Day 5: If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer
by @g.berezin and @bishabosha
Puzzle description
Solution summary
Data Structures
First and foremost, the data must be parsed from the file into the following classes:
- A data structure representing the pairing of a resource kind and the range it occupies:
// in the first task you can use the same model but set `end = start`
final case class Resource(
start: Long, end: Long, kind: ResourceKind)
- An enumeration for storing the kind of resource:
enum ResourceKind:
case Seed, Soil, Fertilizer, Water,
Light, Temperature, Humidity, Location
- A schema for converting from one resource type to another:
final case class ResourceMap(
from: ResourceKind,
to: ResourceKind,
properties: Seq[Property] // sorted by `sourceStart`
final case class Property(
destinationStart: Long,
sourceStart: Long,
rangeLength: Long
lazy val sourceEnd: Long = sourceStart + rangeLength - 1
end Property
Parts 1 and 2
It helps to consider parts 1 and 2 together when explaining the solution.
In part 1, you are required to convert each Seed
to a Location
, using a chain of ResourceMap
In most inputs you likely have about 20 seeds to consider, so this is not an expensive operation.
However in the second half of the solution, you must actually consider 10 ranges of seeds, where each range can be billions of elements long, so it is not practical to consider individual seeds.
Considering the number of seeds in the input data, so you should manipulate the resources in the form of intervals, and when passing through the properties
of a ResourceMap
, you divide an input resource interval into semi-intervals depending on how the interval intersects with an individual Property
Conveniently for part 1, a single seed can be considered as an interval with one element, so we can reuse the same code for both parts.
type ParseSeeds = String => Seq[Resource]
def calculate(seeds: Seq[Resource], maps: Seq[ResourceMap]): Long = ???
def solution(input: String, parse: ParseSeeds): Long =
val lines = input.linesIterator.toSeq
val seeds =
val maps = ResourceMap.buildFromLines(lines)
calculate(seeds, maps)
def part1(input: String): Long =
solution(input, Seeds.parseWithoutRange)
def part2(input: String): Long =
solution(input, Seeds.parse)
The calculation proceeds as follows, iterate through the initial seeds,
and for each seed interval (typed as Resource
), iterate, passing the interval through the
resource map for its kind
, potentially splitting into several new intervals.
If after an iteration the resource is a Location
, then stop.
Once all the valid location intervals are found, find the interval with the smallest start
and return it as the answer:
def calculate(seeds: Seq[Resource], maps: Seq[ResourceMap]): Long =
def inner(resource: Resource): Seq[Resource] =
if resource.kind == ResourceKind.Location then
Seq(resource) // We have reached the end!
val map = maps.find(_.from == resource.kind).get
findNext(resource, map).flatMap(inner)
end calculate
The next interesting calculation is sending an individual Resource
interval through a ResourceMap
In our representation, the properties
are sorted by their sourceStart
From an initial interval, we can then iterate through the properties
, attempting to
find any sub-interval that overlaps with its range.
There is a special case for the first property - the interval might actually be under
the range,
i.e. some part of it is before the initial property. In this case we should create a new sub-interval
that just before the sourceStart
that is sent directly to the next resource kind.
There may be overlap with the property, in this case, we need to create a sub-interval of
just the intersection with that property, and convert the start to the appropriate offset from the
Often, there is part of the interval that is above
the end of the current property range.
In this case we must make a new sub-interval that begins after the end of the property range.
If we do find an above
sub-interval, then we need to check that against the next Property
Otherwise then we can shortcut the computation and not check any of the following properties.
def findNext(resource: Resource, map: ResourceMap): Seq[Resource] =
val ResourceMap(from, to, properties) = map
val (newResources, explore) =
val initial = (Seq.empty[Resource], Option(resource))
properties.foldLeft(initial) {
case ((acc, Some(explore)), prop) =>
val Resource(start, end, _) = explore
val propStart = prop.sourceStart
val propEnd = prop.sourceEnd
val underRange = Option.when(start < propStart)(
Resource(start, Math.min(propStart - 1, end), to)
val overlaps =
start >= propStart && start <= propEnd
|| end >= propStart && end <= propEnd
|| start <= propStart && end >= propEnd
val inRange = Option.when(overlaps) {
val delay = prop.destinationStart - propStart
Math.max(start, propStart) + delay,
Math.min(end, propEnd) + delay,
val aboveRange = Option.when(end > propEnd)(
Resource(Math.max(start, propEnd + 1), end, to)
(Seq(underRange, inRange, acc).flatten, aboveRange)
case ((acc, None), _) => (acc, None)
Seq(newResources, explore).flatten
end findNext
In this section we list the code to parse the input into ResourceMap
and Resource
object ResourceMap:
// parse resource maps from lines
def buildFromLines(lines: Seq[String]): Seq[ResourceMap] =
def isRangeLine(line: String) =
line.forall(ch => ch.isDigit || ch.isSpaceChar)
