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Day 4: Giant Squid

by @Sporarum, student at EPFL.

Puzzle description


Example Input

13 62 38 10 41
93 59 60 74 75
79 18 57 90 28
56 76 34 96 84
78 42 69 14 19

96 38 62 8 7
78 50 53 29 81
88 45 34 58 52
33 76 13 54 68
59 95 10 80 63

36 26 74 29 55
43 87 46 70 21
9 17 38 58 63
56 79 85 51 2
50 57 67 86 8

29 78 3 24 79
15 81 20 6 38
97 41 28 42 82
45 68 89 85 92
48 33 40 62 4


The input has two parts. First, a list of all numbers from 1 to 99 drawn in a random order (without repetition). Then, after two newlines, a list of bingo boards, separated again by double newlines. We notice they also contain only numbers from 1 to 99.

Since the numbers and the list of boards are all separated by double newlines, we can split our input into sections as follows:

val inputSections: List[String] = input.split("\n\n").toList

Once that's done, we can separate the parts by just using head and tail, thus giving us the numbers, and the list of boards, but those are still only text!

Parsing Numbers

For the numbers, since they are separated by , and nothing else, we can parse them with:

val numbers: List[Int] = inputSections.head.split(',').map(_.toInt)

Parsing Boards

A board is a table of integers, and a table is a list of lines, where each line is also list. And so we have our type for the boards: List[List[Int]]!

But not so fast, we would like to add some extra operations on boards, so we wrap it in a case class: (don't worry if you don't understand the methods, we'll explain them later)

case class Board(lines: List[List[Int]]):
def mapNumbers(f: Int => Int): Board = Board(
def columns: List[List[Int]] = lines.transpose

Now that we have our representation, we still have to actually parse the string that represents a board, for that we'll create a companion object with a method parse that takes a String as input, and returns a Board:

object Board:
def parse(inputBoard: String): Board = ???

Let's start from the ground up. Assuming we have a line, how do we find all the numbers? We can use a regular expression(Regexes):

  • "digit" -> \d
  • "one or more" -> +
  • "one or more digits" -> \d+
val numberParser = raw"\d+".r

raw allows us to write things like \d without it being translated as a line return. .r converts our String to a Regex.

For each line, numberParser finds every number in it, and we parse them to Int:

def parseLine(inputLine: String): List[Int] =

And the lines are separated by newlines:

val lines = inputBoard.split('\n').toList

Where means:

  1. create a new list
  2. for each line in lines put parseLine(line) in the list

This gives us a List[List[Int]], which we use to construct a Board.

Since we have multiple Boards:

val originalBoards: List[Board] =

Reasoning about the problem

It's kind of difficult to think about all those numbers being picked at random turn. We can simplify the problem by replacing each number by the "turn" at which it was drawn.

zipWithIndex transforms our list of numbers into a list of number-index pair, where the index is, in this case, the turn at which the number is picked. We can then convert it to a Map, to be able to use it like a function. To be able also to go back, we invert our Map by swapping its keys and values.

val numberToTurn = numbers.zipWithIndex.toMap
val turnToNumber =

Our simplified boards are therefore:

val boards = => board.mapNumbers(numberToTurn))

The mapNumbers method defined in Board takes a function and apply it to each number in the Board to construct a new Board.

It is now time to find when a board wins:

def winningTurn(board: Board): Int =

A line is completed at the turn that is its maximum element. Only a single line needs to be full for a board to win, so we only keep the smallest:

  val lineMin = => line.max).min

The columns work the same way:

  val colMin = => col.max).min

Board.columns is computed using transpose, which transforms the lines into columns and the columns into lines.

A board wins if a line wins or if a column wins, so we return the min:

  lineMin min colMin

Applying winningTurn to each board gives us:

val winningTurns: List[(Board, Int)] = => (board, winningTurn(board)))

We still need to do one more thing before we can solve the problem: computing the score of a board. The score is the sum of all numbers that have not been drawn yet, times the turn at which the board wins.

def score(board: Board, turn: Int) = ???

For each line, the numbers that have not been drawn are the ones bigger than the winning turn of that board. We filter them with lines.filter(_ > turn).

However, only taking the sum would be wrong, as we are using the turns, and not the original numbers! We thus need to map them to their original values:

val sumNumsNotDrawn ={ line =>
line.filter(_ > turn).map(turnToNumber(_)).sum

The score is then:

turnToNumber(turn) * sumUnmarkedNums

Solution of Part 1

In part one, we have to compute the score of the first board to win. This is the board whith the smallest winning turn.

val (winnerBoard, winnerTurn) = winningTurns.minBy((_, turn) => turn)

And so the score is:

val winnerScore = score(winnerBoard, winnerTurn)

Solution of Part 2

In part two, we have to find the score of the last board to win, so we swap the minBy by a maxBy to get our result:

val (loserBoard, loserTurn) = winningTurns.maxBy((_, turn) => turn)
val loserScore = score(loserBoard, loserTurn)

Run it in the browser

Part 1

Part 2

Run it locally

You can get this solution locally by cloning the scalacenter/scala-advent-of-code repository.

$ git clone
$ cd scala-advent-of-code

You can run it with scala-cli.

$ scala-cli 2021 -M
The answer of part 1 is 14093.
The answer of part 2 is 17388.

You can replace the content of the input/day4 file with your own input from to get your own solution.

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