


The ScalaJSBundlerPlugin sbt plugin automatically enables ScalaJSPlugin on the project. It configures the kind of output of the project to be ModuleKind.CommonJSModule. Finally, it also configures its execution environment so that npm packages are fetched (by running the npm update command in the project’s target directory) before the project is run or tested.

It is also possible to bundle the application and its dependencies into a single .js file by using the webpack task scoped to a Scala.js stage (fastOptJS or fullOptJS):

> fastOptJS::webpack

The webpack task returns a list of artifacts produced by the bundling process.

JavaScript Dependencies

To define the npm packages your project depends on, use the npmDependencies key:

npmDependencies in Compile += "uuid" -> "~3.1.0"

You can also scope dependencies to Test:

npmDependencies in Test += "jasmine" -> "2.5.2"

Your facades must use @JSImport in order to work with the npm modules, otherwise you will need some additional configuration, as explained here.

Last but not least, the .js files that are in your classpath and in the jsSourceDirectories are automatically copied to the working directory of the node command. This means that you can also @JSImport these modules from your Scala facades (you can see an example here).

jsdom Support for Tests

If your tests execution environment require the DOM, add the following line to your build:

requireJsDomEnv in Test := true

Then, ScalaJSBundlerPlugin will automatically download jsdom and bundle the tests before their execution so that they can be loaded by jsdom.

You can find an example of project requiring the DOM for its tests here.


By default, npm is used to fetch the dependencies but you can use Yarn by setting the useYarn key to true:

useYarn := true

If your sbt (sub-)project directory contains a yarn.lock, it will be used. Else, a new one will be created. You should check yarn.lock into source control.

Yarn 0.22.0+ must be available on your machine.

Bundling Mode

Each time you change something in your application source code and compile the project, Scala.js emits a new .js file that can weigh several MBs if your application is large. Scalajs-bundler provides a few different options with respect to handling this large output file, controlled by setting the optional webpackBundlingMode key and can be scoped to a Scala.js stage (fastOptJS or fullOptJS).

Application (default)

webpackBundlingMode := BundlingMode.Application generates a webpack config that simply processes the Scala.js output file as an entrypoint. This means that webpack loaders, plugins, etc will work as usual. It also means that webpack will have to process a very large Scala.Js output file.

Turning this CommonJS module into code executable by web browsers takes time, often upwards of a minute.

Nonetheless, this is identical to what you'd get if were to duplicate your workflow outside scalajs-bundler, so it remains the default.

Library Only

You can get a much faster “change source and reload application” workflow by setting the webpackBundlingMode := BundlingMode.LibraryOnly() key. This bundling mode avoids having webpack process the entire Scala.js output, but instead uses webpack to bundle all the javascript dependencies (determined via @JSImport and any changes to the webpack.config.js). This is accomplished by setting the webpack output.library and output.libraryTarget keys in the webpack.config. By default, this generates a global variable named ScalaJSBundlerLibrary, but if needed, that variable name can be overridden via the exportedName parameter provided to BundlingMode.LibraryOnly.

The drawback of this mode is that because the output of Scala.js is not processed by Webpack, it is still a CommonJS module that is not directly executable by web browsers. This problem is addressed by including a special “loader” before including the Scala.js module.

The inclusion of a CommonJS module in the web browser is not guaranteed to work. In particular, in fullOptJS mode the name mangler might produce names that could clash with other existing global names. For this reason, we don’t recommend using the LibraryOnly bundling mode in fullOptJS, or in production.