lines.filter(line =>
!line.isBlank &&
(line.endsWith("map:") || isRangeLine(line))
).foldLeft(Seq.empty[(String, Seq[String])]) {
case (acc, line) if line.endsWith("map:") =>
(line, Seq.empty) +: acc
case (Seq((definition, properties), last*), line) =>
(definition, line +: properties) +: last
def build(map: String, ranges: Seq[String]): Option[ResourceMap] =
val mapRow = map.replace("map:", "").trim.split("-to-")
val properties = ranges
.map(line => line.split(" ").flatMap(_.toLongOption))
case Array(startFrom, startTo, range) =>
Property(startFrom, startTo, range)
def resourceKindOf(optStr: Option[String]) =
from <- resourceKindOf(mapRow.headOption)
to <- resourceKindOf(mapRow.lastOption)
ResourceMap(from, to, properties.sortBy(_.sourceStart))
end ResourceMap
object Seeds:
private def parseSeedsRaw(line: String): Seq[Long] =
if !line.startsWith("seeds:") then Seq.empty[Long]
line.replace("seeds:", "")
.split(" ")
// parse seeds without range
def parseWithoutRange(line: String): Seq[Resource] =
parseSeedsRaw(line).map: start =>
Resource(start, start, ResourceKind.Seed)
// parse seeds with range
def parse(line: String): Seq[Resource] =
.map { case Seq(start, length) =>
Resource(start, start + length - 1, ResourceKind.Seed)
end Seeds
Final Code
final case class Resource(
start: Long, end: Long, kind: ResourceKind)
enum ResourceKind:
case Seed, Soil, Fertilizer, Water,
Light, Temperature, Humidity, Location
final case class ResourceMap(
from: ResourceKind,
to: ResourceKind,
properties: Seq[Property]
final case class Property(
destinationStart: Long,
sourceStart: Long,
rangeLength: Long
lazy val sourceEnd: Long = sourceStart + rangeLength - 1
end Property
def findNext(resource: Resource, map: ResourceMap): Seq[Resource] =
val ResourceMap(from, to, properties) = map
val (newResources, explore) =
val initial = (Seq.empty[Resource], Option(resource))
properties.foldLeft(initial) {
case ((acc, Some(explore)), prop) =>
val Resource(start, end, _) = explore
val propStart = prop.sourceStart
val propEnd = prop.sourceEnd
val underRange = Option.when(start < propStart)(
Resource(start, Math.min(propStart - 1, end), to)
val overlaps =
start >= propStart && start <= propEnd
|| end >= propStart && end <= propEnd
|| start <= propStart && end >= propEnd
val inRange = Option.when(overlaps) {
val delay = prop.destinationStart - propStart
Math.max(start, propStart) + delay,
Math.min(end, propEnd) + delay,
val aboveRange = Option.when(end > propEnd)(
Resource(Math.max(start, propEnd + 1), end, to)
(Seq(underRange, inRange, acc).flatten, aboveRange)
case ((acc, None), _) => (acc, None)
Seq(newResources, explore).flatten
end findNext
object ResourceMap:
// parse resource maps from lines
def buildFromLines(lines: Seq[String]): Seq[ResourceMap] =
def isRangeLine(line: String) =
line.forall(ch => ch.isDigit || ch.isSpaceChar)
lines.filter(line =>
!line.isBlank &&
(line.endsWith("map:") || isRangeLine(line))
).foldLeft(Seq.empty[(String, Seq[String])]) {
case (acc, line) if line.endsWith("map:") =>
(line, Seq.empty) +: acc
case (Seq((definition, properties), last*), line) =>
(definition, line +: properties) +: last
def build(map: String, ranges: Seq[String]): Option[ResourceMap] =
val mapRow = map.replace("map:", "").trim.split("-to-")
val properties = ranges
.map(line => line.split(" ").flatMap(_.toLongOption))
case Array(startFrom, startTo, range) =>
Property(startFrom, startTo, range)
def resourceKindOf(optStr: Option[String]) =
from <- resourceKindOf(mapRow.headOption)
to <- resourceKindOf(mapRow.lastOption)
ResourceMap(from, to, properties.sortBy(_.sourceStart))
end ResourceMap
object Seeds:
private def parseSeedsRaw(line: String): Seq[Long] =
if !line.startsWith("seeds:") then Seq.empty[Long]
line.replace("seeds:", "")
.split(" ")
// parse seeds without range
def parseWithoutRange(line: String): Seq[Resource] =
parseSeedsRaw(line).map: start =>
Resource(start, start, ResourceKind.Seed)
// parse seeds with range
def parse(line: String): Seq[Resource] =
.map { case Seq(start, length) =>
Resource(start, start + length - 1, ResourceKind.Seed)
end Seeds
def calculate(seeds: Seq[Resource], maps: Seq[ResourceMap]): Long =
def inner(resource: Resource): Seq[Resource] =
if resource.kind == ResourceKind.Location then
val map = maps.find(_.from == resource.kind).get
findNext(resource, map).flatMap(inner)
end calculate
type ParseSeeds = String => Seq[Resource]
def solution(input: String, parse: ParseSeeds): Long =
val lines = input.linesIterator.toSeq
val seeds =
val maps = ResourceMap.buildFromLines(lines)
calculate(seeds, maps)
def part1(input: String): Long =
solution(input, Seeds.parseWithoutRange)
def part2(input: String): Long =
solution(input, Seeds.parse)
Solutions from the community
Share your solution to the Scala community by editing this page. (You can even write the whole article!)
- Solution by Alexandru Nedelcu
- Solution by Philippus Baalman
- Solution by Thanh Le
- Solution by Michael Pilquist
- Solution by Spamegg
- Solution by Jamie Thompson
- Solution by Rui Alves
- Solution by Karl Bielefeldt
- Solution by Nikolai Ryabih
- Solution by Raymond Dodge
- Solution by Remco Schrijver
- Solution by g.berezin
- Solution by Marconi Lanna
- Solution by jnclt
- Solution by Niels Prins
- Solution of Jan Boerman.
- Solution by Paweł Cembaluk
Share your solution to the Scala community by editing this page.