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Day 3: Binary Diagnostic

by @sjrd

Puzzle description

Solution of Part 1

Reading the input file

To spice up our Advent of Code a bit, I chose to solve this puzzle using Scala.js rather than Scala/JVM. Concretely, that changes almost nothing, except how we read the input file. In Scala.js, we cannot use to read files, and therefore neither Instead, we can use Node.js' fs module, and in particular its readFileSync function.

Since I do not want to add a dependency on an external library for a single method definition, I define a Scala.js facade type for fs.readFileSync myself:

import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._

@js.native @JSImport("fs", "readFileSync")
def readFileSync(path: String, charset: String): String = js.native

It declares that readFileSync is a native JavaScript function, found in the module "fs" under the name "readFileSync". It is somewhat equivalent to writing the following JavaScript line:

const readFileSync = require("fs").readFileSync;

With that function, we can adapt the code that reads the input file as follows:

val input = readFileSync("input/day3", "utf-8")
// instead of
val input = util.Using.resource(Source.fromFile("input/day3"))(_.mkString)

Modeling the input

Each input line of today's puzzle is a sequence of bits. We might be tempted to represent them as an integer, but that would be counter-productive for how we are going to manipulate them. Additionally, nothing in the puzzle description says that the bit sequences have any length limit; they might be too long to fit in an Int or a Long.

Therefore, we stick to a more naive model, using an IndexedSeq[Int] for each line, where the Ints are 1 or 0. To make our intent more explicit in the rest of the code, we declare a type alias for that type, and a function to parse a line:

type BitLine = IndexedSeq[Int]

def parseBitLine(line: String): BitLine = => c - '0') // 1 or 0

The c - '0' might be confusing to some readers. Since c and '0' are both Chars, it is equivalent to c.toInt - '0'.toInt. Unlike on Strings, toInt on a Char returns the integer code unit associated with the character. For example, '0'.toInt == 48 and 'A'.toInt == 65. We kind of abuse the knowledge that the input only contains '1's and '0's to quickly turn '1' into 1 and '0' into 0.

The main logic of part 1

Finally, we can proceed with the main logic of part 1. For each bit position, we need to decide whether 1 is more common than 0, or conversely. We first count, for each bit position, how many 1s there are:

val bitLines: List[BitLine] =

val sumsOfOneBits: IndexedSeq[Int] = bitLines.reduceLeft((prevSum, line) =>
for ((prevBitSum, lineBit) <-
yield prevBitSum + lineBit

reduceLeft is like foldLeft which we discussed yesterday, except the initial value is the first element of the collection. prevSum is, for each bit position, the number of 1 bits seen so far; while line is the following line. Since we use 1's and 0's, prevBitSum + lineBit is enough to add 1 if the bit is 1, and add 0 if is 0. We are therefore computing the number of 1's.

For each bit position, we then compare the total count of 1's to the total number of lines to compute gammaRateBits:

val total = bitLines.size

val gammaRateBits: BitLine =
for (sumOfOneBits <- sumsOfOneBits)
yield (if (sumOfOneBits * 2 > total) 1 else 0)
val gammaRate = bitLineToInt(gammaRateBits)

def bitLineToInt(bitLine: BitLine): Int =
Integer.parseInt(bitLine.mkString, 2)

We use sumOfOneBits * 2 > total instead of sumOfOneBits > total / 2 (which may be more intuitive) in order not to worry about the case where total is odd. bitLineToInt is nothing else than putting the bits back together as a string, and parsing it as an integer in base 2.

We use a similar solution for epsilonRate.

Final code for part 1

def part1(input: String): Int =
val bitLines: List[BitLine] =

val sumsOfOneBits: IndexedSeq[Int] = bitLines.reduceLeft((prevSum, line) =>
for ((prevBitSum, lineBit) <-
yield prevBitSum + lineBit
val total = bitLines.size // this will walk the list a second time, but that's OK

val gammaRateBits: BitLine =
for (sumOfOneBits <- sumsOfOneBits)
yield (if (sumOfOneBits * 2 > total) 1 else 0)
val gammaRate = bitLineToInt(gammaRateBits)

val epsilonRateBits: BitLine =
for (sumOfOneBits <- sumsOfOneBits)
yield (if (sumOfOneBits * 2 < total) 1 else 0)
val epsilonRate = bitLineToInt(epsilonRateBits)

gammaRate * epsilonRate

type BitLine = IndexedSeq[Int]

def parseBitLine(line: String): BitLine = => c - '0') // 1 or 0

def bitLineToInt(bitLine: BitLine): Int =
Integer.parseInt(bitLine.mkString, 2)

First solution of Part 2

Part 2 of this puzzle starts to get somewhat trickier. First, we solve it as naively as possible, by directly following the rules.

def part2(input: String): Int =
val bitLines =

// bit criteria: keep the '1's if there is more '1's than '0's or if there is a tie
val oxygenGeneratorRatingLine: BitLine = recursiveFilter(bitLines, 0,
(totalOnes, total) => if (totalOnes * 2 >= total) 1 else 0)
val oxygenGeneratorRating = bitLineToInt(oxygenGeneratorRatingLine)

