
Getting started

In this tutorial, we dive into spores, explain its foundations and why they are necessary. If you want to use spores for serialization, read on the Basics and jump to the Java Serialization guide.


Add the following sbt settings to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "ch.epfl.scala" %% "spores" % "0.4.3"

This artifacts is only compatible with Scala 2.11.x. A bug in 2.12.0 prevents us from releasing a compatible version. spores will be probably released for 2.12.1.


To use spores, first import them:

scala> import scala.spores._
import scala.spores._

Spores have a few modes of usage. The simplest form is:

val outerInt = 1717
// outerInt: Int = 1717

val s = spore {
  val i = outerInt
  (x: Int) => {
    val result = x + " " + i.toString
    println("The result is: " + result)
// s: scala.spores.SporeWithEnv[Int,Unit]{val captured: Int; type Captured = Int; type Excluded = Nothing} = <function1>

In this example, no transformation is actually performed. Instead, the compiler simply ensures that the spore is well-formed, i.e., anything that's captured is explicitly listed as a value definition before the spore's closure. This ensures that the enclosing this instance is not accidentally captured, in this example.

Spores can also be used in for-comprehensions:

for { i <- collection
      j <- doSomething(i)
} yield s"${capture(i)}: result: $j"

Here, the fact that a spore is created is implicit, that is, the spore marker is not used explicitly. Spores come into play because the underlying map method of the type of doSomething(i) takes a spore as a parameter. The capture(i) syntax is an alternative way of declaring captured variables, in particular for use in for-comprehensions.

Finally, a regular function literal can be used as a spore. That is, a method that expects a spore can be passed a function literal so long as the function literal is well-formed.

def sendOverWire(s: Spore[Int, Int]): Unit = println(s)
// sendOverWire: (s: scala.spores.Spore[Int,Int])Unit

sendOverWire((x: Int) => x * x - 2)
// <function1>


The main idea behind spores is to provide an alternative way to create closure-like objects, in a way where the environment is controlled.

A spore is created as follows.

val outerInt = 1717
// outerInt: Int = 1717

val s = spore {
  val i = outerInt
  (x: Int) => {
    val result = x + " " + i.toString
    println("The result is: " + result)
// s: scala.spores.SporeWithEnv[Int,Unit]{val captured: Int; type Captured = Int; type Excluded = Nothing} = <function1>

The body of a spore consists of two parts:

  1. the spore header: a sequence of local value (val) declarations only, and
  2. the closure.

In general, a spore { ... } expression has the following shape.

Note that the value declarations described in point 1 above can be implicit but not lazy.

spore {
  val x_1: T_1 = init_1
  val x_n: T_n = init_n
  (p_1: S_1, ..., p_m: S_m) => {

The types T_1, ..., T_n can also be inferred.

The closure of a spore has to satisfy the following rule. All free variables of the closure body have to be either:

  1. parameters of the closure, or
  2. declared in the preceding sequence of local value declarations,
  3. marked using capture (see corresponding section below), or
  4. statically accessible (members of objects | packages).
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val outer1 = 0
val outer2 = Person("Jim", 35)
val s = spore {
  val inner = outer2
  (x: Int) => {
    s"The result is: ${x + inner.age + outer1}"
// <console>:23: error: Spore contains references to an invalid symbol: value outer1.
//            s"The result is: ${x + inner.age + outer1}"
//                                               ^

In the above example, the spore's closure is invalid, and would be rejected during compilation. The reason is that the variable outer1 is neither a parameter of the closure nor one of the spore's value declarations (the only value declaration is: val inner = outer2).

Evaluation Semantics

In order to make the runtime behavior of a spore as intuitive as possible, the design leaves the evaluation semantics unchanged compared to regular closures. Basically, leaving out the spore marker results in a closure with the same runtime behavior.

For example,

spore {
  val l = this.logger
  () => new LoggingActor(l)


  val l = this.logger
  () => new LoggingActor(l)

have the same behavior at runtime. The rationale for this design decision is that the runtime behavior of closure-heavy code can already be hard to reason about. It would become even more difficult if we would introduce additional rules for spores.

Spore Type

The type of the spore is determined by the type and arity of the closure. If the closure has type A => B, then the spore has type Spore[A, B]. For convenience we also define spore types for two or more parameters.

In example 3, the type of s is Spore[Int, Unit]. Implementation The spore construct is a macro which

  • performs the checking described above, and which
  • replaces the spore body so that it creates an instance of one of the Spore traits, according to the arity of the closure of the spore.

The Spore trait for spores of arity 1 is declared as follows:

trait Spore[-T, +R] extends Function1[T, R]

For each function arity there exists a corresponding Spore trait of the same arity (called Spore2, Spore3, etc.)

