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Scala Spores, safe mobile closures: SIP-21.

Spores is an extension of the Scala compiler that enables a safer use of closures in concurrent and distributed environments. It allows developers to guarantee properties of functions based on types, having more control over the function's environment.

In order to provide this, spores augment the Function type with type information of the captured variables. Captured variables are terms defined outside of the function definition and used throughout the closure body. Spores are designed to be composable in both logic and properties.

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Functional programming languages are regularly touted as an enabling force, as an increasing number of applications become concurrent and distributed. However, managing closures in a concurrent or distributed environment, or writing APIs to be used by clients in such an environment, remains considerably precarious-- complicated environments can be captured by these closures, which regularly leads to a whole host of potential hazards across libraries/frameworks in Scala's standard library and its ecosystem.

Potential hazards when using closures incorrectly:

  • Memory leaks
  • Race conditions, due to capturing mutable references
  • Runtime serialization errors, due to unintended capture of references

This SIP outlines an abstraction, called spores, which enables safer use of closures in concurrent and distributed environments. This is achieved by controlling the environment which a spore can capture. Using an assignment-on-capture semantics, certain concurrency bugs due to capturing mutable references can be avoided.



The following example uses Java Serialization to serialize a closure. However, serialization fails with a NotSerializableException due to the unintended capture of a reference to an enclosing object.

scala> case class Helper(name: String)
defined class Helper

scala> class Main {
     |   val helper = Helper("the helper")
     |   val fun: Int => Unit = (x: Int) => {
     |     val result = x + " " + helper.toString
     |     println("The result is: " + result)
     |   }
     | }
defined class Main

Given the above class definitions, serializing the fun member of an instance of Main throws a NotSerializableException. This is unexpected, since fun refers only to serializable objects: x (an Int) and helper (an instance of a case class).

Here is an explanation of why the serialization of fun fails: since helper is a field, it is not actually copied when it is captured by the closure. Instead, when accessing helper its getter is invoked. This can be made explicit by replacing helper.toString by the invocation of its getter, this.helper.toString. Consequently, the fun closure captures this, not just a copy of helper. However, this is a reference to class Main which is not serializable.

The above example is not the only possible situation in which a closure can capture a reference to this or to an enclosing object in an unintended way. Thus, runtime errors when serializing closures are common.

Getting started

Start reading the Getting Started section.


The Scala Center is supporting this project under the Advisory Board proposal submitted by IBM. If you want to read more about the underlying theory, check the paper Spores: A Type-based Foundation for Closures in the Age of Concurrency and Distribution by Heather Miller and Philipp Haller.