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Day 15: Lens Library

by @sjrd

Puzzle description

Solution Summary

  1. Parse the input into a list of sequences.
  2. Implement the HASH function.
  3. Follow the given algorithm almost 1 for 1.

Part 1

For Part 1, we are asked to implement a string hashing called HASH. While it is specified in a very imperative way, it lends itself to a straightforward fold in a functional style:

/** The `HASH` function. */
def hash(sequence: String): Int =
sequence.foldLeft(0) { (prev, c) =>
((prev + c.toInt) * 17) % 256
end hash

We also have to parse the input into comma-separated sequences. We are told to ignore newline characters:

/** Parses the input into a list of sequences. */
def inputToSequences(input: String): List[String] =
input.filter(_ != '\n').split(',').toList

Now we wire things together and we are done:

def part1(input: String): String =
val sequences = inputToSequences(input)
val result =
end part1

Part 2

Part 2 is the real stuff. The first part was basically unit-testing our HASH function. For Part 2, we asked to implement what amounts to put and remove on a hash table.

First, we define the LabeledLens class to hold a lens with a label and a focal length. We then define our boxes as an array of 256 lists of LabeledLenses:

/** A labeled lens, as found in the boxes. */
final case class LabeledLens(label: String, focalLength: Int)

val boxes = Array.fill[List[LabeledLens]](256)(Nil)

We then implement the logical operations removeLens and addLens, corresponding to the - and = steps.

// Remove the lens with the given label from the box it belongs to
def removeLens(label: String): Unit =
val boxIndex = hash(label)
boxes(boxIndex) = boxes(boxIndex).filter(_.label != label)

// Add a lens in the contents of a box; replace an existing label or add to the end
def addLensToList(lens: LabeledLens, list: List[LabeledLens]): List[LabeledLens] =
list match
case Nil => lens :: Nil // add to the end
case LabeledLens(lens.label, _) :: tail => lens :: tail // replace
case head :: tail => head :: addLensToList(lens, tail) // keep looking

// Add a lens with the given label and focal length into the box it belongs to, in the right place
def addLens(label: String, focalLength: Int): Unit =
val lens = LabeledLens(label, focalLength)
val boxIndex = hash(label)
boxes(boxIndex) = addLensToList(lens, boxes(boxIndex))

Finally, we use our trust s extractor to parse and "execute" each step of the initialization sequence:

// Parse and execute the steps
for step <- steps do
step match
case s"$label-" => removeLens(label)
case s"$label=$focalLength" => addLens(label, focalLength.toInt)

To prove to our hash table follows the correct algorithm, we are asked to compute the focusing power of our boxes. Here again, we follow the definition of the problem 1 to 1:

// Focusing power of a lens in a given box and at a certain position within that box
def focusingPower(boxIndex: Int, lensIndex: Int, lens: LabeledLens): Int =
(boxIndex + 1) * (lensIndex + 1) * lens.focalLength

// Focusing power of all the lenses
val focusingPowers =
(box, boxIndex) <- boxes.zipWithIndex
(lens, lensIndex) <- box.zipWithIndex
focusingPower(boxIndex, lensIndex, lens)

// Sum it up
val result = focusingPowers.sum

Final Code

/** The `HASH` function. */
def hash(sequence: String): Int =
sequence.foldLeft(0) { (prev, c) =>
((prev + c.toInt) * 17) % 256
end hash

/** Parses the input into a list of sequences. */
def inputToSequences(input: String): List[String] =
input.filter(_ != '\n').split(',').toList

def part1(input: String): String =
val sequences = inputToSequences(input)
val result =
end part1

/** A labeled lens, as found in the boxes. */
final case class LabeledLens(label: String, focalLength: Int)

def part2(input: String): String =
val steps = inputToSequences(input)

val boxes = Array.fill[List[LabeledLens]](256)(Nil)

// --- Processing all the steps --------------------

// Remove the lens with the given label from the box it belongs to
def removeLens(label: String): Unit =
val boxIndex = hash(label)
boxes(boxIndex) = boxes(boxIndex).filter(_.label != label)

// Add a lens in the contents of a box; replace an existing label or add to the end
def addLensToList(lens: LabeledLens, list: List[LabeledLens]): List[LabeledLens] =
list match
case Nil => lens :: Nil // add to the end
case LabeledLens(lens.label, _) :: tail => lens :: tail // replace
case head :: tail => head :: addLensToList(lens, tail) // keep looking

// Add a lens with the given label and focal length into the box it belongs to, in the right place
def addLens(label: String, focalLength: Int): Unit =
val lens = LabeledLens(label, focalLength)
val boxIndex = hash(label)
boxes(boxIndex) = addLensToList(lens, boxes(boxIndex))

// Parse and execute the steps
for step <- steps do
step match
case s"$label-" => removeLens(label)
case s"$label=$focalLength" => addLens(label, focalLength.toInt)

// --- Computing the focusing power --------------------

// Focusing power of a lens in a given box and at a certain position within that box
def focusingPower(boxIndex: Int, lensIndex: Int, lens: LabeledLens): Int =
(boxIndex + 1) * (lensIndex + 1) * lens.focalLength

// Focusing power of all the lenses
val focusingPowers =
(box, boxIndex) <- boxes.zipWithIndex
(lens, lensIndex) <- box.zipWithIndex
focusingPower(boxIndex, lensIndex, lens)

// Sum it up
val result = focusingPowers.sum
end part2

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Part 1

Part 2

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