Implicit Conversion

Regular function literals can be implicitly converted to spores. This implicit conversion has two benefits:

  1. it enables the use of spores in for-comprehensions.
  2. it makes the spore syntax more lightweight, which is important in frameworks such as Spark where users often create many small function literals.

This conversion is defined as a member of the Spore companion object, so it's always in the implicit scope when passing a function literal as a method argument when a Spore is expected. For example, one can do the following:

def sendOverWire(s: Spore[Int, Int]): Unit = println(s)
sendOverWire((x: Int) => x * x - 2)

This is arguably much lighter-weight than having to declare a spore before passing it to sendOverWire.

In general, the implicit conversion will be successful if and only if the function literal is well-formed according to the spore rules (defined above in the Design section). Note that only function literals can be converted to spores. This is due to the fact that the body of the function literal has to be checked by the spore macro to make sure that the conversion is safe. For named function values (i.e., not literals) on the other hand, it's not guaranteed that the function value's body is available for the spore macro to check.

Capture Syntax and For-Comprehensions

To enable the use of spores with for-comprehensions, a capture syntax has been introduced to assist in the spore checking.

To see why this is necessary, let's start with an example. Suppose we have a type for distributed collections:

trait DCollection[A] {
  def map[B](sp: Spore[A, B]): DCollection[B]
  def flatMap[B](sp: Spore[A, DCollection[B]]): DCollection[B]

This type, DCollection, might be implemented in a way where the data is distributed across machines in a cluster. Thus, the functions passed to map, flatMap, etc. have to be serializable. A simple way to ensure this is to require these arguments to be spores. However, we also would like for-comprehensions like the following to work:

def lookup(i: Int): DCollection[Int] = ...
val indices: DCollection[Int] = ...

for { i <- indices
      j <- lookup(i)
} yield j + i

A problem here is that the desugaring done by the compiler for for-comprehensions doesn't know anything about spores. This is what the compiler produces from the above expression:

indices.flatMap(i => lookup(i).map(j => j + i))

The problem is that (j => j + i) is not a spore. Furthermore, making it a spore is not straightforward, as we can't change the way for-comprehensions are translated.

We can overcome this by using the implicit conversion introduced in the previous section to convert the function literal implicitly to a spore.

However, in continuing to look at this example, it's evident that the lambda still has the wrong shape. The captured variable i is not declared in the spore header (the list of value definitions preceding the closure within the spore), like a spore demands.

We can overcome this using the capture syntax. That is, instead of having to write:

  val captured = i
  j => j + i

One can also write:

(j => j + capture(i))

Thus, the above for-comprehension can be rewritten using spores and capture as follows:

for { i <- indices
      j <- lookup(i)
} yield j + capture(i)

Here, i is "captured" as it occurs syntactically after the arrow of another generator (it occurs after j <- lookup(i), the second generator in the for-comprehension).

capture can only capture identifiers. This means that paths like capture(foo.bar.baz) will fail and should be rewritten to capture(foo).bar.baz.

The reason why captured expressions are restricted to identifiers is that otherwise the capture function will change the evaluation semantics. Removing spore from the block could potentially change the way the captured expressions are evaluated. This would complicate the reasoning about spore-based code (see the section Evaluation Semantics above).

Macro Expansion

An invocation of the spore macro expands the spore's body as follows. Given the general shape of a spore as shown above, the spore macro produces the following code:

new <spore implementation class>[S_1, ..., S_m, R]({
  val x_1: T_1 = init_1
  val x_n: T_n = init_n
  (p_1: S_1, ..., p_m: S_m) => {

Note that, after checking, the spore macro need not do any further transformation, since implementation details such as unneeded remaining outer references are removed by the new backend intended for inclusion in Scala 2.11. It's also useful to note that in some cases these unwanted outer references are already removed by the existing backend.

The spore implementation classes follow a simple pattern. For example, for arity 1, the implementation class is declared as follows:

class SporeImpl[-T, +R](f: T => R) extends Spore[T, R] {
  def apply(x: T): R = f(x)

Type Inference

Similar to regular functions and closures, the type of a spore should be inferred. Inferring the type of a spore amounts to inferring the type arguments when instantiating a spore implementation class:

new <spore implementation class>[S_1, ..., S_m, R]({
  // ...

In the above expression, the type arguments S_1, ..., S_m, and R should be inferred from the expected type.

Our current proposal is to solve this type inference problem in the context of the integration of Java SAM closures into Scala. Given that it is planned to eventually support such closures, and to support type inference for these closures as well, we plan to piggyback on the work done on type inference for SAMs in general to achieve type inference for spores.