In order to use this mode, instead of including yourapp-bundle.js in your page, you will need to include yourapp-library.js (which contains all the application libraries bundled into a single file), yourapp-loader.js (which contains a hack to make the application work), and yourapp-fastopt.js or yourapp-opt.js (which contains the output of Scala.js, that is a CommonJS module). If you're using Play Framework, you could use a twirl template similar to this one:

@(projectName: String,
  assets: String => String,
  resourceExists: String => Boolean,
  htmlAttributes: Html = Html("")

@defining(s"${projectName.toLowerCase}") { name =>
  @Seq(s"$name-opt-library.js", s"$name-fastopt-library.js").find(resourceExists).map(name => jsScript(assets(name), htmlAttributes))
<script language="JavaScript">
var exports = window;
exports.require = window["ScalaJSBundlerLibrary"].require;
@defining(s"${projectName.toLowerCase}") { name =>
  @Seq(s"$name-opt.js", s"$name-fastopt.js").find(resourceExists).map(name => jsScript(assets(name), htmlAttributes))

The default variable global for the library is ScalaJsBundlerDependencies. Should you need to change it, you can provide a new variable name to the configuration, such as webpackBundlingMode := BundlingMode.LibrariesOnly("myLib").


By avoiding processing the entire Scala.js output file, webpack times from 10's of seconds to minutes to a couple of seconds, depending on how many dependencies webpack has to resolve. In addition, since the module references are all still managed by webpack, any custom loaders such as the html-loader or text-loader will work as usual. Other webpack configuration such as external modules also work out of the box.

By splitting the output into a separate library and Scala.js app we are able to leverage browser caching for most reloads, since it's seldom that both .js assets and Scala.js assets change at the same time.

By avoiding any post-processing of the Scala.js output, we leave the sourcemap generated by the Scala.js compiler entirely intact. This means we avoid any translation or lookup errors introduced by webpack, and also means we save a bunch more processing time even if sourcemaps are enabled.

How It Works

Scalajs-bundler has a unique advantage in the JavaScript build ecosystem in that it runs inside SBT and has access to the Scala.Js compiler internals. By leveraging these, we can generate a fake entrypoint.js file that represents all the @JSImports from a Scala.JS project. We can use this entrypoint to generate a library file that provides access to all those imports without webpack having to ever process the entire Scala.js output.

Inside the entrypoint.js file we also provide a trivial require implementation that provides access to the modules which were imported.

All that remains is to provide an exports variable with a reference to the require implementation for the Scala.js out to hang onto, which is what the loader provides.

Library and Application

bundlingMode := BundlingMode.LibraryAndApplication() builds on BundlingMode.LibraryOnly and attempts to produce only one artifact (like the Application bundling mode) without the overhead processing the entire Scala.js output file. It uses the same library file generation process as BundlingMode.LibraryOnly. It then bundles that library, the loader, and the Scala.js output into a yourapp-bundle file by concatenating them. If enableSourceMaps := true, it will attempt to use the node.js concat-with-sourcemaps module to combine the sourcemaps as well.

If you need interoperability with the full Application mode or somehow can't handle the two files generated by the LibraryOnly() mode, this mode may be useful for you. However, it relies on post-processing and eliminates some of the benefits of the LibraryOnly mode, so consider carefully if you really need it before turning it on.

Tasks and Settings

The tasks and settings that control the plugin are documented in the API documentation of the ScalaJSBundlerPlugin.


The WebScalaJSBundlerPlugin provides integration with sbt-web-scalajs. Enable this plugin on JVM projects that need to use .js artifacts produced by Scala.js projects (ie in places where you used to enable WebScalaJS).

The plugin tunes the scalaJSPipeline to use the bundles produced by webpack rather than the direct output of the Scala.js compilation.

Importing Assets from NPM Packages

Some NPM packages also contain static assets (e.g. fonts, stylesheets, images, etc.). You can make them available as sbt-web assets as follows:

npmAssets ++= NpmAssets.ofProject(client) { nodeModules =>
  (nodeModules / "font-awesome").allPaths // sbt 1.0.0+

Note: for older sbt versions use (nodeModules / "font-awesome").*** instead.

Where client is the identifier of an sbt project that uses the ScalaJSBundlerPlugin. The above configuration makes all the files within the font-awesome package available as sbt-web assets. These assets keep their path prefix relative to the node_modules directory: for instance the asset path of the css/font-awesome.min.css resource is font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css.

Tasks and Settings

The tasks and settings that control the plugin are documented in the API documentation of the WebScalaJSBundlerPlugin.