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Day 16: Proboscidea Volcanium

code by Tyler Coles (, Quentin Bernet, @sjrd, and @bishabosha

Puzzle description

Final Code

type Id = String
case class Room(id: Id, flow: Int, tunnels: List[Id])

type Input = List[Room]
// $_ to avoid tunnel/tunnels distinction and so on
def parse(xs: String): Input = xs.split("\n").map{ case s"Valve $id has flow rate=$flow; tunnel$_ lead$_ to valve$_ $tunnelsStr" =>
val tunnels = tunnelsStr.split(", ").toList
Room(id, flow.toInt, tunnels)

case class RoomsInfo(
/** map of rooms by id */
rooms: Map[Id, Room],
/** map from starting room to a map containing the best distance to all other rooms */
routes: Map[Id, Map[Id, Int]],
/** rooms containing non-zero-flow valves */
valves: Set[Id]

// precalculate useful things like pathfinding
def constructInfo(input: Input): RoomsInfo =
val rooms: Map[Id, Room] = Map.from(for r <- input yield -> r)
val valves: Set[Id] = Set.from(for r <- input if r.flow > 0 yield
val tunnels: Map[Id, List[Id]] = rooms.mapValues(_.tunnels).toMap
val routes: Map[Id, Map[Id, Int]] = (valves + "AA"){ id => id -> computeRoutes(id, tunnels) }.toMap
RoomsInfo(rooms, routes, valves)

// a modified A-star to calculate the best distance to all rooms rather then the best path to a single room
def computeRoutes(start: Id, neighbors: Id => List[Id]): Map[Id, Int] =

case class State(frontier: List[(Id, Int)], scores: Map[Id, Int]):

private def getScore(id: Id): Int = scores.getOrElse(id, Int.MaxValue)
private def setScore(id: Id, s: Int) = State((id, s + 1) :: frontier, scores + (id -> s))

def dequeued: (Id, State) =
val sorted = frontier.sortBy(_._2)
(sorted.head._1, copy(frontier = sorted.tail))

def considerEdge(from: Id, to: Id): State =
val toScore = getScore(from) + 1
if toScore >= getScore(to) then this
else setScore(to, toScore)
end State

object State:
def initial(start: Id) = State(List((start, 0)), Map(start -> 0))

def recurse(state: State): State =
if then
val (curr, currState) = state.dequeued
val newState = neighbors(curr)
.foldLeft(currState) { (s, n) =>
s.considerEdge(curr, n)


end computeRoutes

// find the best path (the order of valves to open) and the total pressure released by taking it
def bestPath(map: RoomsInfo, start: Id, valves: Set[Id], timeAllowed: Int): Int =
// each step involves moving to a room with a useful valve and opening it
// we don't need to track each (empty) room in between
// we limit our options by only considering the still-closed valves
// and `valves` has already culled any room with a flow value of 0 -- no point in considering these rooms!

val valvesLookup = IArray.from(valves)
val valveCount = valvesLookup.size
val _activeValveIndices = Array.fill[Boolean](valveCount + 1)(true) // add an extra valve for the initial state
def valveIndexLeft(i: Int) = _activeValveIndices(i)
def withoutValve(i: Int)(f: => Int) =
_activeValveIndices(i) = false
val result = f
_activeValveIndices(i) = true
val roomsByIndices = IArray.tabulate(valveCount)(i => map.rooms(valvesLookup(i)))

def recurse(hiddenValve: Int, current: Id, timeLeft: Int, totalValue: Int): Int = withoutValve(hiddenValve):
// recursively consider all plausible options
// we are finished when we no longer have time to reach another valve or all valves are open
val routesOfCurrent = map.routes(current)
var bestValue = totalValue
for index <- 0 to valveCount do
if valveIndexLeft(index) then
val id = valvesLookup(index)
val distance = routesOfCurrent(id)
// how much time is left after we traverse there and open the valve?
val t = timeLeft - distance - 1
// if `t` is zero or less this option can be skipped
if t > 0 then
// the value of choosing a particular valve (over the life of our simulation)
// is its flow rate multiplied by the time remaining after opening it
val value = roomsByIndices(index).flow * t
val recValue = recurse(hiddenValve = index, id, t, totalValue + value)
if recValue > bestValue then
bestValue = recValue
end if
end if
end for
end recurse
recurse(valveCount, start, timeAllowed, 0)

def part1(input: String) =
val time = 30
val map = constructInfo(parse(input))
bestPath(map, "AA", map.valves, time)
end part1

def part2(input: String) =
val time = 26
val map = constructInfo(parse(input))

// in the optimal solution, the elephant and I will have divided responsibility for switching the valves
// 15 (useful valves) choose 7 (half) yields only 6435 possible divisions which is a reasonable search space!
val valvesA = map.valves.toList
.combinations(map.valves.size / 2)

// NOTE: I assumed an even ditribution of valves would be optimal, and that turned out to be true.
// However I suppose it's possible an uneven distribution could have been optimal for some graphs.
// To be safe, you could re-run this using all reasonable values of `n` for `combinations` (1 to 7) and
// taking the best of those.

// we can now calculate the efforts separately and sum their values to find the best
val allPaths =
for va <- valvesA yield
val vb = map.valves -- va
val scoreA = bestPath(map, "AA", va, time)
val scoreB = bestPath(map, "AA", vb, time)
scoreA + scoreB

end part2

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Part 1

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Part 2

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