = (dividers ++ packets)
.collect { case (p, i) if lookup.contains(p) => i + 1 }

enum Packet:
case Nested(packets: List[Packet])
case Num(value: Int)

case class State(number: Int, values: Queue[Packet]):
def nextWithDigit(digit: Int): State = // add digit to number
copy(number = if number == -1 then digit else number * 10 + digit)

def nextWithNumber: State =
if number == -1 then this // no number to commit
// reset number, add accumulated number to values
State.empty.copy(values = values :+ Num(number))

object State:
val empty = State(-1, Queue.empty)

def readPacket(input: String): Packet =
def loop(i: Int, state: State, stack: List[Queue[Packet]]): Packet =
input(i) match // assume that list is well-formed.
case '[' =>
loop(i + 1, State.empty, state.values :: stack) // push old state to stack
case ']' => // add trailing number, close packet
val packet = Nested(state.nextWithNumber.values.toList)
stack match
case values1 :: rest => // restore old state
loop(i + 1, State.empty.copy(values = values1 :+ packet), rest)
case Nil => // terminating case
case ',' => loop(i + 1, state.nextWithNumber, stack)
case n => loop(i + 1, state.nextWithDigit(n.asDigit), stack)
end loop
if input.nonEmpty && input(0) == '[' then
loop(i = 1, State.empty, stack = Nil)
throw IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input: `$input`")
end readPacket

given PacketOrdering: Ordering[Packet] with

def nestedCompare(ls: List[Packet], rs: List[Packet]): Int = (ls, rs) match
case (l :: ls1, r :: rs1) =>
val res = compare(l, r)
if res == 0 then nestedCompare(ls1, rs1) // equal, look at next element
else res // less or greater

case (_ :: _, Nil) => 1 // right ran out of elements first
case (Nil, _ :: _) => -1 // left ran out of elements first
case (Nil, Nil) => 0 // equal size
end nestedCompare

def compare(left: Packet, right: Packet): Int = (left, right) match
case (Num(l), Num(r)) => l compare r
case (Nested(l), Nested(r)) => nestedCompare(l, r)
case (num @ Num(_), Nested(r)) => nestedCompare(num :: Nil, r)
case (Nested(l), num @ Num(_)) => nestedCompare(l, num :: Nil)
end compare

end PacketOrdering

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Part 1

Part 2

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