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Day 2: Rock Paper Scissors

by @bishabosha

Puzzle description

Final Code

import Position.*

def part1(input: String): Int =
scores(input, pickPosition).sum

def part2(input: String): Int =
scores(input, winLoseOrDraw).sum

enum Position:
case Rock, Paper, Scissors

// two positions after this one, wrapping around
def winsAgainst: Position = fromOrdinal((ordinal + 2) % 3)

// one position after this one, wrapping around
def losesAgainst: Position = fromOrdinal((ordinal + 1) % 3)

end Position

def readCode(opponent: String) = opponent match
case "A" => Rock
case "B" => Paper
case "C" => Scissors

def scores(input: String, strategy: (Position, String) => Position) =
for case s"$x $y" <- input.linesIterator yield
val opponent = readCode(x)
score(opponent, strategy(opponent, y))

def winLoseOrDraw(opponent: Position, code: String): Position = code match
case "X" => opponent.winsAgainst // we need to lose
case "Y" => opponent // we need to tie
case "Z" => opponent.losesAgainst // we need to win

def pickPosition(opponent: Position, code: String): Position = code match
case "X" => Rock
case "Y" => Paper
case "Z" => Scissors

def score(opponent: Position, player: Position): Int =
val pointsOutcome =
if opponent == player then 3 // tie
else if player.winsAgainst == opponent then 6 // win
else 0 // lose

// Rock = 1, Paper = 2, Scissors = 3
val pointsPlay = player.ordinal + 1

pointsPlay + pointsOutcome
end score

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Part 1

Part 2

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