// bit criteria: keep the '0's if there is more '0's than '1's or if there is a tie
// equivalent to: keep the '1's if there is strictly less '1's than '0's
val co2ScrubberRatingLine: BitLine = recursiveFilter(bitLines, 0,
(totalOnes, total) => if (totalOnes * 2 < total) 1 else 0)
val co2ScrubberRating = bitLineToInt(co2ScrubberRatingLine)

oxygenGeneratorRating * co2ScrubberRating

def recursiveFilter(bitLines: List[BitLine], bitPosition: Int,
bitCriteria: (Int, Int) => Int): BitLine =
bitLines match
// If we don't have any remaining line, we have a problem
case Nil =>
throw new AssertionError("this shouldn't have happened")

// If there is only one line left, we return it
case lastRemainingLine :: Nil =>

// Otherwise, filter using the bit criteria at the given `bitPosition`, and start over at the next bit position
case _ =>
// Count the number of '1's at the given `bitPosition`
val totalOnes = bitLines.count(line => line(bitPosition) == 1)
// Count the total number of remaining lines
val total = bitLines.size
// Decide which bit to keep based on the bit criteria
val bitToKeep = bitCriteria(totalOnes, total)
// Keep the lines that have the correct bit at the given position
val filtered = bitLines.filter(line => line(bitPosition) == bitToKeep)
// Start over with the filtered list, at the next bit position
recursiveFilter(filtered, bitPosition + 1, bitCriteria)

Note the use of @scala.annotation.tailrec to ask the compiler to verify that recursiveFilter is tail-recursive. Tail-recursive methods are compiled as loops, and therefore do not increase stack space.

Improved solution for part 2

The code above works, but it feels a bit wasteful: we first compute how many lines have a 1 at the given bit position, and then later we filter again to find those lines, or the other ones. We can improve this using partition, to separate the lines with 1s from those in 0s in one traversal. Here is an example of partition that separates odd numbers from even numbers:

val numbers = List(4, 6, 5, 12, 75, 3, 10)
val (oddNumbers, evenNumbers) = numbers.partition(x => x % 2 != 0)
// oddNumbers = List(5, 75, 3)
// evenNumbers = List(4, 6, 12, 10)

We use it as follows to separate our lines in two lists:

val (bitLinesWithOne, bitLinesWithZero) =
bitLines.partition(line => line(bitPosition) == 1)

We can determine whether there are more 1s than 0s (or a tie) by comparing the size of the two lists. Comparing the sizes of two collections is best done with sizeCompare:

val onesAreMostCommon = bitLinesWithOne.sizeCompare(bitLinesWithZero) >= 0

Finally, we decide which list we keep to go further:

val bitLinesToKeep =
if onesAreMostCommon then
if keepMostCommon then bitLinesWithOne else bitLinesWithZero
if keepMostCommon then bitLinesWithZero else bitLinesWithOne
recursiveFilter(bitLinesToKeep, bitPosition + 1, keepMostCommon)

(The two tests could be combined as if onesAreMostCommon == keepMostCommon, but I found that less readable.)

Final code for part 2

def part2(input: String): Int =
val bitLines: List[BitLine] =

val oxygenGeneratorRatingLine: BitLine =
recursiveFilter(bitLines, 0, keepMostCommon = true)
val oxygenGeneratorRating = bitLineToInt(oxygenGeneratorRatingLine)

val co2ScrubberRatingLine: BitLine =
recursiveFilter(bitLines, 0, keepMostCommon = false)
val co2ScrubberRating = bitLineToInt(co2ScrubberRatingLine)

oxygenGeneratorRating * co2ScrubberRating

def recursiveFilter(bitLines: List[BitLine], bitPosition: Int,
keepMostCommon: Boolean): BitLine =
bitLines match
case Nil =>
throw new AssertionError("this shouldn't have happened")
case lastRemainingLine :: Nil =>
case _ =>
val (bitLinesWithOne, bitLinesWithZero) =
bitLines.partition(line => line(bitPosition) == 1)
val onesAreMostCommon = bitLinesWithOne.sizeCompare(bitLinesWithZero) >= 0
val bitLinesToKeep =
if onesAreMostCommon then
if keepMostCommon then bitLinesWithOne else bitLinesWithZero
if keepMostCommon then bitLinesWithZero else bitLinesWithOne
recursiveFilter(bitLinesToKeep, bitPosition + 1, keepMostCommon)

Run it locally

You can get this solution locally by cloning the scalacenter/scala-advent-of-code repository.

$ git clone
$ cd scala-advent-of-code

You can run it with scala-cli. Since today's solution is written in Scala.js, you will need a local setup of Node.js to run it.

$ scala-cli 2021 -M day3.part1 --js-module-kind commonjs
The answer is 1025636

$ scala-cli 2021 -M day3.part2 --js-module-kind commonjs
The answer is 793873

You can replace the content of the input/day3 file with your own input from to get your own solution.

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