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Day 7: No Space Left On Device

code by Jan Boerman

Puzzle description


First of all, we need to create types for commands, to differentiate the input:

enum Command:
case ChangeDirectory(directory: String)
case ListFiles

enum TerminalOutput:
case Cmd(cmd: Command)
case Directory(name: String)
case File(size: Int, name: String)

Let's make a directory structure, in which we will define files as mutable.Map, that can contain name (String) and size (Integer), will have reference to parent directory, and will be able to contain subdirectories:

class DirectoryStructure(val name: String,
val subDirectories: mutable.Map[String, DirectoryStructure],
val files: mutable.Map[String, Int],
val parent: DirectoryStructure | Null)

And now we need to come up with a way to parse out input code:

def input (str: String) = {
case s"$$ cd $directory" => Cmd(ChangeDirectory(directory))
case s"$$ ls" => Cmd(ListFiles)
case s"dir $directory" => Directory(directory)
case s"$size $file" => File(size.toInt, file)

We have to come up with a way to calculate directory size -- we can use sum for the size of all files in directory and define size of all of the following subdirectories recursively, which will take care of problem:

def directorySize(dir: DirectoryStructure): Int =
dir.files.values.sum +

Now we need to create a function to build the directory structure from the input. For that we can use match and separate input, -- for that we can use cases and recursion will do the rest for us:

def buildState(input: List[TerminalOutput], currentDir: DirectoryStructure | Null, rootDir: DirectoryStructure): Unit = input match
case Cmd(ChangeDirectory("/")) :: t => buildState(t, rootDir, rootDir)
case Cmd(ChangeDirectory("..")) :: t => buildState(t, currentDir.parent, rootDir)
case Cmd(ChangeDirectory(name)) :: t => buildState(t, currentDir.subDirectories(name), rootDir)
case Cmd(ListFiles) :: t => buildState(t, currentDir, rootDir)
case File(size, name) :: t =>
currentDir.files.put(name, size)
buildState(t, currentDir, rootDir)
case Directory(name) :: t =>
currentDir.subDirectories.put(name, DirectoryStructure(name, mutable.Map.empty, mutable.Map.empty, currentDir))
buildState(t, currentDir, rootDir)
case Nil => ()

And now, we need to assemble the program, in part one, we will search for all directories with size smaller 100000, and calculate the sum of their sizes.

def part1(output: String): Int =
val rootDir = buildData(output)
collectSizes(rootDir, _ < 100000).sum

In part two, we are looking for the smallest directory, which size is big enough to free up enough space on the filesystem to install update (30,000,00). We have to find out how much space is required for update, considering our available unused space:

def part2(output: String): Int =
val rootDir = buildData(output)
val totalUsed = directorySize(rootDir)
val totalUnused = 70_000_000 - totalUsed
val required = 30_000_000 - totalUnused
collectSizes(rootDir, _ >= required).min

Final Code

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable

import TerminalOutput.*
import Command.*

def input (str: String) = {
case s"$$ cd $directory" => Cmd(ChangeDirectory(directory))
case s"$$ ls" => Cmd(ListFiles)
case s"dir $directory" => Directory(directory)
case s"$size $file" => File(size.toInt, file)

enum Command:
case ChangeDirectory(directory: String)
case ListFiles

enum TerminalOutput:
case Cmd(cmd: Command)
case Directory(name: String)
case File(size: Int, name: String)

class DirectoryStructure(val name: String,
val subDirectories: mutable.Map[String, DirectoryStructure],
val files: mutable.Map[String, Int],
val parent: DirectoryStructure | Null)

def buildState(input: List[TerminalOutput], currentDir: DirectoryStructure | Null, rootDir: DirectoryStructure): Unit = input match
case Cmd(ChangeDirectory("/")) :: t => buildState(t, rootDir, rootDir)
case Cmd(ChangeDirectory("..")) :: t => buildState(t, currentDir.parent, rootDir)
case Cmd(ChangeDirectory(name)) :: t => buildState(t, currentDir.subDirectories(name), rootDir)
case Cmd(ListFiles) :: t => buildState(t, currentDir, rootDir)
case File(size, name) :: t =>
currentDir.files.put(name, size)
buildState(t, currentDir, rootDir)
case Directory(name) :: t =>
currentDir.subDirectories.put(name, DirectoryStructure(name, mutable.Map.empty, mutable.Map.empty, currentDir))
buildState(t, currentDir, rootDir)
case Nil => ()

def directorySize(dir: DirectoryStructure): Int =
dir.files.values.sum +

def collectSizes(dir: DirectoryStructure, criterion: Int => Boolean): Iterable[Int] =
val mySize = directorySize(dir)
val children = dir.subDirectories.values.flatMap(collectSizes(_, criterion))
if criterion(mySize) then mySize :: children.toList else children

def buildData(output: String) =
val rootDir = new DirectoryStructure("/", mutable.Map.empty, mutable.Map.empty, null)
buildState(input(output), null, rootDir)

def part1(output: String): Int =
val rootDir = buildData(output)
collectSizes(rootDir, _ < 100000).sum

def part2(output: String): Int =
val rootDir = buildData(output)
val totalUsed = directorySize(rootDir)
val totalUnused = 70_000_000 - totalUsed
val required = 30_000_000 - totalUnused
collectSizes(rootDir, _ >= required).min

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Part 1

Part 2

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